Version 1.7.4
[Fix] Fixed deprecated license type in composer.json file
Version 1.7.3
[Fix] Changed file name of coveralls binary used in Travis build
[Fix] Use older version of symfony/yaml for backward compatibility with PHP 5.6
Version 1.7.2
[Fix] ProcessTitle plugin has been disabled on MacOS systems (as on MacOS requires root privileges to change process name)
Version 1.7.1
[Improvement] Removed ReactPHP library from ZEUS Memcached Server and replaced it with ZEUS socket server implementation
[Improvement] Removed ReactPHP library from ZEUS Async Server and replaced it with ZEUS socket server implementation
[Improvement] Removed ReactPHP library from required packages in Composer configuration
[Improvement] Various stability and performance improvements in Fifo IPC Adapter (now using ZEUS socket implementation)
[Improvement] Moved ZEUS socket code to Kernel namespace (as a new Networking layer)
[Fix] Fixed Async Controller Plugin not honoring join timeout settings (could hang indefinitely on stale socket connection)
[Fix] Improved detection if client disconnected in ZEUS networking layer (workaround for PHP socket inconsistency)
Version 1.7.0
[Feature] New low level, high-speed ZEUS socket server implementation usable by any network-enabled Server Service
[Improvement] Removed ReactPHP library from ZEUS Web Server and replaced it with ZEUS socket server implementation
[Improvement] ZEUS Web Server throughput increased by 30% when serving small files (serving more than 24000 requests per second on a reference test server)
[Improvement] ZEUS Web Server performance increased by up to 300% for large files (now reaching transfers up to 3 Gigabytes per second)
[Improvement] Improved streaming support in ZEUS Web Server: memory footprint reduced considerably when handling large files
[Improvement] For performance reasons ZEUS Web Server will not GZIP already compressed content, nor files smaller than 4KB
[Improvement] ZEUS Web Server is now able to GZIP response streams of infinite size
[Improvement] Minor documentation and README improvements
Version 1.6.7
[Fix] Documentation fix in file regarding incorrect terminal command used to start Async Server Service
[Improvement] Minor documentation and README improvements
Version 1.6.6
[Improvement] Additional metadata in composer.json file
Version 1.6.5
[Improvement] Minor code refactoring in ZEUS Web Server + performance improvements
[Fix] Fix for v1.6.4 performance regression in ZEUS Web/Memcached Servers and the underlying ReactPHP Buffer class
Version 1.6.4
[Improvement] Performance tweaks in ZEUS Web Server, service throughput for large files increased by 800% (achieving speed of 900 megabytes per second)
[Improvement] Minor code refactoring in ZEUS and ReactPHP integration layer
[Improvement] Documentation update
Version 1.6.3
[Improvement] Changed image URLs to absolute in the README file
Version 1.6.2
[Improvement] Minor code cleanup in HTTP Server Service
[Improvement] Created Mkdocs documentation
[Improvement] Shortened README file
[Fix] Added description of "exiting" process status in Server Service status view
Version 1.6.1
[Improvement] Major performance improvement in IPC adapters (up to 10x performance increase)
[Improvement] Lots of code improvements based on static code analysis
[Fix] Standardized behaviour of disconnect() method in all IPC adapters
Version 1.6.0
[Feature] Implemented new Async Server Service (Experimental)
[Feature] Implemented `async()` ZF3 controller plugin that allows to execute multiple anonymous functions/closures asynchronously
[Fix] Better handling/reporting of broken services on ZEUS startup
[Fix] Fixed chunked encoding in ZEUS Web Server
Version 1.5.2
[Fix] Fixed bug where HTTP Server returned 400 code when PATCH request contained request body
[Fix] Fixed Athletic tests for IPC adapters
[Fix] Fixed typos in CHANGELOG file
Version 1.5.1
[Feature] Implemented `SharedMemoryAdapter` for IPC
[Feature] Implemented additional methods enumerating IPC adapter capabilities, such as message size limit or queue capacity
[Feature] Added `connect()` and `isConnected()` methods to the IPC adapters.
[Feature] Added `& $isSuccess` parameter to `receive()` method in IPC adapters.
[Fix] Fixed message indexing in a `ApcAdapter` IPC queue
[Improvement] Major performance tweaks introduced to the most of IPC adapters (up to 300% performance gain)
[Improvement] Implemented lazy loading of Server Services
[Improvement] Improved error handling and parameter validation in IPC adapters
[Improvement] Added Athletic benchmarks for IPC adapters.
Version 1.5.0
[Feature] Added plugin support to ZEUS Server Service Manager
[Feature] Added EventManager to ZEUS Server Service Manager
[Feature] Introduced `Zeus\ServerService\ManagerEvent` to ZEUS Server Service Manager
[Fix] Fixed Memcached `cas` command not returning `NOT_FOUND` error when key was invalid
[Improvement] Minor performance tweaks introduced to Memcached Server Service
[Improvement] Major refactoring of Zeus Controller and Server Service Manager code
[Improvement] Documentation improvements and enhancements
[Improvement] Test improvements and fixes
[Improvement] Added first set of Athletic benchmarks for Memcached and HTTP Server Services.
Version 1.4.1
[Feature] Added plugin support to ZEUS Scheduler
[Feature] Implemented two plugins: `ProcessTitle` and `DropPrivileges`
[Improvement] Test improvements and fixes
Version 1.4.0
[Feature] Added new Memcache Server Service with `zend-cache` storage adapters support.
[Fix] Major performance regression fix for ZEUS Web Server (bug introduced in version 1.3.6)
[Improvement] Documentation improvements and enhancements
Version 1.3.7
[Fix] Various fixes to ZEUS Web Server and Scheduler configuration classes based on static code analysis
Version 1.3.6
[Fix] Scheduler ignored custom configuration and used default `LruDiscipline` exclusively
[Fix] Typo in constructor's name of ProcessTitle class, method removed as it was never executed.
[Fix] Due to broken gzcompress() function in Facebook HHVM, ZEUS Web Server will now use `deflate` rather than `gzip` to compress HTTP responses
[Improvement] Lots of code improvements based on static code analysis, minor performance tweaks
[Improvement] Better handling of runtime exceptions in ZEUS Web Server
[Improvement] Changelog extracted from the main README file
Version 1.3.5
[Feature] Added `stop` and `stop <service>` CLI commands to ZEUS
[Feature] Added various sanity checks to IPC adapters
[Feature] Application exists with appropriate error code when it detects that all of its Server Services have been shut-down externally
Version 1.3.4
[Feature] Implemented Scheduler Disciplines functionality
[Feature] Extracted LRU Discipline from Scheduler core
[Fix] Scheduler was too aggressive in its calculations of number of spare processes to create
[Fix] Documentation fixes (added missing namespaces in configuration examples)
[Tests improvements] Improved code coverage
Version 1.3.3
[Tests improvements] Improved code coverage
[Improvement] Documentation improvements and enhancements
Version 1.3.2
[Fix] Quickfix for potential Task Pool exhaustion issue when using slow HTTP keep-alive connections
[Fix] POSIX Process MPM now uses `SchedulerEvent` just like the rest of ZEUS Scheduler's code
[Fix] Scheduler Status View console command now properly shows status of Processes in TERMINATED state
Version 1.3.1
[Fix] Configured Travis builds to not to use phpunit 6.x
Version 1.3.0
[Feature] Heavy refactoring of `Scheduler` events
[Feature] Improved `Process` and `Scheduler` life cycle.
[Feature] New `SchedulerEvent` introduced.
[Feature] Now its possible to provide text description along the process status
[Feature] Console Server Service status command shows extended status descriptions
[Feature] From now on each HTTP keep-alive request handled by ZEUS Web Server will reduce the TTL of entire process.
Version 1.2.3
[Feature] Introduced `ON_PROCESS_CREATED` event to `Scheduler`
[Feature] Now its possible to intercept `ON_SCHEDULER_STOP` event before `exit()`
[Fix] Fixed various `ON_SCHEDULER_STOP` event triggering inconsistencies
[Fix] Added `ext-pcntl` to Composer as required PHP extension
[Tests improvements] Improved code coverage + dead code removed
Version 1.2.2
[Feature] Added `StreamLogFormatter` and basic strategy that chooses between `StreamLogFormatter` and `ConsoleLogFormatter` depending on stream type.
[Fix] Added `zendframework/zend-console` as required Composer package
[Tests improvements] Improved code coverage
Version 1.2.1
[Fix] Renamed status names reported by a Service Status command to be inline with those reported by Proces Title functionality
Version 1.2.0
[Feature] Added new commandline options `index.php zeus status` and `index.php zeus status <service_name>`
[Fix] Fixed Scheduler's `ON_SERVER_START` and `ON_SCHEDULER_START` event triggering inconsistency
[Fix] Refactor of `FixedCollection` iterator code for improved HHVM compatibility
[Fix] Fixed request counter in ZEUS Web Server
[Tests improvements] Improved code coverage
Version 1.1.8
[Feature] Added MIME type detection to ZEUS Web Server's `StaticFileDispatcher`
[Tests improvements] Code coverage for `StaticFileDispatcher`
[Fix] ZEUS Web Server returned 404 HTTP status code instead of 400 when attempting to list a directory
[Fix] Fixed compatibility between `FixedCollection` and HHVM
[Fix] Resolved issue wih invalid handling of first element in `FixedCollection`
Version 1.1.7
[Fix] Fixed read/write indexing in `ApcAdapter`
[Fix] Performance fix in HTTP hosts cache (ZEUS Web Server)
[Tests improvements] Code coverage tests moved from PHP 5.6 to 7.1
[Tests improvements] Enabled APCu tests in Travis
Version 1.1.6
[Fix] Various fixes for IpcAdapters: `MsgAdapter`, `ApcAdapter`, `FifoAdapter`
[Fix] Fixed permissions of some PHP files
Version 1.1.5
[Feature] New event `Zeus\Kernel\ProcessManager\SchedulerEvent::PROCESS_EXIT` introduced
[Feature] Improved console help
[Unclassified] Dead code removal, README tweaks
[Tests improvements] More `Scheduler` tests added
Version 1.1.4
[Unit tests fix] Fix for division by zero error in PHP 5.6 unit tests in `ProcessTitle` class
[Tests improvements] Added test class for Scheduler, increased tests code coverage
[Fix] Fixed PHP 5.6 compatibility in `Scheduler` garbage collection mechanism
Version 1.1.3
[Feature] Enabled travis build and improved phpunit configuration
[Unit tests fix] Fix for failing phpunit tests due to the recent changes in ZEUS Web Server classes and interfaces
[Security fix] Fixed ZEUS Web Server logger throwing fatal exception and leaving open connection when HTTP request was corrupted
[Unclassified] Various `composer.json` fixes and tweaks
Version 1.1.2
[Composer fix] Corrected PSR4 installation path in `composer.json` file
[Documentation] Updated road-map
Version 1.1.1
[Composer fix] Specified ZEUS license type in `composer.json`
[Documentation fix] Fixed command syntax that installs ZEUS via Composer
Version 1.1.0
[Performance fix] ZEUS Web Server uses a custom React PHP `Buffer` implementation to overcome severe `fwrite` performance penalty when serving large files through a keep-alive connection
[Security fix] ZEUS Web Server counts the number of keep-alive requests and closes connection when the requests limit is reached.
[Feature] Implemented `IpcLoggerInterface` and `IpcLoggerWriter` to send logs through IPC to a Scheduler which will act as as a logger sink.
[Feature] Service name is now reported by a built-in logger processor
Version 1.0.0