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File: FastJSON.class.php

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File: FastJSON.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: FastJSON core class
Class: Fast JSON
Encode and decode PHP values in JSON format
Author: By
Last change: Fixed string convertion problems (decode) and improved speed.
- fixed empty string error
- fixed slashed chars problems

Now decode accepts a boolean value as second argument to use stdClass instead of associative array during deconding.

Thanks to Daniele Salvatore Albano (aka daniele_dll) for debug.
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 12,482 bytes



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<?php /**_______________________________________ * * FastJSON, * simple and fast Pear Service_JSON encoder/decoder alternative * [] * --------------------------------------- * This class is about two time faster than Pear Service_JSON class. * This class is probably not powerful as Service_JSON but it has * no dependencies and converts correctly ASCII range 0x00 - 0x1F too. * There's any string convertion, just regular RFC specific characters are converted * into \u00XX string. * To don't have problems with other chars try to use utf8_encode($json_encoded_string). * To recieve correctly JSON strings from JavaScript use encodeURIComponent then * use, if is necessary, utef8_decode before JS to PHP convertion. * decode method doesn't returns a standard object class but You can * create the corret class directly with FastJSON::convert method * and with them You can manage JS Date objects too. * --------------------------------------- * Summary of static public methods * * convert * extra, special method * * decode * converts a valid JSON string * into a native PHP variable * * encode * converts a native php variable * into a valid JSON string * --------------------------------------- * * Special FastJSON::convert method Informations * _______________________________________ * --------------------------------------- * This method is used by FastJSON::encode method but should be used * to do these convertions too: * * - JSON string to time() integer: * * FastJSON::convert(decodedDate:String):time() * * If You recieve a date string rappresentation You * could convert into respective time() integer. * Example: * FastJSON::convert(FastJSON::decode($clienttime)); * // i.e. $clienttime = 2006-11-09T14:42:30 * // returned time will be an integer useful with gmdate or date * // to create, for example, this string * // Thu Nov 09 2006 14:42:30 GMT+0100 (Rome, Europe) * * - time() to JSON string: * * FastJSON::convert(time():Int32, true:Boolean):JSON Date String format * * You could send server time() informations and send them to clients. * Example: * FastJSON::convert(time(), true); * // i.e. 2006-11-09T14:42:30 * * - associative array to generic class: * * FastJSON::convert(array(params=>values), new GenericClass):new Instance of GenericClass * * With a decoded JSON object You could convert them * into a new instance of your Generic Class. * Example: * class MyClass { * var $param = "somevalue"; * function MyClass($somevar) { * $this->somevar = $somevar; * }; * function getVar = function(){ * return $this->somevar; * }; * }; * * $instance = new MyClass("example"); * $encoded = FastJSON::encode($instance); * // {"param":"somevalue"} * * $decoded = FastJSON::decode($encoded); * // $decoded instanceof Object => true * // $decoded instanceof MyClass => false * * $decoded = FastJSON::convert($decoded, new MyClass("example")); * // $decoded instanceof Object => true * // $decoded instanceof MyClass => true * * $decoded->getVar(); // example * * --------------------------------------- * * @author Andrea Giammarchi * @site * @version 0.4 [fixed string convertion problems, add stdClass optional convertion instead of associative array (used by default)] * @requires anything * @compatibility PHP >= 4 * @license * --------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Andrea Giammarchi * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE * OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * _______________________________________ */ class FastJSON { // public methods /** * public static method * * FastJSON::convert(params:* [, result:Instance]):* * * @param * String or Object * @param Instance optional new generic class instance if first * parameter is an object. * @return * time() value or new Instance with object parameters. * * @note please read Special FastJSON::convert method Informations */ function convert($params, $result = null){ switch(gettype($params)){ case 'array': $tmp = array(); foreach($params as $key => $value) { if(($value = FastJSON::encode($value)) !== '') array_push($tmp, FastJSON::encode(strval($key)).':'.$value); }; $result = '{'.implode(',', $tmp).'}'; break; case 'boolean': $result = $params ? 'true' : 'false'; break; case 'double': case 'float': case 'integer': $result = $result !== null ? strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', $params) : strval($params); break; case 'NULL': $result = 'null'; break; case 'string': $i = create_function('&$e, $p, $l', 'return intval(substr($e, $p, $l));'); if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/', $params)) $result = mktime($i($params, 11, 2), $i($params, 14, 2), $i($params, 17, 2), $i($params, 5, 2), $i($params, 9, 2), $i($params, 0, 4)); break; case 'object': $tmp = array(); if(is_object($result)) { foreach($params as $key => $value) $result->$key = $value; } else { $result = get_object_vars($params); foreach($result as $key => $value) { if(($value = FastJSON::encode($value)) !== '') array_push($tmp, FastJSON::encode($key).':'.$value); }; $result = '{'.implode(',', $tmp).'}'; } break; } return $result; } /** * public method * * FastJSON::decode(params:String[, useStdClass:Boolean]):* * * @param String valid JSON encoded string * @param Bolean uses stdClass instead of associative array if params contains objects (default false) * @return * converted variable or null * is params is not a JSON compatible string. * @note This method works in an optimist way. If JSON string is not valid * the code execution will die using exit. * This is probably not so good but JSON is often used combined with * XMLHttpRequest then I suppose that's better more protection than * just some WARNING. * With every kind of valid JSON string the old error_reporting level * and the old error_handler will be restored. * * @example * FastJSON::decode('{"param":"value"}'); // associative array * FastJSON::decode('{"param":"value"}', true); // stdClass * FastJSON::decode('["one",two,true,false,null,{},[1,2]]'); // array */ function decode($encode, $stdClass = false){ $pos = 0; $slen = is_string($encode) ? strlen($encode) : null; if($slen !== null) { $error = error_reporting(0); set_error_handler(array('FastJSON', '__exit')); $result = FastJSON::__decode($encode, $pos, $slen, $stdClass); error_reporting($error); restore_error_handler(); } else $result = null; return $result; } /** * public method * * FastJSON::encode(params:*):String * * @param * Array, Boolean, Float, Int, Object, String or NULL variable. * @return String JSON genric object rappresentation * or empty string if param is not compatible. * * @example * FastJSON::encode(array(1,"two")); // '[1,"two"]' * * $obj = new MyClass(); * obj->param = "value"; * obj->param2 = "value2"; * FastJSON::encode(obj); // '{"param":"value","param2":"value2"}' */ function encode($decode){ $result = ''; switch(gettype($decode)){ case 'array': if(!count($decode) || array_keys($decode) === range(0, count($decode) - 1)) { $keys = array(); foreach($decode as $value) { if(($value = FastJSON::encode($value)) !== '') array_push($keys, $value); } $result = '['.implode(',', $keys).']'; } else $result = FastJSON::convert($decode); break; case 'string': $replacement = FastJSON::__getStaticReplacement(); $result = '"'.str_replace($replacement['find'], $replacement['replace'], $decode).'"'; break; default: if(!is_callable($decode)) $result = FastJSON::convert($decode); break; } return $result; } // private methods, uncommented, sorry function __getStaticReplacement(){ static $replacement = array('find'=>array(), 'replace'=>array()); if($replacement['find'] == array()) { foreach(array_merge(range(0, 7), array(11), range(14, 31)) as $v) { $replacement['find'][] = chr($v); $replacement['replace'][] = "\\u00".sprintf("%02x", $v); } $replacement['find'] = array_merge(array(chr(0x5c), chr(0x2F), chr(0x22), chr(0x0d), chr(0x0c), chr(0x0a), chr(0x09), chr(0x08)), $replacement['find']); $replacement['replace'] = array_merge(array('\\\\', '\\/', '\\"', '\r', '\f', '\n', '\t', '\b'), $replacement['replace']); } return $replacement; } function __decode(&$encode, &$pos, &$slen, &$stdClass){ switch($encode{$pos}) { case 't': $result = true; $pos += 4; break; case 'f': $result = false; $pos += 5; break; case 'n': $result = null; $pos += 4; break; case '[': $result = array(); ++$pos; while($encode{$pos} !== ']') { array_push($result, FastJSON::__decode($encode, $pos, $slen, $stdClass)); if($encode{$pos} === ',') ++$pos; } ++$pos; break; case '{': $result = $stdClass ? new stdClass : array(); ++$pos; while($encode{$pos} !== '}') { $tmp = FastJSON::__decodeString($encode, $pos); ++$pos; if($stdClass) $result->$tmp = FastJSON::__decode($encode, $pos, $slen, $stdClass); else $result[$tmp] = FastJSON::__decode($encode, $pos, $slen, $stdClass); if($encode{$pos} === ',') ++$pos; } ++$pos; break; case '"': switch($encode{++$pos}) { case '"': $result = ""; break; default: $result = FastJSON::__decodeString($encode, $pos); break; } ++$pos; break; default: $tmp = ''; preg_replace('/^(\-)?([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?([eE]\+[0-9]+)?/e', '$tmp = "\\1\\2\\3\\4"', substr($encode, $pos)); if($tmp !== '') { $pos += strlen($tmp); $nint = intval($tmp); $nfloat = floatval($tmp); $result = $nfloat == $nint ? $nint : $nfloat; } break; } return $result; } function __decodeString(&$encode, &$pos) { $replacement = FastJSON::__getStaticReplacement(); $endString = FastJSON::__endString($encode, $pos, $pos); $result = str_replace($replacement['replace'], $replacement['find'], substr($encode, $pos, $endString)); $pos += $endString; return $result; } function __endString(&$encode, $position, &$pos) { do { $position = strpos($encode, '"', $position + 1); }while($position !== false && FastJSON::__slashedChar($encode, $position - 1)); if($position === false) trigger_error('', E_USER_WARNING); return $position - $pos; } function __exit($str, $a, $b) { exit($a.'FATAL: FastJSON decode method failure [malicious or incorrect JSON string]'); } function __slashedChar(&$encode, $position) { $pos = 0; while($encode{$position--} === '\\') $pos++; return $pos % 2; } } ?>