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File: compactor.php

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File: compactor.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class Source
Class: HTML Compactor
Reduce HTML document size by removing white-spaces
Author: By
Last change: Updated to v0.6.0
Added deflate/gzip compression
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 18,667 bytes



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<?php /** * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <> * * @license BSD * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Oliver Lillie <> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software * is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * @name Compactor * @version 0.6.0 * @abstract This class can be used in speeding up delivery of webpages front the server to the client browser, by compacting * the whitespace. There are multiple options for compacting, including both horizontal and vertical whitespace removal and * css/javascript compacting also. The class can also compact the output of a php script using automatic output buffering. * * @example compressor.example1.php Compacts HTML using the default options. * @example compressor.example2.php Compacts remote HTML with custom javascript compression. * @example * <?php * // this example will automatically compact any buffered output from the script * $compactor = new Compactor(array( * 'use_buffer' => true, * 'buffer_echo' => true, * 'compact_on_shutdown' => true * )); * ?> * * @note The functions to provide deflate functionality are partially lifted from * minify */ class Compactor { /** * Holds the options array * @access private * @var array */ private $_options = array( // line_break; string; The type of line break used in the HTML that you are processing. // ie, \r, \r\n, \n or PHP_EOL 'line_break' => PHP_EOL, // preserved_tags; array; An array of html tags whose innerHTML contents format require preserving. 'preserved_tags' => array('textarea', 'pre', 'script', 'style', 'code'), // preserved_boundry; string; The holding block that is used to replace the contents of the preserved tags // while the compacting is taking place. 'preserved_boundry' => '@@PRESERVEDTAG@@', // use_buffer; boolean; You can optionally use output buffering instead of providing the html for compacting. 'use_buffer' => false, // buffer_echo; boolean; If after processing you want to output the content set this to true, otherwise it // will be up to you to echo out the compacted html. 'buffer_echo' => true, // compact_on_shutdown; boolean; If 'use_buffer' is enabled and this option is also enalbed it will create a // register_shutdown_function that will process the buffered output at the end of the script without any hassle. 'compact_on_shutdown' => false, // strip_comments; boolean; This will strip html comments from the html. NOTE, if the below option 'keep_conditional_comments' // is not set to true then conditional Internet Explorer comments will also be stripped. 'strip_comments' => true, // keep_conditional_comments; boolean; Only applies if the baove option 'strip_comments' is set to true. // Only if the client browser is Internet Explorer then the conditional comments are kept. 'keep_conditional_comments' => true, // conditional_boundries; array; The holding block boudries that are used to replace the opening and // closing tags of the conditional comments. 'conditional_boundries' => array('@@IECOND-OPEN@@', '@@IECOND-CLOSE@@'), // compress_horizontal; boolean; Removes horizontal whitespace of the HTML, ie left to right whitespace (spaces and tabs). 'compress_horizontal' => true, // compress_vertical; boolean; Removes vertical whitespace of the HTML, ie line breaks. 'compress_vertical' => true, // compress_scripts; boolean; Compresses content from script tags using a simple algorythm. Removes javascript comments, // and horizontal and vertical whitespace. Note as only a simple algorythm is used there are limitations to the script // and you may want to use a more complex script like 'minify' or 'jsmin' // See test3.php for an example. 'compress_scripts' => true, // script_compression_callback; boolean; The name of a callback for custom js compression. See test3.php for an example. 'script_compression_callback' => false, // script_compression_callback_args; array; Any additional args for the callback. The javascript will be put to the // front of the array. 'script_compression_callback_args' => array(), // compress_css; boolean; Compresses CSS style tags. 'compress_css' => true, // deflates the output using a deflate/gzip method 'deflate' => false ); /** * Holds the preserved blocks so multiple scans of the html don't have to be made. * @access private * @var mixed */ private $_preserved_blocks = false; /** * Holds which method of delate should be used. * @access private * @var mixed */ private $_deflate_encoding = null; /** * Constructor */ function __construct($options=array()) { $this->setOption($options); if($this->_options['compact_on_shutdown']) { $this->setOption(array( 'use_buffer' => true, 'buffer_echo' => true )); } if($this->_options['use_buffer']) { ob_start(); } if($this->_options['compact_on_shutdown']) { register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'squeeze')); } } /** * Sets an option in the option array(); * * @access public * @param mixed $varname Can take the form of an array of options to set a string of an option name. * @param mixed $varvalue The value of the option you are setting. **/ public function setOption($varname, $varvalue=null) { $keys = array_keys($this->_options); if(gettype($varname) == 'array') { foreach($varname as $name=>$value) { if(in_array($name, $keys)) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; } } } else { if(in_array($varname, $keys)) { $this->_options[$varname] = $varvalue; } } } /** * Compresses the html, either that is supplied to the function or if the use_buffer * option is enabled then the buffer is grabbed for compression. * * @access public * @param string $html HTML string required for compression, however if the use_buffer option * is enabled the param can be left out because it will be ignored anyway. * @return string */ public function squeeze($html=null) { if($this->_options['use_buffer']) { $html = ob_get_clean(); } // unify the line breaks so we have clean html to work with $html = $this->_unifyLineBreaks($html); // compress any script tags if required if($this->_options['compress_scripts'] || $this->_options['compress_css']) { $html = $this->_compressScriptAndStyleTags($html); } // make the compressions if($this->_options['strip_comments']) { $html = $this->_stripHTMLComments($html); } if($this->_options['compress_horizontal']) { $html = $this->_compressHorizontally($html); } if($this->_options['compress_vertical']) { $html = $this->_compressVertically($html); } // replace the preserved blocks with their original content $html = $this->_reinstatePreservedBlocks($html); // deflate if($this->_options['deflate']) { $html = $this->_deflate($html); } // if the html i to be echoed out then do the echo if($this->_options['buffer_echo']) { header('Content-Length: '.strlen($html)); if($this->_options['deflate']) { $this->outputDeflateHeaders($html); } echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Strips HTML Comments from the buffer whilst making a check to see if * Inernet Explorer conditional comments should be stripped or not. * * @access private * @param string $html The HTML string for comment removal. * @return string */ private function _stripHTMLComments($html) { $keep_conditionals = false; // only process if the Internet Explorer conditional statements are to be kept if($this->_options['keep_conditional_comments']) { // check that the opening browser is internet explorer $msie = '/msie\s(.*).*(win)/i'; $keep_conditionals = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match($msie, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); // $keep_doctype = false; // if(strpos($html, '<!DOCTYPE')) // { // $html = str_replace('<!DOCTYPE', '--**@@DOCTYPE@@**--', $html); // $keep_doctype = true; // } // ie conditionals are to be kept so substitute if($keep_conditionals) { $html = str_replace(array('<!--[if', '<![endif]-->'), $this->_options['conditional_boundries'], $html); } } // remove comments $html = preg_replace('/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/', '', $html); // $html = preg_replace ('@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@', '', $html); // re sub-in the conditionals if required. if($keep_conditionals) { $html = str_replace($this->_options['conditional_boundries'], array('<!--[if', '<![endif]-->'), $html); } // if($keep_doctype) // { // $html = str_replace('--**@@DOCTYPE@@**--', '<!DOCTYPE', $html); // } // return the buffer return $html; } /** * Finds html blocks to preserve the formatting for. * * @access private * @param string $html * @return string */ private function _extractPreservedBlocks($html) { if($this->_preserved_blocks !== false) { return $html; } $tag_string = implode('|', $this->_options['preserved_tags']); // get the textarea matches preg_match_all("!<(".$tag_string.")[^>]*>.*?</(".$tag_string.")>!is", $html, $preserved_area_match); $this->_preserved_blocks = $preserved_area_match[0]; // replace the textareas inerds with markers return preg_replace("!<(".$tag_string.")[^>]*>.*?</(".$tag_string.")>!is", $this->_options['preserved_boundry'], $html); } /** * Replaces any preservations made with the original content. * * @access private * @param string $html * @return string */ private function _reinstatePreservedBlocks($html) { if($this->_preserved_blocks === false) { return $html; } foreach($this->_preserved_blocks as $curr_block) { $html = preg_replace("!".$this->_options['preserved_boundry']."!", $curr_block, $html, 1); } return $html; } /** * Compresses white space horizontally (ie spaces, tabs etc) whilst preserving * textarea and pre content. * * @access private * @param string $html * @return string */ private function _compressHorizontally($html) { $html = $this->_extractPreservedBlocks($html); // remove the white space $html = preg_replace('/((?<!\?>)'.$this->_options['line_break'].')[\s]+/m', '\1', $html); // Remove extra spaces return preg_replace('/\t+/', '', $html); } /** * Compresses white space vertically (ie line breaks) whilst preserving * textarea and pre content. * * @access private * @param string $html * @param mixed $textarea_blocks false if no textarea blocks have already been taken out, otherwise an array. * @return unknown */ private function _compressVertically($html) { $html = $this->_extractPreservedBlocks($html); // remove the line breaks return str_replace($this->_options['line_break'], '', $html); } /** * Converts line breaks from the different platforms onto the one type. * * @access private * @param string $html HTML string * @param string $break The format of the line break you want to unify to. ie \r\n or \n * @return string */ private function _unifyLineBreaks($html) { return preg_replace ("/\015\012|\015|\012/", $this->_options['line_break'], $html); } /** * Compresses white space vertically (ie line breaks) whilst preserving * textarea and pre content. This uses the classes '_simpleCodeCompress' to compress * the javascript, however it would be advisable to use another library such as * 'minify' because this function has certain * limitations with comments and other regex expressions. You can set another function * callback using the 'compress_js_callback' option. * * @access private * @param string $html * @return string */ private function _compressScriptAndStyleTags($html) { $compress_scripts = $this->_options['compress_scripts']; $compress_css = $this->_options['compress_css']; $use_script_callback = $this->_options['script_compression_callback'] != false; // pregmatch all the script tags $scripts = preg_match_all("!(<(style|script)[^>]*>(?:\\s*<\\!--)?)(.*?)((?://-->\\s*)?</(style|script)>)!is", $html, $scriptparts); // collect and compress the parts $compressed = array(); $parts = array(); for($i=0; $i<count($scriptparts[0]); $i++) { $code = trim($scriptparts[3][$i]); $not_empty = !empty($code); $is_script = ($compress_scripts && $scriptparts[2][$i] == 'script'); if($not_empty && ($is_script || ($compress_css && $scriptparts[2][$i] == 'style'))) { if($is_script && $use_script_callback) { $callback_args = $this->_options['script_compression_callback_args']; if(gettype($callback_args) !== 'array') { $callback_args = array($callback_args); } array_unshift($callback_args, $code); $minified = call_user_func_array($this->_options['script_compression_callback'], $callback_args); } else { $minified = $this->_simpleCodeCompress($code); } array_push($parts, $scriptparts[0][$i]); array_push($compressed, trim($scriptparts[1][$i]).$minified.trim($scriptparts[4][$i])); } } // do the replacements and return return str_replace($parts, $compressed, $html); } /** * Use simple preg_replace to compresses code (ie javascript and css) whitespace. * It would be advisable to use another library such as 'minify' * because this function has certain limitations with comments and other regex expressions. * You can set another function callback using the 'compress_js_callback' option. * * @access private * @param string $code Code string * @return string **/ private function _simpleCodeCompress($code) { // Remove multiline comment $code = preg_replace('/\/\*(?!-)[\x00-\xff]*?\*\//', '', $code); // Remove single line comment // $code = preg_replace('/[^:]\/\/.*/', '', $code); $code = preg_replace('/\\/\\/[^\\n\\r]*[\\n\\r]/', '', $code); $code = preg_replace('/\\/\\*[^*]*\\*+([^\\/][^*]*\\*+)*\\//', '', $code); // Remove extra spaces $code = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $code); // Remove spaces that can be removed return preg_replace('/\s?([\{\};\=\(\)\/\+\*-])\s?/', "\\1", $code); } /** * Determine the client's best encoding method from the HTTP Accept-Encoding * header. * @access private * @return array two values, 1st is the actual encoding method, 2nd is the * alias of that method to use in the Content-Encoding header (some browsers * call gzip "x-gzip" etc.) */ private function _getAcceptedEncoding() { if (! isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) || $this->_isBrokenInternetExplorer()) { return array('', ''); } if (preg_match('@(?:^|,)\s*((?:x-)?gzip)\s*(?:$|,|;\s*q=(?:0\.|1))@', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], $matches)) { return array('gzip', $matches[1]); } if (preg_match('@(?:^|,)\s*deflate\s*(?:$|,|;\s*q=(?:0\.|1))@', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])) { return array('deflate', 'deflate'); } if (preg_match('@(?:^|,)\s*((?:x-)?compress)\s*(?:$|,|;\s*q=(?:0\.|1))@', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], $matches)) { return array('compress', $matches[1]); } return array('', ''); } /** * Determines if the client is a buggy version of Internet Explorer * @access private * @return boolean */ private function _isBrokenInternetExplorer() { if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera') || !preg_match('/^Mozilla\/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE ([0-9]\.[0-9])/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches)) { return false; } $version = floatval($matches[1]); return $version < 6 || ($version == 6 && !strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'SV1')); } /** * Determines if the client is a buggy version of Internet Explorer * @access private * @param string $html The html to deflate. * @return string Returns html on encoding failure or compressed data on success */ private function _deflate($html) { $encoding = $this->_getAcceptedEncoding(); $this->_deflate_encoding = $encoding[1]; $deflate_level = is_bool($this->_options['deflate']) ? 6 : $this->_options['deflate']; if (empty($encoding[0]) || !$deflate_level || !extension_loaded('zlib')) { return $html; } if ($encoding[0] === 'gzip') { $encoded = gzencode($html, $deflate_level); } else if ($encoding[0] === 'deflate') { $encoded = gzdeflate($html, $deflate_level); } else { $encoded = gzcompress($html, $deflate_level); } return $encoded === false ? $html : $encoded; } /** * Outputs the deflated headers necessary for sending * delflated content. * @access public * @param string $html The html/delfated data that has been encoded. */ public function outputDeflateHeaders($html) { header('Content-Length: '.strlen($html)); header('Content-Encoding: '.$this->_deflate_encoding); header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); } }