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File: toastui/src/js/action.js

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  Classes of Mark de Leon   PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint   toastui/src/js/action.js   Download  
File: toastui/src/js/action.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint
Web interface to scan printed documents
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 17,539 bytes


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import {extend} from 'tui-code-snippet'; import util from './util'; import Imagetracer from './helper/imagetracer'; export default { /** * Get ui actions * @returns {Object} actions for ui * @private */ getActions() { return { main: this._mainAction(), shape: this._shapeAction(), crop: this._cropAction(), flip: this._flipAction(), rotate: this._rotateAction(), text: this._textAction(), mask: this._maskAction(), draw: this._drawAction(), icon: this._iconAction(), filter: this._filterAction() }; }, /** * Main Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui main * @private */ _mainAction() { const exitCropOnAction = () => { if (this.ui.submenu === 'crop') { this.stopDrawingMode(); this.ui.changeMenu('crop'); } }; return extend({ initLoadImage: (imagePath, imageName) => ( this.loadImageFromURL(imagePath, imageName).then(sizeValue => { exitCropOnAction(); this.ui.initializeImgUrl = imagePath; this.ui.resizeEditor({imageSize: sizeValue}); this.clearUndoStack(); }) ), undo: () => { if (!this.isEmptyUndoStack()) { exitCropOnAction(); this.undo(); } }, redo: () => { if (!this.isEmptyRedoStack()) { exitCropOnAction(); this.redo(); } }, reset: () => { exitCropOnAction(); this.loadImageFromURL(this.ui.initializeImgUrl, 'resetImage').then(sizeValue => { exitCropOnAction(); this.ui.resizeEditor({imageSize: sizeValue}); this.clearUndoStack(); }); }, delete: () => { this.ui.changeDeleteButtonEnabled(false); exitCropOnAction(); this.removeActiveObject(); this.activeObjectId = null; }, deleteAll: () => { exitCropOnAction(); this.clearObjects(); this.ui.changeDeleteButtonEnabled(false); this.ui.changeDeleteAllButtonEnabled(false); }, load: file => { if (!util.isSupportFileApi()) { alert('This browser does not support file-api'); } this.ui.initializeImgUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); this.loadImageFromFile(file).then(sizeValue => { exitCropOnAction(); this.clearUndoStack(); this.ui.activeMenuEvent(); this.ui.resizeEditor({imageSize: sizeValue}); })['catch'](message => ( Promise.reject(message) )); }, download: () => { const dataURL = this.toDataURL(); let imageName = this.getImageName(); let blob, type, w; if (util.isSupportFileApi() && window.saveAs) { blob = util.base64ToBlob(dataURL); type = blob.type.split('/')[1]; if (imageName.split('.').pop() !== type) { imageName += `.${type}`; } saveAs(blob, imageName); // eslint-disable-line } else { w =; w.document.body.innerHTML = `<img src='${dataURL}'>`; } } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Icon Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui icon * @private */ _iconAction() { let cacheIconType; let cacheIconColor; let startX; let startY; let iconWidth; let iconHeight; let objId; this.on({ 'iconCreateResize': ({moveOriginPointer}) => { const scaleX = (moveOriginPointer.x - startX) / iconWidth; const scaleY = (moveOriginPointer.y - startY) / iconHeight; this.setObjectPropertiesQuietly(objId, { scaleX: Math.abs(scaleX * 2), scaleY: Math.abs(scaleY * 2) }); }, 'iconCreateEnd': () => { this.ui.icon.clearIconType(); this.changeSelectableAll(true); } }); const mouseDown = (e, originPointer) => { startX = originPointer.x; startY = originPointer.y; this.addIcon(cacheIconType, { left: originPointer.x, top: originPointer.y, fill: cacheIconColor }).then(obj => { objId =; iconWidth = obj.width; iconHeight = obj.height; }); }; return extend({ changeColor: color => { if (this.activeObjectId) { this.changeIconColor(this.activeObjectId, color); } }, addIcon: (iconType, iconColor) => { cacheIconType = iconType; cacheIconColor = iconColor; // this.readyAddIcon(); this.changeCursor('crosshair');'mousedown'); this.once('mousedown', mouseDown.bind(this)); }, cancelAddIcon: () => {'mousedown'); this.ui.icon.clearIconType(); this.changeSelectableAll(true); this.changeCursor('default'); }, registDefalutIcons: (type, path) => { const iconObj = {}; iconObj[type] = path; this.registerIcons(iconObj); }, registCustomIcon: (imgUrl, file) => { const imagetracer = new Imagetracer(); imagetracer.imageToSVG( imgUrl, svgstr => { const [, svgPath] = svgstr.match(/path[^>]*d="([^"]*)"/); const iconObj = {}; iconObj[] = svgPath; this.registerIcons(iconObj); this.addIcon(, { left: 100, top: 100 }); }, Imagetracer.tracerDefaultOption() ); } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Draw Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui draw * @private */ _drawAction() { return extend({ setDrawMode: (type, settings) => { this.stopDrawingMode(); if (type === 'free') { this.startDrawingMode('FREE_DRAWING', settings); } else { this.startDrawingMode('LINE_DRAWING', settings); } }, setColor: color => { this.setBrush({ color }); } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Mask Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui mask * @private */ _maskAction() { return extend({ loadImageFromURL: (imgUrl, file) => ( this.loadImageFromURL(this.toDataURL(), 'FilterImage').then(() => { this.addImageObject(imgUrl).then(() => { URL.revokeObjectURL(file); }); }) ), applyFilter: () => { this.applyFilter('mask', { maskObjId: this.activeObjectId }); } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Text Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui text * @private */ _textAction() { return extend({ changeTextStyle: styleObj => { if (this.activeObjectId) { this.changeTextStyle(this.activeObjectId, styleObj); } } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Rotate Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui rotate * @private */ _rotateAction() { return extend({ rotate: angle => { this.rotate(angle); this.ui.resizeEditor(); }, setAngle: angle => { this.setAngle(angle); this.ui.resizeEditor(); } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Shape Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui shape * @private */ _shapeAction() { return extend({ changeShape: changeShapeObject => { if (this.activeObjectId) { this.changeShape(this.activeObjectId, changeShapeObject); } }, setDrawingShape: shapeType => { this.setDrawingShape(shapeType); } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Crop Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui crop * @private */ _cropAction() { return extend({ crop: () => { const cropRect = this.getCropzoneRect(); if (cropRect) { this.crop(cropRect).then(() => { this.stopDrawingMode(); this.ui.resizeEditor(); this.ui.changeMenu('crop'); })['catch'](message => ( Promise.reject(message) )); } }, cancel: () => { this.stopDrawingMode(); this.ui.changeMenu('crop'); }, preset: presetType => { switch (presetType) { case 'preset-square': this.setCropzoneRect(1 / 1); break; case 'preset-3-2': this.setCropzoneRect(3 / 2); break; case 'preset-4-3': this.setCropzoneRect(4 / 3); break; case 'preset-5-4': this.setCropzoneRect(5 / 4); break; case 'preset-7-5': this.setCropzoneRect(7 / 5); break; case 'preset-16-9': this.setCropzoneRect(16 / 9); break; default: this.setCropzoneRect(); this.ui.crop.changeApplyButtonStatus(false); break; } } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Flip Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui flip * @private */ _flipAction() { return extend({ flip: flipType => this[flipType]() }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Filter Action * @returns {Object} actions for ui filter * @private */ _filterAction() { return extend({ applyFilter: (applying, type, options) => { if (applying) { this.applyFilter(type, options); } else if (this.hasFilter(type)) { this.removeFilter(type); } } }, this._commonAction()); }, /** * Image Editor Event Observer */ setReAction() { this.on({ undoStackChanged: length => { if (length) { this.ui.changeUndoButtonStatus(true); this.ui.changeResetButtonStatus(true); } else { this.ui.changeUndoButtonStatus(false); this.ui.changeResetButtonStatus(false); } this.ui.resizeEditor(); }, redoStackChanged: length => { if (length) { this.ui.changeRedoButtonStatus(true); } else { this.ui.changeRedoButtonStatus(false); } this.ui.resizeEditor(); }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ objectActivated: obj => { this.activeObjectId =; this.ui.changeDeleteButtonEnabled(true); this.ui.changeDeleteAllButtonEnabled(true); if (obj.type === 'cropzone') { this.ui.crop.changeApplyButtonStatus(true); } else if (['rect', 'circle', 'triangle'].indexOf(obj.type) > -1) { this.stopDrawingMode(); if (this.ui.submenu !== 'shape') { this.ui.changeMenu('shape', false, false); } this.ui.shape.setShapeStatus({ strokeColor: obj.stroke, strokeWidth: obj.strokeWidth, fillColor: obj.fill }); this.ui.shape.setMaxStrokeValue(Math.min(obj.width, obj.height)); } else if (obj.type === 'path' || obj.type === 'line') { if (this.ui.submenu !== 'draw') { this.ui.changeMenu('draw', false, false); this.ui.draw.changeStandbyMode(); } } else if (['i-text', 'text'].indexOf(obj.type) > -1) { if (this.ui.submenu !== 'text') { this.ui.changeMenu('text', false, false); } } else if (obj.type === 'icon') { this.stopDrawingMode(); if (this.ui.submenu !== 'icon') { this.ui.changeMenu('icon', false, false); } this.ui.icon.setIconPickerColor(obj.fill); } }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ addText: pos => { this.addText('Double Click', { position: pos.originPosition, styles: { fill: this.ui.text.textColor, fontSize: util.toInteger(this.ui.text.fontSize), fontFamily: 'Noto Sans' } }).then(() => { this.changeCursor('default'); }); }, addObjectAfter: obj => { if (['rect', 'circle', 'triangle'].indexOf(obj.type) > -1) { this.ui.shape.setMaxStrokeValue(Math.min(obj.width, obj.height)); this.ui.shape.changeStandbyMode(); } }, objectScaled: obj => { if (['i-text', 'text'].indexOf(obj.type) > -1) { this.ui.text.fontSize = util.toInteger(obj.fontSize); } else if (['rect', 'circle', 'triangle'].indexOf(obj.type) >= 0) { const {width, height} = obj; const strokeValue = this.ui.shape.getStrokeValue(); if (width < strokeValue) { this.ui.shape.setStrokeValue(width); } if (height < strokeValue) { this.ui.shape.setStrokeValue(height); } } }, selectionCleared: () => { this.activeObjectId = null; if (this.ui.submenu === 'text') { this.changeCursor('text'); } else if (this.ui.submenu !== 'draw' && this.ui.submenu !== 'crop') { this.stopDrawingMode(); } } }); }, /** * Common Action * @returns {Object} common actions for ui * @private */ _commonAction() { return { modeChange: menu => { switch (menu) { case 'text': this._changeActivateMode('TEXT'); break; case 'crop': this.startDrawingMode('CROPPER'); break; case 'shape': this._changeActivateMode('SHAPE'); this.setDrawingShape(this.ui.shape.type, this.ui.shape.options); break; default: break; } }, deactivateAll: this.deactivateAll.bind(this), changeSelectableAll: this.changeSelectableAll.bind(this), discardSelection: this.discardSelection.bind(this), stopDrawingMode: this.stopDrawingMode.bind(this) }; }, /** * Mixin * @param {ImageEditor} ImageEditor instance */ mixin(ImageEditor) { extend(ImageEditor.prototype, this); } };