(new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../'))->load();
$GLOBALS['config'] = [
// project phase
'projectPhase' => getenv('PROJECT_PHASE'),
// slack config
'slack' => [
// emoji icon as bot avatar
'botAvatar' => '',
// bot auth token
// typo3.slack.com
'botAuthToken' => getenv('SLACK_BOT_AUTH_TOKEN'),
// bot id (this is important, to prevent the bot to react on own messages
'botId' => getenv('SLACK_BOT_ID'),
// Channels
'channels' => [
'channelCreated' => getenv('SLACK_CHANNEL_NEW_CHANNELS') // #typo3-cms-new-channel
'userBlacklist' => getenv('SLACK_USER_BLACKLIST')
'webhook' => [
't3o-registrations' => [
'securityToken' => getenv('WEBHOOK_T3O_REGISTRAION_SECURITY_TOKEN'),
'channels' => ['#t3o-registrations']
'gerrit' => [
'webhookToken' => getenv('GERRIT_TOKEN'), // secret token, to secure the request was received from gerrit
'change-merged' => [
'channels' => ['#cms-ad-hoc-reviews', '#typo3-cms-coredev'],
'rst-merged' => [
'channels' => ['#rst-updates'],
'patchset-created' => [
'channels' => ['#cms-ad-hoc-reviews'],
'db' => [
'dbname' => getenv('DB_DBNAME'),
'user' => getenv('DB_USER'),
'password' => getenv('DB_PASS'),
'host' => getenv('DB_HOST'),
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
// change avatar of bot from 1.12. to 26.12.
if (date('n') === '12' && (int) date('j') < 27) {
$GLOBALS['config']['slack']['botAvatar'] = ':__t3botxmas__:';