* This file is part of Aksara CMS, both framework and publishing
* platform.
* @author Aby Dahana <[email protected]>
* @copyright (c) Aksara Laboratory <https://aksaracms.com>
* @license MIT License
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the LICENSE.txt file.
* When the signs is coming, those who don't believe at "that time"
* have only two choices, commit suicide or become brutal.
if (! function_exists('aksara')) {
* Get Aksara variable
function aksara(?string $parameter = null)
$version = '5.1.8';
if ('version' == $parameter) {
return $version;
} elseif ('build_version' == $parameter) {
return $version . \CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter::CI_VERSION;
} elseif ('date_modified' == $parameter) {
$modified = filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Laboratory' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Core.php');
return date('F d Y H:i:s', $modified);
return false;
if (! function_exists('get_setting')) {
* Get setting variable
function get_setting(?string $parameter = null)
$model = new \Aksara\Laboratory\Model();
if ($model->field_exists($parameter, 'app__settings')) {
return $model->select($parameter)->get_where(
'id' => 1
return false;
if (! function_exists('get_userdata')) {
* Get user session
function get_userdata(string $field = '')
if (! service('session')->get($field) && service('session')->get('user_id')) {
$model = new \Aksara\Laboratory\Model();
$user_id = service('session')->get('user_id');
if ($model->field_exists($field, 'app__users_privileges')) {
return $model->select($field)->get_where(
'user_id' => $user_id
} elseif ($model->field_exists($field, 'app__users')) {
return $model->select(
'user_id' => $user_id
return false;
return service('session')->get($field);
if (! function_exists('set_userdata')) {
* Set user data
* @param mixed|null $value
function set_userdata($key = [], $value = null)
if (! is_array($key)) {
$key = [
$key => $value
return service('session')->set($key);
if (! function_exists('unset_userdata')) {
* Unset user data
function unset_userdata($key = [])
return service('session')->remove($key);
if (! function_exists('phrase')) {
* Get phrase of translation
function phrase(?string $phrase = null, array $replacement = [])
// Make sure the phrase and language is valid
if (! $phrase || is_numeric($phrase)) {
// Otherwise, throwback the null result
return false;
// Load model
$model = new \Aksara\Laboratory\Model();
// Transform the phrase into safe-string
$phrase = preg_replace('/[^\w\s\p{P}\p{L}]/u', ' ', $phrase);
// Remove multiple whitespace
$phrase = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $phrase);
// Replace sequare braces to parentheses
$phrase = str_replace(['[', ']'], ['(', ')'], $phrase);
// Get locale by session
$language = get_userdata('language');
// Check if language session isn't available
if (! $language) {
$language_id = (get_userdata('language_id') ? get_userdata('language_id') : (get_setting('app_language') > 0 ? get_setting('app_language') : 1));
$language = $model->select('
'id' => $language_id
$translation_file = WRITEPATH . 'translations' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $language . '.json';
if (! file_exists($translation_file)) {
// Translation file not exists
if (! is_dir(WRITEPATH . 'translations')) {
// Translation directory not exists
try {
// Try to create directory
mkdir(WRITEPATH . 'translations', 0755, true);
// Put default content to file
file_put_contents($translation_file, json_encode([]));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// Safe absraction
} elseif (is_writable(WRITEPATH . 'translations')) {
// Translation directory is exists
try {
// Put content into file
file_put_contents($translation_file, json_encode([]));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// Safe abstraction
try {
// Get existing translation
$buffer = file_get_contents($translation_file);
// Decode json from translation
$phrases = (is_json($buffer) ? json_decode($buffer, true) : []);
// Check if language property is valid
if (! isset($phrases[$phrase])) {
// Set new phrase and push into existing
$phrases[$phrase] = $phrase;
// Sort and humanize the order of phrase
// Put new phrase into existing language
if (file_exists($translation_file) && is_writable($translation_file)) {
file_put_contents($translation_file, json_encode($phrases, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
$phrase = $phrases[$phrase];
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// Safe abstraction
if ($replacement) {
// Find and replace
foreach ($replacement as $keyword => $replace) {
// Replace string between double braces
$phrase = preg_replace("/\{\{(\s+)?($keyword)(\s+)?\}\}/", $replace, $phrase);
return $phrase;
if (! function_exists('is_liked')) {
* Get if post is liked
function is_liked(int $post_id = 0, ?string $post_path = null)
// Load model
$model = new \Aksara\Laboratory\Model();
return $model->get_where(
'user_id' => get_userdata('user_id'),
'post_id' => $post_id,
'post_path' => $post_path
->num_rows() > 0;