PHP Classes

File: apps/newswall/js/jquery.set_reference.js

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  Classes of Mark Richards   CliqonV4   apps/newswall/js/jquery.set_reference.js   Download  
File: apps/newswall/js/jquery.set_reference.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CliqonV4
Framework with modules to build Web applications
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,691 bytes


Class file image Download
$(window).load(function(){ if($("body").attr("class")=="login") { parent.$(".pp_content").animate({"height": "-=144px"}); parent.$("#pp_full_res iframe").animate({"height": "-=144px"}); } new AjaxUpload('upload_button', { action: 'set_reference.php', data: { varreference : varreference }, // Submit file after selection autoSubmit: true, onSubmit: function() { $.blockUI({ css: { border: 'none', padding: '0', backgroundColor: 'transparent', opacity: .5, color: '#fff'}, message: '<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" />' }); }, onComplete: function(file, response){ $.unblockUI(); if(response=="success") { parent.$.prettyPhoto.close(); parent.location.reload(); } // this.disable(); } }); $('.refpic img[title]').qtip({ style: {name:'dark',background:'#333333',tip:true,border:{width:2,radius:5,color:'#333333'}}, position: {corner:{target:'bottomLeft',tooltip:'topRight'},target: 'mouse', adjust: { mouse: true, screen: true }} }); $(".refpic img.image").each(function(index) { ww=$(this).parent().innerWidth(); wh=$(this).parent().innerHeight(); wp=ww/wh; iw=$(this).width(); ih=$(this).height(); ip=iw/ih; if(wp<ip) { $(this).css("height",wh+"px"); } else { $(this).css("width",ww+"px"); } w=(ww-$(this).width())/2; h=(wh-$(this).height())/3; $(this).css("margin",h+"px 0 0 "+w+"px"); }) }) function setref(text,file) { $.blockUI({ css: { border: 'none', padding: '0', backgroundColor: 'transparent', opacity: .5, color: '#fff'}, message: '<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" />' }); $.post( "set_reference.php", { varreference: text, name: file }, function(response) { $.unblockUI(); if(response=="success") { parent.$.prettyPhoto.close(); parent.location.reload(); } } ); } function delref(file) { $.blockUI({ css: { border: 'none', padding: '0', backgroundColor: 'transparent', opacity: .5, color: '#fff'}, message: '<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" />' }); $.post( "set_reference.php", { varreference: file, mode: "delete" }, function(response) { $.unblockUI(); if(response=="success") { self.location.reload(); } } ); } function unlinkref(file) { $.blockUI({ css: { border: 'none', padding: '0', backgroundColor: 'transparent', opacity: .5, color: '#fff'}, message: '<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" />' }); $.post( "set_reference.php", { varreference: file, mode: "unlink" }, function(response) { $.unblockUI(); if(response=="success") { self.location.reload(); } } ); } function login() { varpanelpass=$("#panelpass").val(); $.blockUI({ css: { border: 'none', padding: '0', backgroundColor: 'transparent', opacity: .5, color: '#fff'}, message: '<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" />' }); $.post( "set_settings.php", { varpanelpass:varpanelpass,mode:"login" }, function(response) { if(response=="success") { $.unblockUI(); $(".login").fadeOut(); parent.$(".pp_content").animate({"height": "+=144px"}); parent.$("#pp_full_res iframe").animate({"height": "+=144px"}, function(){ self.location.reload(); }); } else $.unblockUI(); } ); }