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  Classes of DavidLanz   Hippo Shopping Cart   INSTALL   Download  
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Class: Hippo Shopping Cart
Manage shopping cart of products stored in MySQL
Author: By
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Date: 19 years ago
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Hippo_Shopping_Cart Class ========================= Table of Contents: 0. Requirements 1. Configure Database Connection settings and const variables 2. Import DB Schema 3. Files 4. Usage of hippo_shopping_cart Class 0. Requirements: ------------------------------------------------------------ PHP 4.0.3 or higher (4.3.3 recommended) MySQL 3.23.3 or higher (4.0 recommended) 1. Configure Database Connection settings and const variables ------------------------------------------------------------ <> Open 'shopping_cart_DBVar.php' by using NotePad, change MySQL setting below: $host='localhost'; // Hostname of MySQL server $dbUser='root'; // Username for MySQL $dbPass='password'; // Password for MySQL <> Change Site Master email address $admin_email[0] = ""; you may add more site master email address by using array, ex: $admin_email[0] = ""; $admin_email[1] = ""; $admin_email[2] = ""; With $admin_email, when MySQL connection error or query error, you'll notified by email. The email title will be $err_mail_title which was defined in 'shopping_cart_DBVar.php', too. ps. You may need to modified php.ini for your smtp server. 2. Import DB Schema ------------------------------------------------------------ <> Create MySQL Database by using myAdmin(Administration-Tool for mySQL-database) or PremiumSoft Navicat etc. The default database name is 'shoppingcart' which is also defined in 'shopping_cart_DBVar.php' $dbName1='shoppingcart'; <> Import SQL Schema by using myAdmin(Administration-Tool for mySQL-database) or PremiumSoft Navicat etc. sql/shoppingcart.sql ps. if you're using MSSQL, plz change $connection_method in 'shopping_cart_DBVar.php', 'shopping_cart_global_func.php' and 'hippo_shopping_cart.php'. 3. Files ------------------------------------------------------------ There are several files in the directory: /classes/ +-hippo_shopping_cart.php (main shopping cart class) +-hippo_shopping_cart.txt (some example of this class) +-hippo_sql_query.php (sql exec class) /js/ +-shopping_cart.js (button click function, using javascript) /sql/ +-shoppingcart.sql (sql schema and demo data) /index.php (default web page) /INSTALL (the file u're reading) /README (summary of this class) /shopping_cart_1-1.php (shopping cart usage demo page: add item to cart / remove item from cart) /shopping_cart_1-2.php (shopping cart usage demo page: other page wanna get cart details) /shopping_cart_DBVar.php (declaration of global variables) /shopping_cart_global_func.php (global function) /shopping_cart_test.php (shopping cart demo first page) 4. Usage of hippo_shopping_cart Class ------------------------------------------------------------ You may check 'hippo_shopping_cart.txt' under /classes/ for more details. Yours Sincerely, DavidLanz