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File: template/default/content/child/test.php

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  Classes of Dave Smith   Amp Frame   template/default/content/child/test.php   Download  
File: template/default/content/child/test.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Amp Frame
MVC framework for developing Web applications
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,430 bytes



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AMP Frame ver 1.0.0
Default Template
Frame Test Content - Child
if( !defined('AFALLOW') ){
'direct access not allowed');
<div class="jumbotron">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col"><h4 class="text-center">Test Page</h4></div>
                </div><!-- row -->
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col">
                            <dt>Testing the template child page feature</dt>
                            <dd>This page is the child. Renaming/Removing the template/default/child/test.php file will display the original test page</dd>
                            <dt>Testing the ability to dynamically add a menu item</dt>
                            <dd>Added a new menu item named <strong>Fail</strong>. Selecting it should take you to the missing page content</dd>
                            <dt>Testing request variable processing</dt>
= $this->returnProperty( 'afmPage', 'request' );
if( !empty(
$requestData) ){
$requestData as $key=>$value ){
<dd><?php echo $key;?> = <?php echo $value;?></dd>
<dd>No request variables found, ensure the controller activates the procRequest method in the page model</dd>
                            <dt>Testing abilty to add properties to model</dt>
                            <dd><?php $this->echoProperty( 'afmPage', 'testProp' );?></dd>
                            <dt>Testing random string generation from trait used by extended view</dt>
                            <dd>The winning string is: <?php echo $this->randStringTool( 10 );?></dd>
                            <dt>Testing new dynamic object</dt>
                            <dd><?php $this->echoProperty( 'afmNew', 'testProp' ) ;?></dd>
                    </div><!-- col -->
                </div><!-- row -->
            </div><!-- jumbotron -->