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File: test.php

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  Classes of Bao Nguyen Quoc   SQL Generator   test.php   Download  
File: test.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: class example
Class: SQL Generator
Generate common SQL queries from parameter lists
Author: By
Last change: change access
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 3,251 bytes



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//sample data
$data = array(
'username' => 'my name' ,
'password' => '123456' ,
'email' => '' ,
'other' => 'other data'

$injection = <<< EOF
" ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " '''''' " ' OR something

$sqls = <<< EOF
INSERT INTO users (username,password) ('test' , 'test');
INSERT INTO users (username,password) ('test1' , 'test1');
INSERT INTO users (username,password) ('test2' , 'test2');
INSERT INTO users (username,password) ('test3' , 'test3');
INSERT INTO users (username,password) ('test4' , 'test4');
INSERT INTO users (username,password) ('test5' , 'test5');
UPDATE users SET something = `somewhere` WHERE `wack` = `capcap`;
UPDATE users SET something = `somewhere` WHERE `wack` = `capcap`;

$sql_file = "test.sql";

    border: 1px outset;
    padding-top: 10px;
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<b>SQL Generator</b> is a simple class , created by <a href=" Generator">Quoc Bao</a> , help you to create query easier .<br>
It's very cool to combine with your application , you will save lots of time.<br>
Now , just put your data in an array , and call the function ^___^.<br><br>
Just set the key of the array to your column , and its value to your value , that all !<br>
Here is a sample data<br>

You can use <b>SQL::insert</b> to generate an <b>INSERT</b> query
<?= SQL::insert("users" , $data) ?>
Using <b>SQL::update</b> to generate a <b>UPDATE</b> query with or without condition
<?= SQL::update("users" , $data , " user_id = " . SQL::quote('my_id')) ?><br>
<?= SQL::update("users" , $data ) ?>
and you can also generate <b>REPLACE</b> query with this class using <b>SQL::replace</b> (with UPDATE or INSERT syntax )
<?= SQL::replace("users" , $data) ?><br>
<?= SQL::replace("users" , $data , false) ?>
even <b>DELETE</b> with <b>SQL::delete</b>
<?=SQL::delete('users' , 'user_id = ' . SQL::quote('my_id'))?>
Now you can create SQL Time or Datetime easier by using <b>SQL::time</b> and PHP Unix time
echo SQL::time(time() , 'DATE') . "<BR>";
SQL::time(time() , 'TIME') . "<BR>";
SQL::time(time() , 'DATETIME') . "<BR>";
no more SQL injection , everything will be ok ^___^ (<b>SQL::quote</b>)


render a simple equal condition with <b>SQL::condition</b>
<?=SQL::condition(array('my_column' => 'my_data' , 'my_column2' => 'my_data', 'my_column3' => 'data 3'))?><br>
<?=SQL::condition(array('my_column' => 'my_data' , 'my_column2' => 'my_data') , 'OR')?>
or simple <b>IN</b> syntax <b>SQL::in</b>
<?=SQL::in("my_column" , array('var1' , 'var2' , 'var3'))?>

and finally , you can split queries to invidual query O__O


and from sql file :) just using <b>SQL::split</b>