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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/includes/apiargs-MongoDBCollection-method-find-option.yaml

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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/includes/apiargs-MongoDBCollection-method-find-option.yaml
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Class: MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute
Query and execute multiple queries using MongoDB
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Date: 4 years ago
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arg_name: option name: projection type: array|object description: | The :ref:`projection specification <projections>` to determine which fields to include in the returned documents. See :manual:`Project Fields to Return from Query </tutorial/project-fields-from-query-results>` and :manual:`Projection Operators </reference/operator/projection>` in the MongoDB manual. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: sort type: array|object description: | The sort specification for the ordering of the results. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: skip type: integer description: | Number of documents to skip. Defaults to ``0``. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: limit type: integer description: | The maximum number of documents to return. If unspecified, then defaults to no limit. A limit of ``0`` is equivalent to setting no limit. A negative limit is similar to a positive limit but closes the cursor after returning a single batch of results. As such, with a negative limit, if the limited result set does not fit into a single batch, the number of documents received will be less than the specified limit. By passing a negative limit, the client indicates to the server that it will not ask for a subsequent batch via getMore. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: batchSize type: integer description: | The number of documents to return in the first batch. Defaults to ``101``. A batchSize of ``0`` means that the cursor will be established, but no documents will be returned in the first batch. Unlike the previous wire protocol version, a batchSize of ``1`` for the :dbcommand:`find` command does not close the cursor. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- source: file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml ref: collation --- arg_name: option name: comment type: string description: | A comment to attach to the query to help interpret and trace query :dbcommand:`profile` data. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: cursorType type: integer description: | Indicates the type of cursor to use. ``cursorType`` supports the following values: - ``MongoDB\Operation\Find::NON_TAILABLE`` (*default*) - ``MongoDB\Operation\Find::TAILABLE`` interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: hint type: string|array|object description: | The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key pattern as a document. If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index. .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: maxAwaitTimeMS type: integer description: | Positive integer denoting the time limit in milliseconds for the server to block a getMore operation if no data is available. This option should only be used if cursorType is TAILABLE_AWAIT. .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- source: file: apiargs-common-option.yaml ref: maxTimeMS --- source: file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml ref: readConcern --- source: file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml ref: readPreference --- source: file: apiargs-common-option.yaml ref: session post: | .. versionadded:: 1.3 --- arg_name: option name: max type: array|object description: | The exclusive upper bound for a specific index. .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: maxScan type: integer description: | Maximum number of documents or index keys to scan when executing the query. .. deprecated:: 1.4 .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: min type: array|object description: | The inclusive lower bound for a specific index. .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: oplogReplay type: boolean description: | Internal use for replica sets. To use ``oplogReplay``, you must include the following condition in the filter: .. code-block:: javascript { ts: { $gte: <timestamp> } } The :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Timestamp <class.mongodb-bson-timestamp>` class reference describes how to represent MongoDB's BSON timestamp type with PHP. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: noCursorTimeout type: boolean description: | Prevents the server from timing out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes). interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: returnKey type: boolean description: | If true, returns only the index keys in the resulting documents. .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: showRecordId type: boolean description: | Determines whether to return the record identifier for each document. If true, adds a field $recordId to the returned documents. .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: snapshot type: boolean description: | Prevents the cursor from returning a document more than once because of an intervening write operation. .. deprecated:: 1.4 .. versionadded:: 1.2 interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- arg_name: option name: allowPartialResults type: boolean description: | For queries against a sharded collection, returns partial results from the :program:`mongos` if some shards are unavailable instead of throwing an error. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true --- source: file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml ref: typeMap --- arg_name: option name: modifiers type: array|object description: | :manual:`Meta operators </reference/operator/query-modifier>` that modify the output or behavior of a query. Use of these operators is deprecated in favor of named options. interface: phpmethod operation: ~ optional: true ...