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File: codeigniter/application/helpers/parsing_helper.php

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File: codeigniter/application/helpers/parsing_helper.php
Role: Example script
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Description: Example script
Class: Dwitri PHP Social Network Platform
Create a community site like a social network
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Date: 3 years ago
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<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); if(!function_exists('special_parse')) { function special_parse($string = '') { $hash_regex = '/#+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/'; $mention_regex = '/@+([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)/'; $img_regex = '/<img.*src="(.*?)".*?>/'; $string = preg_replace($hash_regex, '<a href="' . base_url('search/$1') . '" class="ajaxLoad">$0</a>', $string); $match = preg_match_all($mention_regex, $string, $callback); if(count($callback[1]) > 0) { $unique_callback = array_unique($callback[1]); for($i=0;$i<=count($unique_callback)-1;$i++) { if(isset($unique_callback[$i]) && $unique_callback[$i] != '') { if(checkUsername($unique_callback[$i])) { $string = str_replace('@'.$unique_callback[$i], '<a href="' . base_url($unique_callback[$i]) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard">@' . $unique_callback[$i] . '</a>', $string); } } } } /* if(preg_match_all($img_regex, $string, $url)) { if(count($url[1]) > 0) { $img = array_unique($url[1]); for($i=0;$i<=count($img)-1;$i++) { $string = preg_replace($img_regex, '<a href="' . $img[$i] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $img[$i] . '" /></a>', $string); } } else { $string = preg_replace($img_regex, '<img src="' . base_url('uploads/posts/placeholder.jpg') . '" />', $string); } } */ $filter = array( ':angry' => 'angry', ':astonished' => 'astonished', ':baby' => 'baby', ':balloon' => 'balloon', ':bank' => 'bank', ':baseball' => 'baseball', ':basketball' => 'basketball', ':beers' => 'beers', ':beer' => 'beer', ':bell' => 'bell', ':bike' => 'bike', ':blush' => 'blush', ':boar' => 'boar', ':bomb' => 'bomb', ':book' => 'book', ':boot' => 'boot', ':bow' => 'bow', ':boy' => 'boy', ':bread' => 'bread', ':brokenheart' => 'broken_heart', ':bulb' => 'bulb', ':bus' => 'bus', ':camera' => 'camera', ':car' => 'car', ':cloud' => 'cloud', ':cocktail' => 'cocktail', ':computer' => 'computer', ':confounded' => 'confounded', ':cop' => 'cop', ':couplekiss' => 'couplekiss', ':couple' => 'couple', ':cow' => 'cow', ':crazy' => 'wink2', ':cry' => 'cry', ':dancers' => 'dancers', ':dancer' => 'dancer', ':dart' => 'dart', ':disappointed' => 'disappointed', ':dress' => 'dress', ':grass' => 'ear_of_rice', ':egg' => 'egg', ':terong' => 'eggplant', ':eyes' => 'eyes', ':fear' => 'fearful', ':fire' => 'fire', ':fish' => 'fish', ':fist' => 'fist', ':flushed' => 'flushed', ':eat' => 'fork_and_knife', ':fries' => 'fries', ':frog' => 'frog', ':fuel' => 'fuelpump', ':gem' => 'gem', ':girl' => 'girl', ':grin' => 'grin', ':guitar' => 'guitar', ':gun' => 'gun', ':burger' => 'hamburger', ':hand' => 'hand', ':hearteyes' => 'heart_eyes', ':heart' => 'heart', ':love' => 'heart', ':highheel' => 'high_heel', ':horse' => 'horse', ':hospital' => 'hospital', ':hotel' => 'hotel', ':house' => 'house', ':icecream' => 'icecream', ':imp' => 'imp', ':joy' => 'joy', ':kecup' => 'kissin_face', ':kissingheart' => 'kissing_heart', ':kiss' => 'kiss', ':koala' => 'koala', ':lipstick' => 'lipstick', ':lips' => 'lips', ':lock' => 'lock', ':man' => 'man', ':mask' => 'mask', ':massage' => 'massage', ':mega' => 'mega', ':metal' => 'metal', ':money' => 'moneybag', ':monkey' => 'monkey', ':moon' => 'moon', ':mouse' => 'mouse', ':muscle' => 'muscle', ':new' => 'new', ':stop' => 'no_good', ':music' => 'notes', ':ok' => 'ok', ':oldman' => 'older_man', ':oldwoman' => 'older_woman', ':pensive' => 'pensive', ':pig' => 'pig', ':pill' => 'pill', ':police' => 'police_car', ':poop' => 'poop', ':pray' => 'pray', ':princess' => 'princess', ':punch' => 'punch', ':question' => 'question', ':rabbit' => 'rabbit', ':radio' => 'radio', ':rage' => 'rage', ':ramen' => 'ramen', ':relax' => 'relaxed', ':rice' => 'rice', ':ring' => 'ring', ':rocket' => 'rocket', ':rose' => 'rose', ':run' => 'runner', ':satisfied' => 'satisfied', ':scream' => 'scream', ':teler' => 'shaved_ice', ':sheep' => 'sheep', ':shell' => 'shell', ':shirt' => 'shirt', ':shit' => 'shit', ':shoe' => 'shoe', ':skull' => 'skull', ':sleepy' => 'sleepy', ':smile' => 'smile', ':smirk' => 'smirk', ':smoking' => 'smoking', ':snake' => 'snake', ':sob' => 'sob', ':soccer' => 'soccer', ':spaghetti' => 'spaghetti', ':speaker' => 'speaker', ':star' => 'star', ':station' => 'station', ':stew' => 'stew', ':strawberry' => 'strawberry', ':sunny' => 'sunny', ':sweat' => 'sweat', ':syringe' => 'syringe', ':taxi' => 'taxi', ':tea' => 'tea', ':telephone' => 'telephone', ':tennis' => 'tennis', ':thumbsdown' => 'thumbsdown', ':thumbsup' => 'thumbsup', ':tiger' => 'tiger', ':toilet' => 'toilet', ':tongue' => 'tongue', ':trollface' => 'trollface', ':trophy' => 'trophy', ':tshirt' => 'tshirt', ':umbrella' => 'umbrella', ':unamused' => 'unamused', ':unlock' => 'unlock', ':warning' => 'warning', ':watermelon' => 'watermelon', ':wc' => 'wc', ':wink' => 'wink', ':woman' => 'woman', ':zap' => 'zap', ':zzz' => 'zzz', ':p' => 'wink2', ':D' => 'smile', ':)' => 'smile', ':(' => 'disappointed', ':\'(' => 'cry', 'T_T' => 'sob', 'T-T' => 'sob', ':o' => 'astonished', ';)' => 'wink', ':v' => 'trollface', '(y)' => 'thumbsup' ); foreach($filter as $key => $emoji) { $string = str_replace($key, '<span class="em em-' . $emoji . '" title="' . str_replace(':', '', $key) . '"></span>', $string); } return $string; } } if(!function_exists('cath_user')) { function cath_user($string = null) { if(preg_match_all('/@([A-Za-z0-9\/\.]*)/', $string, $match)) { $arr = array(); foreach($match as $key => $user) { $arr = $user; } return $arr; } } } if(!function_exists('parsingStatusByID')) { function parsingStatusByID($userID = 0, $action = null, $itemID = 0, $actionID = null, $timestamp = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->db->select('users.userID, users.userName, users.full_name, updates.updateID, updates.updateContent, updates.timestamp') ->join('users', 'users.userID = updates.userID') ->where('updates.updateID', $itemID) ->limit(1); $query = $CI->db->get('updates'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $results = $query->result_array(); foreach ($results as $row) { if($action == 'submitting') { $actions = phrase('updating_status') . ' ' . ($row['userID'] == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/updates/' . $row['updateID']) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('delete_this_updates') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/updates/' . $row['updateID']) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'commenting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('commenting_user_updates', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('commenting_own_updates')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/updates/' . $actionID) . '\', \'comment' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/comments/' . $actionID) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'liking') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('liking_user_updates', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('liking_own_updates')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/likes/' . $actionID) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/updates/' . $row['updateID']) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'reposting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('reposting_user_updates', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('reposting_own_updates')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('hide_this_feed') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\', \'updates' . $row['updateID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } else { $actions = null; } return ' <div id="updates' . $itemID . '"> <div class="image-placeholder"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-1"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <img src="' . base_url('uploads/users/thumbs/' . imageCheck('users', ($row['userID'] == $userID ? getUserPhoto($row['userID'], 1) : getUserPhoto($userID, 1)))) . '" style="height:40px;width:40px" class="img-rounded img-bordered" alt="" /> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-11"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <b>' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['full_name'] : getFullnameByID($userID)) . '</b> </a> ' . $actions . ' <br /> <small class="text-muted">@' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID)) . ' - ' . time_since(($timestamp ? $timestamp : $row['timestamp'])) . '</small> </div> </div> ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') && parsingActionByID($actionID, $action) != null ? ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <blockquote style="margin-bottom:10px"> ' . truncate(parsingActionByID($actionID, $action), 60) . ' </blockquote> </div> </div> ' : '' ) . ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <p> ' . special_parse($row['updateContent']) . ' </p> <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-default ajax"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <span class="comments-count-updates' . $row['updateID'] . '">' . countComments('updates', $itemID) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('comments') . '</span></a> <a class="like like-updates' . $itemID . ' btn btn-default' . (is_userLike('updates', $itemID) ? ' active' : '') . '" href="' . base_url('user/like/updates/' . $itemID) . '" data-id="updates' . $itemID . '"><i class="like-icon fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> <span class="likes-count">' . countLikes('updates', $itemID) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('likes') . '</span></a> <a href="' . base_url('user/repost/updates/' . $itemID) . '" class="btn btn-default repost" data-id="' . $itemID . '"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i> <span class="reposts-count' . $itemID . '">' . countReposts('updates', $itemID) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('reposts') . '</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> ' . getComments('updates', $row['updateID']) . ' </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> '; } } else { return false; } } } if(!function_exists('parsingPostByID')) { function parsingPostByID($userID = 0, $action = null, $itemID = 0, $actionID = null, $timestamp = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->db->select('users.userID, users.userName, users.full_name, posts.postID, posts.categoryID, posts.postSlug, posts.postTitle, posts.postExcerpt, posts.tags, posts.visits_count, posts.timestamp') ->join('users', 'users.userID = posts.contributor') ->where('posts.postID', $itemID) ->limit(1); $query = $CI->db->get('posts'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $results = $query->result_array(); foreach ($results as $row) { $post_tag = ''; if($row['tags'] != '') { $tags = explode(',', $row['tags']); foreach($tags as $tag) { $post_tag = '<a href="' . base_url('search/' . $tag) . '" class="ajaxLoad"><span class="badge"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> ' . truncate($tag, 12) . '</span></a> '; } } else { foreach(json_decode($row['categoryID']) as $key => $val) { $post_tag = '<a href="' . base_url('category/' . getCategorySlugByID($val)) . '" class="ajaxLoad"><span class="badge"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> ' . getCategoryByID($val) . '</span></a> '; } } if($action == 'submitting') { $actions = phrase('writing_an_article') . ' ' . ($row['userID'] == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/posts/remove/' . $row['postID']) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('delete_this_updates') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/posts/' . $row['postID']) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'commenting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('commenting_user_post', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('commenting_own_post')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/posts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/comments/' . $actionID) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'liking') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('liking_user_post', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('liking_own_updates')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/likes/' . $actionID) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/posts/' . $row['postID']) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'reposting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('reposting_user_post', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('reposting_own_updates')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('hide_this_feed') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\', \'posts' . $row['postID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } else { $actions = null; } return ' <div id="posts' . $itemID . '"> <div class="image-placeholder"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-1"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <img src="' . base_url('uploads/users/thumbs/' . imageCheck('users', ($row['userID'] == $userID ? getUserPhoto($row['userID'], 1) : getUserPhoto($userID, 1)))) . '" style="height:40px;width:40px" class="img-rounded img-bordered" alt="" /> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-11"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <b>' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['full_name'] : getFullnameByID($userID)) . '</b> </a> ' . $actions . ' <br /> <small class="text-muted">@' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID)) . ' - ' . time_since(($timestamp ? $timestamp : $row['timestamp'])) . '</small> </div> </div> ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') && parsingActionByID($actionID, $action) != null ? ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <blockquote style="margin-bottom:10px"> ' . truncate(parsingActionByID($actionID, $action), 60) . ' </blockquote> </div> </div> ' : '' ) . ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-3 col-sm-4 nomargin"> <a href="' . base_url('posts/' . $row['postSlug']) . '" class="ajaxLoad"><img width="100%" class="img-responsive img-rounded" src="' . getFeaturedImage($row['postID'], 1) . '" alt="'.truncate($row['postTitle'], 80).'"/></a> </div> <div class="col-xs-9 col-sm-8 nomargin"> <a href="' . base_url('posts/' . $row['postSlug']) . '" class="ajaxLoad"><h4>'.truncate($row['postTitle'], 80).'</h4></a> <p class="hidden-xs">'.truncate($row['postExcerpt'], 80).'</p> <p class="meta"> <b><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> '.countComments('posts', $row['postID']).' &nbsp; <i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> '.countLikes('posts', $row['postID']).' &nbsp; <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> '.$row['visits_count'].' <span class="badge pull-right">' . $post_tag . '</span></b> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> '; } } else { return false; } } } if(!function_exists('parsingImageByID')) { function parsingImageByID($userID = 0, $action = null, $itemID = 0, $actionID = null, $timestamp = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->db->select('users.userID, users.userName, users.full_name, snapshots.snapshotID, snapshots.snapshotSlug, snapshots.snapshotContent, snapshots.snapshotFile, snapshots.timestamp') ->join('users', 'users.userID = snapshots.contributor') ->where('snapshots.snapshotID', $itemID) ->limit(1); $query = $CI->db->get('snapshots'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $results = $query->result_array(); foreach ($results as $row) { if($action == 'submitting') { $actions = phrase('uploading_a_snapshot') . ' ' . ($row['userID'] == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/snapshots/remove/' . $row['snapshotSlug']) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('delete_this_snapshot') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/snapshots/' . $row['snapshotID']) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'commenting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('commenting_user_snapshot', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('commenting_own_snapshot')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/snapshots/' . $actionID) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/comments/' . $actionID) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'liking') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('liking_user_snapshot', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('liking_own_snapshot')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/likes/' . $actionID) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/snapshots/' . $row['snapshotID']) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'reposting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('reposting_user_snapshot', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('reposting_own_snapshot')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('hide_this_feed') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\', \'snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } else { $actions = null; } return ' <div id="snapshots' . $itemID . '"> <div class="image-placeholder"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-1"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <img src="' . base_url('uploads/users/thumbs/' . imageCheck('users', ($row['userID'] == $userID ? getUserPhoto($row['userID'], 1) : getUserPhoto($userID, 1)))) . '" style="height:40px;width:40px" class="img-rounded img-bordered" alt="" /> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-11"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <b>' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['full_name'] : getFullnameByID($userID)) . '</b> </a> ' . $actions . ' <br /> <small class="text-muted">@' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID)) . ' - ' . time_since(($timestamp ? $timestamp : $row['timestamp'])) . '</small> </div> </div> ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') && parsingActionByID($actionID, $action) != null ? ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <blockquote style="margin-bottom:10px"> ' . truncate(parsingActionByID($actionID, $action), 60) . ' </blockquote> </div> </div> ' : '' ) . ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="row"> <a href="' . base_url('snapshots/' . $row['snapshotSlug']).'" class="ajax relative" style="display:block"> ' . (strtolower(substr($row['snapshotFile'], -3)) == 'gif' ? '<span class="gif_play"></span>' : '') . ' <img width="100%" class="img-responsive" src="' . base_url('uploads/snapshots/thumbs/' . imageCheck('snapshots', $row['snapshotFile'], 1)).'" alt="'.truncate($row['snapshotContent'], 80).'"/> </a> </div> <br /> <p> ' . special_parse(truncate($row['snapshotContent'], 160)) . ' </p> <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified"> <a href="' . base_url('snapshots/' . $row['snapshotSlug']).'" class="btn btn-default ajax"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <span class="comments-count-snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '">' . countComments('snapshots', $row['snapshotID']) . '</span> <span class="hidden-xs">' . phrase('comments') . '</span></a> <a class="like like-snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . ' btn btn-default' . (is_userLike('snapshots', $row['snapshotID']) ? ' active' : '') . '" href="' . base_url('user/like/snapshots/' . $row['snapshotID']) . '" data-id="snapshots' . $row['snapshotID'] . '"><i class="like-icon fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> <span class="likes-count">' . countLikes('snapshots', $row['snapshotID']) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('likes') . '</span></a> <a href="' . base_url('user/repost/snapshots/' . $row['snapshotID']) . '" class="repost btn btn-default" data-id="' . $row['snapshotID'] . '"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i> <span class="reposts-count' . $row['snapshotID'] . '">' . countReposts('snapshots', $row['snapshotID']) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('reposts') . '</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> ' . getComments('snapshots', $row['snapshotID']) . ' </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> '; } } else { return false; } } } if(!function_exists('parsingOpenletterByID')) { function parsingOpenletterByID($userID = 0, $action = null, $itemID = 0, $actionID = null, $timestamp = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->db->select('users.userID, users.userName, users.full_name, openletters.letterID, openletters.title, openletters.slug, openletters.content, openletters.visits_count, openletters.timestamp') ->join('users', 'users.userID = openletters.contributor') ->where('openletters.letterID', $itemID) ->limit(1); $query = $CI->db->get('openletters'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $results = $query->result_array(); foreach ($results as $row) { if($action == 'submitting') { $actions = phrase('submitting_an_open_letter') . ' ' . ($row['userID'] == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/openletters/remove/' . $row['letterID']) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('delete_this_openletter') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/openletters/' . $row['letterID']) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'commenting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('commenting_user_openletter', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('commenting_own_openletter')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/openletters/' . $actionID) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/comments/' . $actionID) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'liking') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('liking_user_openletter', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('liking_own_openletter')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/likes/' . $actionID) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/openletters/' . $row['letterID']) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'reposting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('reposting_user_openletter', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('reposting_own_openletter')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('hide_this_feed') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\', \'openletters' . $row['letterID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } else { $actions = null; } return ' <div id="openletters' . $itemID . '"> <div class="' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') ? 'image-placeholder':'letter-placeholder') . '"> <div class="' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') ? 'col-sm-12 nomargin':'blog_article') . '"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-1"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <img src="' . base_url('uploads/users/thumbs/' . imageCheck('users', ($row['userID'] == $userID ? getUserPhoto($row['userID'], 1) : getUserPhoto($userID, 1)))) . '" style="height:40px;width:40px" class="img-rounded img-bordered" alt="" /> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-11"> <a href="' . base_url($row['userName']) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <b>' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['full_name'] : getFullnameByID($userID)) . '</b> </a> ' . $actions . ' <br /> <small class="text-muted">@' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID)) . ' - ' . time_since(($timestamp ? $timestamp : $row['timestamp'])) . '</small> </div> </div> ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') && parsingActionByID($actionID, $action) != null ? ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <blockquote style="margin-bottom:10px"> ' . truncate(parsingActionByID($actionID, $action), 60) . ' </blockquote> </div> </div> ' : '' ) . ' ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') ? '<div class="letter-placeholder"><div class="blog_article">':'') . ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <a href="' . base_url('openletters/' . $row['slug']) . '" class="ajaxLoad"><h4>'.truncate($row['title'], 80).'</h4></a> <p>'.truncate($row['content'], 80).'</p> <p class="meta"> <b><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> '.countComments('openletters', $row['letterID']).' &nbsp; <i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> '.countLikes('openletters', $row['letterID']).' &nbsp; <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> '.$row['visits_count'].'</b> <a href="' . base_url('openletters/' . $row['slug']) . '" class="ajaxLoad btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> ' . phrase('read_letter') . '</a> </p> </div> </div> ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') ? '</div></div>':'') . ' </div> </div> </div> '; } } else { return false; } } } if(!function_exists('parsingChannelByID')) { function parsingChannelByID($userID = 0, $action = null, $itemID = 0, $actionID = null, $timestamp = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->db->select('users.userID, users.userName, users.full_name, tv.tvID, tv.tvSlug, tv.tvContent, tv.tvFile, tv.timestamp') ->join('users', 'users.userID = tv.contributor') ->where('tv.tvID', $itemID) ->limit(1); $query = $CI->db->get('tv'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $results = $query->result_array(); foreach ($results as $row) { if($action == 'submitting') { $actions = phrase('submitting_a_tv_channel') . ' ' . ($row['userID'] == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/tv/remove/' . $row['tvSlug']) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('delete_this_tv') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/tv/' . $row['tvID']) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'commenting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('comenting_user_tv', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('commenting_own_tv')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/tv/' . $actionID) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/comments/' . $actionID) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'liking') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('liking_user_tv', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('liking_own_tv')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/likes/' . $actionID) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('remove_comment') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/tv/' . $row['tvID']) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } elseif($action == 'reposting') { $actions = ($row['userID'] != $userID ? phrase('reposting_user_tv', array($row['userName'], $row['full_name'])) : phrase('reposting_own_tv')) . ($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID') ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/remove/tv/' . $actionID) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('hide_this_feed') . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="confirm_modal(\'' . base_url('user/report/reposts/' . $actionID) . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\', \'tv' . $row['tvID'] . '\')" class="absolute close" style="top:0;right:10px" data-push="tooltip" data-title="' . phrase('i_do_not_want_to_see_this') . '"><i class="fa ban"></i></a>'); } else { $actions = null; } return ' <div id="tv' . $itemID . '"> <div class="image-placeholder"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-1"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <img src="' . base_url('uploads/users/thumbs/' . imageCheck('users', ($row['userID'] == $userID ? getUserPhoto($row['userID'], 1) : getUserPhoto($userID, 1)))) . '" style="height:40px;width:40px" class="img-rounded img-bordered" alt="" /> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-11"> <a href="' . base_url(($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID))) . '" class="ajaxLoad hoverCard"> <b>' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['full_name'] : getFullnameByID($userID)) . '</b> </a> ' . $actions . ' <br /> <small class="text-muted">@' . ($row['userID'] == $userID ? $row['userName'] : getUsernameByID($userID)) . ' - ' . time_since(($timestamp ? $timestamp : $row['timestamp'])) . '</small> </div> </div> ' . (($actionID && $action == 'commenting' || $actionID && $action == 'reposting') && parsingActionByID($actionID, $action) != null ? ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <blockquote style="margin-bottom:10px"> ' . truncate(parsingActionByID($actionID, $action), 60) . ' </blockquote> </div> </div> ' : '' ) . ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="row"> <a href="' . base_url('tv/' . $row['tvSlug']).'" class="ajax relative" style="display:block"> ' . (strtolower(substr($row['tvFile'], -3)) == 'gif' ? '<span class="gif_play"></span>' : '') . ' <img width="100%" class="img-responsive" src="' . base_url('uploads/tv/thumbs/' . imageCheck('tv', $row['tvFile'], 1)).'" alt="'.truncate($row['tvContent'], 80).'"/> </a> </div> <br /> <p> ' . special_parse(truncate($row['tvContent'], 160)) . ' </p> <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified"> <a href="' . base_url('tv/' . $row['tvSlug']).'" class="btn btn-default ajax"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <span class="comments-count-tv' . $row['tvID'] . '">' . countComments('tv', $row['tvID']) . '</span> <span class="hidden-xs">' . phrase('comments') . '</span></a> <a class="like like-tv' . $row['tvID'] . ' btn btn-default' . (is_userLike('tv', $row['tvID']) ? ' active' : '') . '" href="' . base_url('user/like/tv/' . $row['tvID']) . '" data-id="tv' . $row['tvID'] . '"><i class="like-icon fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> <span class="likes-count">' . countLikes('tv', $row['tvID']) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('likes') . '</span></a> <a href="' . base_url('user/repost/tv/' . $row['tvID']) . '" class="btn btn-default repost" data-id="' . $row['tvID'] . '"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i> <span class="reposts-count' . $row['tvID'] . '">' . countReposts('tv', $row['tvID']) . '</span><span class="hidden-xs"> ' . phrase('reposts') . '</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 nomargin"> ' . getComments('tv', $row['tvID']) . ' </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> '; } } else { return false; } } } if(!function_exists('parsingActionByID')) { function parsingActionByID($actionID = 0, $action = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); if($action == 'commenting') { return $CI->db->select('comments')->limit(1)->get_where('comments', array('commentID' => $actionID))->row()->comments; } elseif($action == 'reposting') { return $CI->db->select('messages')->limit(1)->get_where('reposts', array('repostID' => $actionID))->row()->messages; } else { return false; } } }