* EasyPasswordGenerator.class.php - v1.0
* Copyright (c) 2006 Shane Kretzmann <Shane@uberdragon.net>
* Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* Based in part on Script released by: Jochen Kupperschmidt
* Usage Examples File
require_once('EasyPasswordGenerator.class.php'); // Required
$epg = new EasyPassword(); // Required
echo '<h1>EasyPasswordGenerator.class.php</h1>';
## Example 1 ##
echo 'Example 1 (no settings passed)<hr>';
echo $epg->generateEasyPassword();
echo '<hr><br><br><br>';
## Example 2 ##
echo 'Example 2 (No Dictionary)(Random 5 Letters + Random 5 Numbers)<hr>';
echo $epg->generateEasyPassword(5,5);
echo '<hr><br><br><br>';
## Example 3 ##
$word = $epg->dictionaryWord('./dictionary.words');
$letters = 4;
$numbers = 2;
echo 'Example 3 (Dictionary Word + Random 4 Letters + Random 2 Numbers)<hr>';
$password = $epg->generateEasyPassword($letters,$numbers,$word);
echo "<strong>$password</strong>";
echo '<hr><br><br><br>';
* EasyPasswordGenerator.class.php - v1.0.0.20060621
* Copyright (c) 2006 Shane Kretzmann <Shane@uberdragon.net>
* Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* Based in part on Script released by: Jochen Kupperschmidt
* Starts with a dictionary file to obtain a random real word, then adds a
* definable amount of letters that are pronounceable. We finish it off with
* a definable amount of numbers and then randomize the order to produce the password.
* The Result is a easily remembered, yet highly secure password generated on the fly!
* Hint: No special characters are in the generated passwords, but they could be added
* to the dictionary word file or to the $chars array for even more security!
* Usage:
* require_once('EasyPasswordGenerator.class.php');
* $epg = new EasyPassword();
* $letters = 4;
* $numbers = 2;
* $word = $epg->dictionaryWord('path/to/dictionary/file'); // This is optional
* echo $epg->generateEasyPassword($letters, $numbers, $word); // Variables are optional