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File: PDO_Example_Script.php

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File: PDO_Example_Script.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example File to test PDO for PHP
Class: PDO for PHP 4
PDO database abstraction interface for PHP 4
Author: By
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Date: 19 years ago
Size: 3,529 bytes



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// Class PDO required for this test page and PDO driver
require('PDO/PDO.class.php'); // required for this test

// database connection parameters
$host_db = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test'; // host and database name
$user = 'root'; // database user
$pass = ''; // database password
$sqlite = 'sqlite2:test.sqlite'; // slqite filename

// function to test 2 database created with PDO
function PDO_example(&$PDO, $first_query) {
// set permament connection
$PDO->setAttribute(PDO_ATTR_PERSISTENT, true);
// read PDO informations
$informations = '<span style="font-size: 7pt;">Server Info: '.$PDO->getAttribute(PDO_ATTR_SERVER_INFO).'<br />';
$informations .= 'Server Version: '.$PDO->getAttribute(PDO_ATTR_SERVER_VERSION).'<br />';
$informations .= 'Client Version: '.$PDO->getAttribute(PDO_ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION).'<br />';
$informations .= $PDO->getAttribute(PDO_ATTR_PERSISTENT) ? 'Permanent Connection: true</span><hr />' : 'Pconnection: false</span><hr />';
// first query, different for this table creation
// PDOStatement and prepare example with ? values
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?, ?)');
$a = 1; $a <= 4; $a++)
$smtp->execute(array($a, 'Row Number: '.$a));
// PDOStatement and prepare example with name values
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(:id, :string)');
$a = 1; $a <= 4; $a++)
$smtp->execute(array(':id'=>($a + 5), ':string'=>'Row Number: '.($a + 4)));
// PDOStatement and prepare example with bindParam method and ? values
$id = 9;
$generic_string = 'Row Number: '.$id;
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?, ?)');
$smtp->bindParam(1, $id);
$smtp->bindParam(2, $generic_string);
// PDOStatement and prepare example with bindParam method and name values
$id = 10;
$generic_string = 'Row Number: '.$id;
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(:id, :string)');
$smtp->bindParam(':id', $id);
$smtp->bindParam(':string', $generic_string);
// PDOStatement while example
$output = $informations;
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('SELECT * FROM mytable');
$result = $smtp->fetch(PDO_FETCH_OBJ))
$output .= "[{$result->id}] &nbsp; [{$result->generic_string}]<br />";
// PDOStatement rowCount example
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('UPDATE mytable SET generic_string = ? WHERE id > 6');
$smtp->execute(array('something ...'));
'Changed '.$smtp->rowCount().' rows<br />';
// PDOStatement error generation
$smtp = $PDO->prepare('SELECT * FROM what');
$smtp->execute()) {
$error = &$smtp->errorInfo();
'<strong>Error:</strong> '.$error[2];
// last query
$PDO->exec('DROP TABLE mytable');

// MYSQL and SQLITE PDO declaration
// for PHP 5.1 users, call _PDO and not PDO if you want to view the differences
$mysql_PDO = new PDO($host_db, $user, $pass);
$sqlite_PDO = new PDO($sqlite);

// test for each PDO object
echo '<div style="font-family: Helvetica;"><strong>PDO with MYSQL example:</strong><br />';
PDO_example($mysql_PDO, 'CREATE TABLE mytable(id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, generic_string VARCHAR(100))');
'<hr />&nbsp; <br /><strong>PDO with SQLITE example:</strong><br />';
PDO_example($sqlite_PDO, 'CREATE TABLE mytable(id INTEGER(10) PRIMARY KEY, generic_string VARCHAR(100))');