PHP Classes


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  Classes of Eric Sizemore   Utility   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Utility
Collection of various PHP utility functions
Author: By
Last change: preparing 2.1.0 release
coding standards and documentation updates
doc updates
Update tests/src/DatesTest.php
abstract classes, fix Clock issues
work toward 2.1.0, improvements to unit tests
fix header docblock mistake, accidentally had another of my project's name

also adds Esi\Clock dependency for Dates utility class.
Date: 8 months ago
Size: 9,216 bytes



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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.1.0] - 2024-04-23

This release focuses on setting up the future of the library. No new features or functionality has been added in this release.


* Added's Renovate to workflow * Added Esi\Clock to dependencies, updated Esi\Utility\Dates accordingly. * Added a code of conduct. * Added a backwards compatibility promise.


* Reformatted this CHANGELOG to be more in line with the Keep a Changelog format. * Implemented various PHPCS-Fixer recommendations. * Updated coding style via .php-cs-fixer.dist.php, and as a result, implemented those changes throughout the library. * Changed the header being used for all files to something smaller, and more simple. * Bumped version requirement for the PHPUnit dev-dependency to 11.1 * Updated tests github workflow to add uploading coverage data to * Made all utility classes abstract as they never need instantiation. * Separate contributing information into its own file.

* Updated contributing information and guidelines.


The next major release, v3, will move to PHP 8.3 as a minimum requirement.

* Arrays::flatten()'s current signature and functionality will change in the next major release (v3.0) * Arrays::mapDeep()'s current signature and functionality will change in the next major release (v3.0)

* The functionality of mapping the properties of an object will likely be moved to its own utility class/function.

* Arrays::validJson() will be removed in the next major release (v3.0) * All of the temperature related functions in Conversions:

* Current signature and functionality deprecated, will be changed in 3.0


* Removed deprecated Arrays::exists Removed all instances of `@phpstan-ignore-opting to instead use a baseline for PHPStan (phpstan-baseline.neon`)

[2.0.0] - 2024-03-04

Utility has undergone a complete restructuring, wherein it is no longer a single super class. The class has been broken down into smaller classes or "components".


* Utility\Arrays * Utility\Conversion * Utility\Dates * Utility\Environment * Utility\Filesystem * Utility\Image * Utility\Numbers * Utility\Strings * New constants:

* `Conversion::EARTH_RADIUS`
* `Conversion::METERS_TO_MILES`
* `Environment::IP_ADDRESS_HEADERS`
* `Environment::HOST_HEADERS`
* `Environment::URL_HEADERS`
* `Environment::HTTPS_HEADERS`
* `Environment::REQUEST_HEADERS`
* `Image::IMAGE_TYPES`
* `Numbers::SUFFIXES`
* `Environment::PORT_SECURE`
* `Environment::PORT_UNSECURE`
* `Environment::VALIDATE_HOST_REGEX`
* `Environment::BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS`

* Added new function Arrays:valueExists


* Made a great improvement in code coverage/testing * Effort to improve documentation, which can be found in docs/ or online here * Filesystem::lineCounter() (Utility::lineCounter() in Utility < 2.0) no longer has a $skipEmpty parameter. It will now always skip empty lines.

* Replaced the use of `file()` with `SplFileObject` and flags `SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD | SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY | SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE`
  * Should be more efficient, especially for larger files.

* Numbers::sizeFormat() (Utility::sizeFormat() in Utility < 2.0) has a new option:

* Numbers::sizeFormat(int $bytes, int $precision = 0, string $system = 'binary'): string
* System can be one of 'binary' or 'metric' and it determines the base/mod for the formatting.

* Updated tests to use PHPUnit's CoversClass and DataProvider attributes.

* Changed `$this` to `self::` in tests when calling PHPUnit methods

* Updated composer.json to support PHP 8.2 - 8.4

* Added PHPStan strict rules to dev dependencies
* Updated workflows to introduce testing on PHP 8.4

* Bump copyright year. * Updated Strings::ascii(), Strings::slugify().

* Added `voku/portable-ascii` as a dependency.
* These functions now accept a new parameter: `$language`. If a language specific set of characters exists, it will use those within `slugify` and `ascii`.

* Arrays::exists is now Arrays::keyExists * Updated composer.json for the test script, and moved all the phpunit command line options to the relevant options in the phpunit.xml xml config. * Updated unit tests.


* Arrays::exists() will be replaced with Arrays::keyExists()


* Utility\Utility super class. * Due to using voku/portable-ascii as a dependency, Strings::charMap() was removed.

[1.3.0] - 2023-12-11


* currentUrl() no longer has any parameters, and just returns the URL string.

* `currentUrl(bool $parse = false)` is now just `currentUrl()`
* Just run `parse_url(Utility::currentUrl())` if that functionality is needed.

* Code cleanup per PHPCS and PHPScrutinizer

* Small refactoring of some functions, such as `currentUrl` and `isReallyWritable`

* Attempt at increasing test coverage. * Further cleanup to try and adhere to PSR-12.

* Adding information into `` for PHPDoc related guidelines, in an effort
  to adhere to `PSR-5` and `PSR-19`.


* serverHttpVars() deprecated, just use getallheaders() instead.


* Removed deprecated statusHeader()

* Added `ralouphie/getallheaders` as a polyfill, for situations where the SAPI is not Apache
* `serverHttpVars()` will just return the `getallheaders()` output

[1.2.0] - 2023-09-22


* New function arrayInterlace * New functions for temperature conversions:

* `fahrenheitToCelsius`, `celsiusToFahrenheit`, `celsiusToKelvin`, `kelvinToCelsius`, `fahrenheitToKelvin`, `kelvinToFahrenheit`
* `fahrenheitToRankine`, `rankineToFahrenheit`, `celsiusToRankine`, `rankineToCelsius`, `kelvinToRankine`, `rankineToKelvin`

* Initial implementation of PHPUnit and the testing suite.


* Code cleanup per PHPStan (level: 9, strict, bleeding edge) * doesContain() and doesNotContain() now uses the PHP 8 native str_contains() function.

* No longer relies on `mbstring` for these two functions, as it does not appear to be necessary.
* However, you can pass true to the `$multibyte` parameter to use `mbstring`
* New signature: `(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $insensitive = false, bool $multibyte = false)`

* beginsWith() and endsWith() now uses the PHP 8 native str_starts_with() and str_ends_with() functions.

* No longer relies on `mbstring` for these two functions, as it does not appear to be necessary.
* However, you can pass true to the `$multibyte` parameter to use mbstring
* New signature: `(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $insensitive = false, bool $multibyte = false)`

* Reworked arrayFlatten, now has new parameter $prepend * validJson() should now return properly


* statusHeader() is now deprecated, you can use PHP's built-in http_response_code function instead.

[1.1.2] - 2023-08-17


* Version bump * Minor code cleanup

[1.1.1] - 2023-08-11


* Version bump * Cleaning up issues per PHPStan

[1.1.0] - 2023-06-24


* Version bump * Bumped PHP version requirement to 8.2 * Updated composer.json * BC BREAK: randomBytes, randomInt, randomString and guid now throw \Random\RandomException


* FIX: Minor documentation improvements. * FIX: Minor code improvements.

[1.0.3] - 2023-06-03


* Updated copyright year(s) and version bump. * Bumped PHP version requirement. * Updated composer.json


* FIX: Minor documentation improvements. * FIX: Minor code improvements. * FIX: Some functions not defined/used properly.

[1.0.2] - 2021-08-20


* Updated copyright year(s) and version bump.


* FIX: Minor documentation improvements.

[1.0.1] - 2019-04-07


* FEAT: New functions - lcfirst, ucfirst, strcasecmp


* FIX: Minor documentation improvements.

[1.0.0] - 2017-02-08

* Initial release