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File: example.php

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  Classes of Richard Munroe   dm.Complex   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of use
Class: dm.Complex
Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers
Author: By
Last change: Add exp10 and log10.
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 4,102 bytes



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// Edit History:
// $Author: munroe $
// $Date: 2006/01/22 19:41:49 $
// Dick Munroe ( 20-Jan-2006
// Initial version created.

 * @author Dick Munroe <>
 * @copyright copyright @ 2006 by Dick Munroe, Cottage Software Works, Inc.
 * @license
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @package Complex
 * @example ./example.php

include_once 'class.Complex.php' ;

$n1 = new Complex(3, 2) ;
$n2 = new Complex(2, 5) ;

$theSum = new Complex($n1) ;
$theSum->add($n2) ;

$theSubtraction = new Complex($n1) ;
$theSubtraction->subtract($n2) ;

$theMultiplication = new Complex($n1) ;
$theMultiplication->multiply($n2) ;

$theDivision = new Complex($n1) ;
$theDivision->divide($n2) ;

$theSqrt = new Complex($n1) ;
$theSqrt->sqrt() ;

$theLog = new Complex($n1) ;
$theLog->log() ;

$theExp = new Complex($theLog) ;
$theExp->exp() ;

$theLog10 = new Complex($n1) ;
$theLog10->log10() ;

$theExp10 = new Complex($theLog10) ;
$theExp10->exp10() ;

"\nObject oriented operations:\n\n" ;
printf("number 1 = (%f, %fi)
number 2 = (%f, %fi)\n\n"
$n1->real(), $n1->imaginary(),
$n2->real(), $n2->imaginary()) ;
printf("Sum = (%f, %fi)\n", $theSum->real(), $theSum->imaginary()) ;
printf("Difference = (%f, %fi)\n", $theSubtraction->real(), $theSubtraction->imaginary()) ;
printf("Product = (%f, %fi)\n", $theMultiplication->real(), $theMultiplication->imaginary()) ;
printf("Quotient = (%f, %fi)\n", $theDivision->real(), $theDivision->imaginary()) ;
printf("Square Root = (%f, %fi)\n", $theSqrt->real(), $theSqrt->imaginary()) ;
printf("Log base e = (%f, %fi)\n", $theLog->real(), $theLog->imaginary()) ;
printf("e**Log base e = (%f, %fi)\n", $theExp->real(), $theExp->imaginary()) ;
printf("Log base 10 = (%f, %fi)\n", $theLog10->real(), $theLog10->imaginary()) ;
printf("10**Log base 10 = (%f, %fi)\n", $theExp10->real(), $theExp10->imaginary()) ;

$n1 = new Complex(6, 3) ;
$n2 = new Complex(0, 5) ;

$theSum = Complex::add($n1, $n2) ;

$theSubtraction = Complex::subtract($n1, $n2) ;

$theMultiplication = Complex::multiply($n1, $n2) ;

$theDivision = Complex::divide($n1, $n2) ;

$theSqrt = Complex::sqrt($n1) ;

$theLog = Complex::log($n1) ;

$theExp = Complex::exp($theLog) ;

$theLog10 = Complex::log10($n1) ;

$theExp10 = Complex::exp10($theLog10) ;

"\nProcedural operations:\n\n" ;
printf("number 1 = (%f, %fi)
number 2 = (%f, %fi)\n\n"
$n1->real(), $n1->imaginary(),
$n2->real(), $n2->imaginary()) ;
printf("Sum = (%f, %fi)\n", $theSubtraction->real(), $theSubtraction->imaginary()) ;
printf("Product = (%f, %fi)\n", $theMultiplication->real(), $theMultiplication->imaginary()) ;
printf("Quotient = (%f, %fi)\n", $theDivision->real(), $theDivision->imaginary()) ;
printf("Square Root = (%f, %fi)\n", $theSqrt->real(), $theSqrt->imaginary()) ;
printf("Log base e = (%f, %fi)\n", $theLog->real(), $theLog->imaginary()) ;
printf("e**Log base e = (%f, %fi)\n", $theExp->real(), $theExp->imaginary()) ;
printf("Log base 10 = (%f, %fi)\n", $theLog10->real(), $theLog10->imaginary()) ;
printf("10**Log base 10 = (%f, %fi)\n", $theExp10->real(), $theExp10->imaginary()) ;

"\nPolar Coordinate Form:\n\n" ;

$p1 = new Polar($n1) ;
$p2 = new Polar($n2) ;

printf("number 1 = (%f, %f (radians))
number 2 = (%f, %f (radians))\n"
$p1->radius(), $p1->theta(),
$p2->radius(), $p2->theta()) ;
$n1 = new Complex($p1) ;
$n2 = new Complex($p2) ;

printf("number 1 = (%f, %fi)
number 2 = (%f, %fi)\n"
$n1->real(), $n1->imaginary(),
$n2->real(), $n2->imaginary()) ;
$p1 = new Polar(1, -2*M_PI) ;

printf("number 3 = (%f, %f (radians))\n",
$p1->radius(), $p1->theta()) ;

$p1 = new Polar(1, -1.5*M_PI) ;

printf("number 4 = (%f, %f (radians))\n",
$p1->radius(), $p1->theta()) ;
