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File: src/Http/Controllers/LinkController.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Polr Restful API   src/Http/Controllers/LinkController.php   Download  
File: src/Http/Controllers/LinkController.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: Polr Restful API
Provide an API for the Polr URL shortener service
Author: By
Last change: Change on an API endpoint.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 11,577 bytes


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<?php namespace Lagdo\Polr\Api\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Factories\LinkFactory; use App\Helpers\LinkHelper; use App\Models\Link; use Lagdo\Polr\Api\Helpers\UserHelper; use Lagdo\Polr\Api\Helpers\ResponseHelper; use Yajra\Datatables\Facades\Datatables; class LinkController extends Controller { /** * @api {get} /links Get Admin Links * @apiDescription Fetch a paginated list of links. The input parameters are those of the Datatables library. * @apiName GetAdminLinks * @apiGroup Links * * @apiParam {Integer} [draw] The draw option. * @apiParam {Object} [columns] The table columns. * @apiParam {Object} [order] The data ordering. * @apiParam {Integer} [start] The data offset. * @apiParam {Integer} [length] The data count. * @apiParam {Object} [search] The search options. * * @apiSuccess {String} message The response message. * @apiSuccess {Object} settings The Polr instance config options. * @apiSuccess {Object} result The link list. * * @apiError (Error 401) {Object} AccessDenied The user does not have permission to list links. */ public function getAdminLinks(Request $request) { if(!UserHelper::userIsAdmin($request->user)) { return ResponseHelper::make('ACCESS_DENIED', 'You do not have permission to get links.', 401); } $links = Link::select(['id', 'short_url', 'long_url', 'clicks', 'created_at', 'creator', 'is_disabled']); $datatables = Datatables::of($links)->make(true); return ResponseHelper::make(json_decode($datatables->content())); } /** * @api {get} /users/me/links Get User Links * @apiDescription Fetch a paginated list of links. The input parameters are those of the Datatables library. * @apiName GetUserLinks * @apiGroup Links * * @apiParam {Integer} [draw] The draw option. * @apiParam {Object} [columns] The table columns. * @apiParam {Object} [order] The data ordering. * @apiParam {Integer} [start] The data offset. * @apiParam {Integer} [length] The data count. * @apiParam {Object} [search] The search options. * * @apiSuccess {String} message The response message. * @apiSuccess {Object} settings The Polr instance config options. * @apiSuccess {Mixed} result The link list. * * @apiError (Error 401) {Object} AccessDenied The user does not have permission to list links. */ public function getUserLinks(Request $request) { if(UserHelper::userIsAnonymous($request->user)) { return ResponseHelper::make('ACCESS_DENIED', 'You do not have permission to get links.', 401); } $username = $request->user->username; $links = Link::where('creator', $username) ->select(['id', 'short_url', 'long_url', 'clicks', 'created_at']); $datatables = Datatables::of($links)->make(true); return ResponseHelper::make(json_decode($datatables->content())); } /** * @api {post} /links Shorten a link * @apiDescription Create a shortened URL for a given link * @apiName ShortenLink * @apiGroup Links * * @apiParam {String} key The user API key. * @apiParam {String} url The link to shorten. * @apiParam {String} [ending] A custom ending for the link. * @apiParam {String} [secret] Create a secret link or not. * @apiParam {String} [ip] The IP address the request came from. * * @apiSuccess {String} message The response message. * @apiSuccess {Object} settings The Polr instance config options. * @apiSuccess {Mixed} result The shortened URL. * * @apiError (Error 400) {Object} CreationError An error occurs while shortening the link. * @apiError (Error 400) {Object} MissingParameters There is a missing or invalid parameter. */ public function shortenLink(Request $request) { // Validate parameters // Encode spaces as %20 to avoid validator conflicts $validator = \Validator::make(array_merge([ 'url' => str_replace(' ', '%20', $request->input('url')) ], $request->except('url')), [ 'url' => 'required|url', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return ResponseHelper::make('MISSING_PARAMETERS', 'Invalid or missing parameters.', 400); } $validator = \Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'ending' => 'alpha_dash', 'secret' => 'in:true,false', 'ip' => 'ip', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return ResponseHelper::make('MISSING_PARAMETERS', 'Invalid or missing parameters.', 400); } $long_url = $request->input('url'); // * required $is_secret = ($request->input('secret') == 'true' ? true : false); $link_ip = $request->input('ip'); $custom_ending = $request->input('ending'); try { $formatted_link = LinkFactory::createLink($long_url, $is_secret, $custom_ending, $link_ip, $request->user->username, false, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { return ResponseHelper::make('CREATION_ERROR', $e->getMessage(), 400); } return ResponseHelper::make($formatted_link); } /** * @api {get} /links/:ending Lookup Link * @apiDescription Returns * @apiName LookupLink * @apiGroup Links * * @apiParam {String} key The user API key. * @apiParam {String} [secret] The link secret. * * @apiSuccess {String} message The response message. * @apiSuccess {Object} settings The Polr instance config options. * @apiSuccess {Object} result The link data. * * @apiError (Error 404) {Object} NotFound Unable to find a link with the given ending. * @apiError (Error 401) {Object} AccessDenied Invalid URL code given for a secret URL. * @apiError (Error 400) {Object} MissingParameters There is a missing or invalid parameter. */ public function lookupLink(Request $request, $ending) { // Validate URL form data $validator = \Validator::make(['ending' => $ending], ['ending' => 'required|alpha_dash']); if ($validator->fails()) { return ResponseHelper::make('MISSING_PARAMETERS', 'Invalid or missing parameters.', 400); } $link = LinkHelper::linkExists($ending); if(!$link) { return ResponseHelper::make('NOT_FOUND', 'Link not found.', 404); } // "secret" key required for lookups on secret URLs $secret = $request->input('secret'); if($link['secret_key'] && $secret != $link['secret_key']) { return ResponseHelper::make('ACCESS_DENIED', 'Invalid URL code for secret URL.', 401); } $response = null; if(!$request->has('check')) { $response = [ 'short_url' => $ending, 'long_url' => $link['long_url'], 'created_at' => $link['created_at'], 'clicks' => $link['clicks'], 'updated_at' => $link['updated_at'], 'created_at' => $link['created_at'] ]; } return ResponseHelper::make($response); } /** * @api {put} /links/:ending Update a link * @apiDescription Update the link with the given ending. * @apiName UpdateLink * @apiGroup Links * * @apiParam {String} key The user API key. * @apiParam {String} [url] The new URL. * @apiParam {String} [status] The status change: enable, disable or toggle. * * @apiSuccess {String} message The response message. * @apiSuccess {Object} settings The Polr instance config options. * * @apiError (Error 401) {Object} AccessDenied The user does not have permission to edit the link. * @apiError (Error 404) {Object} NotFound Unable to find a link with the given ending. * @apiError (Error 400) {Object} MissingParameters There is a missing or invalid parameter. */ public function updateLink(Request $request, $ending) { // At least one of the link properties must be present in the input data $request->merge(['ending' => $ending]); $validator = \Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'ending' => 'required|alpha_dash', 'url' => 'required_without_all:status|url', 'status' => 'required_without_all:url|in:enable,disable,toggle', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return ResponseHelper::make('MISSING_PARAMETERS', 'Invalid or missing parameters.', 400); } /** * If user is an admin, allow the user to edit the value of any link's long URL. * Otherwise, only allow the user to edit their own links. */ $link = LinkHelper::linkExists($ending); if (!$link) { return ResponseHelper::make('NOT_FOUND', 'Link not found.', 404); } if($request->user->username != $link->creator && !UserHelper::userIsAdmin($user)) { return ResponseHelper::make('ACCESS_DENIED', 'You do not have permission to edit the link.', 401); } if($request->has('url')) { $link->long_url = $request->input('url'); } if($request->has('status')) { $status = $request->input('status'); switch($status) { case 'enable': $link->is_disabled = 0; break; case 'disable': $link->is_disabled = 1; break; case 'toggle': default: $link->is_disabled = ($link->is_disabled ? 1 : 0); break; } } $link->save(); return ResponseHelper::make(); } /** * @api {delete} /links/:ending Delete a link * @apiDescription Delete the link with the given ending. * @apiName DeleteLink * @apiGroup Links * * @apiParam {String} key The user API key. * * @apiSuccess {String} message The response message. * @apiSuccess {Object} settings The Polr instance config options. * * @apiError (Error 401) {Object} AccessDenied The user does not have permission to delete links. * @apiError (Error 404) {Object} NotFound Unable to find a link with the given ending. */ public function deleteLink(Request $request, $ending) { if(!UserHelper::userIsAdmin($request->user)) { return ResponseHelper::make('ACCESS_DENIED', 'You do not have permission to delete links.', 401); } $link = LinkHelper::linkExists($ending); if(!$link) { return ResponseHelper::make('NOT_FOUND', 'Link not found.', 404); } $link->delete(); return ResponseHelper::make(); } }