1. How to Create a Fast Pure PHP HTTP Server using ReactPHP
Updated on: 2021-03-09
Posted on: 2021-03-09
ReactPHP is a popular PHP library that can be used to develop application using asynchronous programming.
This allows applications to make more efficient use of the server machine CPUs, by executing tasks in parallel, while other tasks are waiting for a response from an external process or system, like for instance, a database server that takes time to a execute a query.
This package takes advantage of the ReactPHP library asynchronous programming features to implement an efficient custom HTTP server totally written in PHP.
The package allows developers to create Web applications just by creating handler functions or controller classes that process the requests for specific URLs and return the responses.
This way, PHP developers can write pure PHP Web applications without needing to use external Web server applications.
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This allows applications to make more efficient use of the server machine CPUs, by executing tasks in parallel, while other tasks are waiting for a response from an external process or system, like for instance, a database server that takes time to a execute a query.
This package takes advantage of the ReactPHP library asynchronous programming features to implement an efficient custom HTTP server totally written in PHP.
The package allows developers to create Web applications just by creating handler functions or controller classes that process the requests for specific URLs and return the responses.
This way, PHP developers can write pure PHP Web applications without needing to use external Web server applications.
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