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  Classes of Alexandre Tedeschi (d)   All In One - dSendMail2   Download  
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Class: All In One - dSendMail2
Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()
Author: By
Last change: Little bug in arguments order was causing autoAttach() to embed, but not attach files correctly.
Thanks for Michael for pointing it out.
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 83,790 bytes



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<?php // Ps: Read "changelog.txt" /** Como funciona o sistema de EML? Trabalha apenas com o body da mensagem. Exemplo: ->setSubject(assunto) ->setFrom(from) ->setTo(to) ->setBcc(to) ->setEMLFile(eml_file) -- OU -- setHTMLFile(html_file[, auto_images=t/f]) -- OU -- ->setMessage(message) -- OU -- importHTML(body[, images_dir]) ->send() Como enviar via SMTP ou MAIL(): ->sendThroughMail() ->sendThroughSMTP($smtp_server, $port=25, $user=false, $pass=false, $ssl=[0=nao,1=sim,2=mixed]) Como utilizar CALLBACK(): ->send($startInPart, $callBack) Callback($part=LoopStart|LoopEnd, $loopPart, $totalLoops) Retornos possíveis: "STOP" (Força a parada imediata da execução) Bloqueio de e-mails duplicados: ->allowDupe() ->blockDupe() (Default) Author: IMAGINACOM E-mail: contato AT **/ class dSendMail2 extends htmlMimeMail{ var $to = '"Destinatario" <>'; var $error = false; var $debug = 0; var $timeout = 15; var $delay = 1; var $groupAmnt = false; var $sendThrough = false; var $blockDupe = true; var $localhost = false; var $logFolder = false; var $logFile = false; static $StaticSendThrough = 'default'; /** Static **/ Function getVersion(){ return "v2.37"; } /** Public **/ Function __construct(){ $this->htmlMimeMail(); if(self::$StaticSendThrough !== 'default') $this->sendThrough = self::$StaticSendThrough; /** Default values: **/ $this->setGroupAmount(20); $this->setSMTPTimeout(15); $this->blockDupe(); $this->setPriority(3); $this->setCrlf("\n"); $this->setCharset('ISO-8859-1'); } static Function easyMail ($to, $subject, $message, $from=false, $html=false, $attach=false){ $this->setTo($to); $this->setSubject($subject); $this->setMessage($message, $html); if($from) $this->setFrom($from); if($attach) foreach($attach as $att){ if(!isset($att[1])) die("Attach precisa ser: Array(Array(filename, filedata), Array(filename, filedata), ...)"); $this->autoAttachFile($att[0], $att[1]); } return $this->send(); } static Function createFromMail($to, $subject, $message, $headers=false){ $m = new dSendMail2; $m->headers = $headers?self::_convertStrHeaderToArray($headers):Array(); if(!isset($m->headers['From']) || !$m->headers['From']){ if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_HOST'])) $m->setFrom("nobody@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}"); elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.\:]+$", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) $m->setFrom("nobody@{$_SERVER['SERVER_HOST']}"); elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $m->setFrom("nobody@{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}"); elseif(isset($_SERVER['USERDOMAIN'])) $m->setFrom("nobody@{$_SERVER['USERDOMAIN']}"); else $m->setFrom(''); } $isHTML = (isset($m->headers['Content-Type']) && stripos($m->headers['Content-Type'], "text/html") !== false); $m->setTo($to); $m->setSubject($subject); $m->setMessage($message, $isHTML); return $m; } Function setHTMLFile ($filename, $importImages=true){ // Can receive an HTML File, and auto-attach all images to mass send $this->error = false; if(!is_readable($filename)){ $this->error = "Erro lendo o arquivo enviado."; return false; } if($importImages === true){ $importImages = dirname($filename); } $this->importHTML(file_get_contents($filename), $importImages); return true; } Function setEMLFile ($filename){ // Can receive an EML File to mass send $this->error = false; if(!is_readable($filename)){ $this->error = "Erro lendo o arquivo enviado."; return false; } $this->importEML(file_get_contents($filename)); return true; } Function setMessage ($body, $html=true, $nl2br=false){// Defines the message contents ($html)? $this->html = ($nl2br?nl2br($body):$body): $this->text = ($body); } Function replaceMessage($from, $to){ // Useful if you want to change something after calling importHTML $this->html = str_replace($from, $to, $this->html); } Function setPriority ($priority){ // Defines the message priority (1=High 3=Normal 5=Low, only for Outlook) if(isset($this->headers['X-Priority']) || in_array($priority, Array(1, 5))){ $this->headers['X-Priority'] = $priority; } } Function setCharset ($charset){ // Defines the charset. ISO-8859-1 is the default. // Usually: ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 // Default: ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) $this->headers['Content-Type'] = $charset; $this->build_params['html_charset'] = $charset; $this->build_params['text_charset'] = $charset; $this->build_params['head_charset'] = $charset; } Function setSubject ($subject){ $subject = str_replace(Array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), "_", $subject); return parent::setSubject($subject); } Function setTo ($to){ // Se the 'To' (Visible) if(!is_array($to)){ $to = str_replace(";", ",", $to); $to = explode(",", $to); } $to = array_map(Array($this, '_normalizeEmailAddress'), $to); if($this->blockDupe) $to = array_unique($to); $to = implode(",", $to); $this->to = $to; } Function setCc ($to){ if(!is_array($to)){ $to = str_replace(";", ",", $to); $to = explode(",", $to); } $to = array_map(Array($this, '_normalizeEmailAddress'), $to); if($this->blockDupe) $to = array_unique($to); $to = implode(",", $to); return parent::setCc($to); } Function setBcc ($to){ if(!is_array($to)){ $to = str_replace(";", ",", $to); $to = explode(",", $to); } $to = array_map(Array($this, '_normalizeEmailAddress'), $to); if($this->blockDupe) $to = array_unique($to); $to = implode(",", $to); return parent::setBcc($to); } Function setFrom ($from, $nome=false){ if($nome) $from = "\"{$nome}\" <$from>"; $from = str_replace(Array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), "_", $from); return parent::setFrom($from); } Function setReplyTo ($email, $nome=false){ if($nome) $email = "\"{$nome}\" <$email>"; $email = str_replace(Array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), "_", $email); $this->headers['Reply-To'] = $email; } Function setReturnPath ($email, $nome=false){ if($nome) $email = "\"{$nome}\" <$email>"; $email = str_replace(Array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), "_", $email); $this->headers['Return-Path'] = $email; } Function send ($startInPart=1, $callBack=false){ // Send the message, loop if necessary, save to database if necessary $this->error = false; if(!$this->is_built) $this->buildMessage(); $this->output = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->output); if(!isset($this->headers['From'])) die("Cannot proceed: You must call 'setFrom(email, name)' before sending e-mails.\r\n"); if(!isset($this->to)) die("Cannot proceed: You must call 'setTo(email)' before sending e-mails.\r\n"); // Normaliza campo "From" e "To:" $this->headers['From'] = $this->_normalizeEmail($this->headers['From']); $this->to = $this->_normalizeEmail($this->to); /** Define variáveis importantes para a elaboração dos vários laços **/ $hasCc = !empty($this->headers['Cc']); $hasBcc = !empty($this->headers['Bcc']); if($hasBcc){ $parts_bcc = explode(",", $this->headers['Bcc']); unset($this->headers['Bcc']); } $sizeTo = substr_count($this->to, ",")+1; $sizeCc = $hasCc ?(substr_count($this->headers['Cc'], ",")+1):0; $sizeBcc= $hasBcc?count($parts_bcc):0; $loopSize = $this->groupAmnt; $loopSize -= ($sizeTo+$sizeCc); // Considera os 'destinos' fixos, que são enviados em todos os laços. $loopPart = $startInPart?$startInPart:1; $totalLoops = ceil($sizeBcc/$loopSize); // Prepara variáveis para o padrão $subject = $this->headers['Subject']; unset($this->headers['Subject']); // Get flat representation of headers foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) $headers[] = $name . ': ' . $this->_encodeHeader($value, $this->build_params['head_charset']); $to = $this->_encodeHeader($this->to, $this->build_params['head_charset']); $this->_log("Iniciando envio . . ."); $this->_log("From: {$this->headers['From']}"); $this->_log("To: {$this->to}"); $this->_log("Subject: {$subject}"); $this->_log("--------------------------"); $this->_log("Headers:"); $this->_log(print_r($this->headers, true)); $this->_log("Output:"); $this->_log(print_r($this->output, true)); $this->_log("--------------------------"); $this->_log("Delay: {$this->delay}"); $this->_log("sizeTo: {$sizeTo}"); $this->_log("sizeCc: {$sizeCc}"); $this->_log("sizeBcc: {$sizeBcc}"); $this->_log("groupAmnt: {$this->groupAmnt}"); $this->_log("Tamanho do laço: {$loopSize}"); $this->_log("Loop inicial: {$startInPart}"); $this->_log("Loop máximo: {$totalLoops}"); $this->_log("--------------------------"); $orHeaders = $headers; /** Entra no loop para enviar mensagens **/ do{ $this->_log("Loop #{$loopPart}"); if($callBack){ $cbResult = call_user_func($callBack, 'LoopStart', $loopPart, $totalLoops); $this->_log("Resultado do callback LoopStart: {$cbResult}"); if(substr($cbResult, 0, 4) == 'STOP') break; } $headers = $orHeaders; if($hasBcc){ $headbcc = join(",", array_slice($parts_bcc, ($loopPart-1)*$loopSize, $loopSize)); $headers[] = "Bcc: $headbcc"; $this->_log("+ Destinos ocultos: {$headbcc}"); } if($this->delay && $loopPart > 1){ $this->_log("+ Aguardando {$this->delay} para nao sobrecarregar servidor"); sleep($this->delay); } $headersJoined = implode("\n", $headers); $result = $this->callMail($subject, $headersJoined); $this->_log("+ Resultado do envio: ".(($result===true)?"Sucesso!":"Falha no envio.")); if(!$result){ $this->_log("FALHA CRÍTICA: O loop #{$loopPart} (total de {$totalLoops}) naão foi entregue com sucesso."); $this->_log("FALHA CRÍTICA: Loop interrompido."); $this->error = "Falha no envio do laco $loopPart de $totalLoops. {$this->error}\n"; break; } unset($headers, $headersJoined, $result, $headbcc); if($callBack){ $cbResult = call_user_func($callBack, 'LoopEnd', $loopPart, $totalLoops); $this->_log("Resultado do callback LoopEnd: {$cbResult}"); if($cbResult == 'STOP') break; } } while($loopPart++ < $totalLoops); $this->_log("--------------------------"); $this->_log(". . . Concluído!"); // Reset the subject in case mail is resent if ($subject !== ''){ $this->headers['Subject'] = $subject; } return $this->error?false:true; } Function autoAttachFile($filename, &$filedata){ // Auto-detect if need to attach or embed the attachment. This need to be called after setMessage() // $filename = basename($filename); if($this->html && preg_match('/(?:"|\')'.preg_quote($filename, '/').'(?:"|\')/Ui', $this->html)){ $this->embedFile($filename, $filedata); $this->_log("Adicionando HTMLImage: $filename (".strlen($filedata)." bytes)"); return 1; } else{ $this->attachFile(basename($filename), $filedata); $this->_log("Adicionando Attachment: $filename (".strlen($filedata)." bytes)"); return 2; } } Function attachFile($filename, &$filedata){ return $this->addAttachment($filedata, basename($filename), $this->_getAutoMimeType($filename)); } Function embedFile ($filename, &$filedata){ $cid = $this->addHtmlImage($filedata, $filename, $this->_getAutoMimeType($filename)); return $cid?"CID:{$cid}":false; } Function allowDupe($yesno=true){ // Default: False $this->blockDupe = !$yesno; } Function blockDupe($yesno=true){ // Default: True $this->allowDupe(!$yesno); } Function setGroupAmount($amount){ // Default: 20 $this->groupAmnt = $amount; } Function importHTML($body, $baseDir=false, $importImages=true){// Auto-detect all images inside an HTML body and embed it as attachments. if(!$baseDir) $importImages = false; $this->setMessage($body, true, false); // body, html, force_nl2br if($importImages){ if($importImages && strpos($baseDir, '/') === null) die("dSendMail2 - importHTML() - Parâmetro '\$baseDir' deve ter um caminho absoluto, não relativo. Atualmente, '{$baseDir}'."); $tags = preg_match_all("/<.+?(src|background)=[\"']?(.+?)[\"' ].*?>/is", $body, $out); if($tags) foreach($out[2] as $addFile){ if(strpos($addFile, "://")) continue; $dieCritical = false; if(file_exists("$baseDir/$addFile")){ $this->autoAttachFile($addFile, file_get_contents("$baseDir/$addFile")); } else{ echo "HTML Pediu o arquivo: '{$addFile}', mas este não existe em '{$baseDir}/{$addFile}'<br />\r\n"; $dieCritical = true; } if($dieCritical) die("Arquivos encontrados no HTML mas não foram encontrados na pasta. Cancelando envio.\r\n"); } } return true; } Function importEML ($fileBody, $importAll=false){ /** Primeiro passo: Separar header/body e importar o header**/ preg_match("/^(.+?)\r?\n\r?\n(.+)$/s", $fileBody, $emlContentsParts); /** Segundo passo: Definir construção da mensagem **/ $this->setMessage("Esta mensagem foi enviada diretamente em formato EML.\nPara ver seu conteúdo, será necessário fazer o download."); $this->headers = $this->_convertStrHeaderToArray($emlContentsParts[1]); $this->output = isset($emlContentsParts[2])?$emlContentsParts[2]:''; $this->is_built = true; if(!$importAll){ // Remove headers that will be ignored or overwritted unset($this->headers["X-Unsent"]); unset($this->headers["From"]); unset($this->headers["To"]); unset($this->headers["Cc"]); unset($this->headers["Bcc"]); } else{ // Import all headers, and parse some of them $this->setTo($this->headers['To']); unset($this->headers["To"]); } } Function exportEML($setUnsent=false){ if(!$this->is_built) $this->buildMessage(); $ret = ""; foreach($this->headers as $key=>$value) $ret .= "{$key}: ".trim($value)."\n"; if($setUnsent) $ret .= "X-Unsent: 1\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= $this->output; return $ret; } Function setSMTPTimeout($timeout){ // Default: 15 (seconds) $this->timeout = $timeout; } Function sendThroughSMTP($smtp_server, $port=25, $user=false, $pass=false, $ssl=false){ $this->sendThrough = Array($smtp_server, $port, $user, $pass, $ssl); } Function sendThroughMail(){ $this->sendThrough = false; } Function sendThroughGMail ($user, $pass){ $this->sendThroughSMTP('', 465, $user, $pass, 1); } Function sendThroughHotMail($user, $pass){ $this->sendThroughSMTP('', 25, $user, $pass, 2); } Function sendThroughYahoo ($user, $pass){ $this->sendThroughSMTP('', 465, $user, $pass, 1); } Function sendThroughNowhere($randomError=0){ // Used ONLY for test purpose. // $randomError between 0 and 1 $this->sendThrough = Array('NULL', $randomError); } Function sendThroughSetDefault(){ self::$StaticSendThrough = $this->sendThrough; } Function getError(){ return $this->error; } /** Private **/ Function callMail($subject, $headersJoined){ if(!$this->sendThrough){ $this->_log("Enviando através da função MAIL()"); return mail($this->to, $subject, $this->output, $headersJoined); } elseif($this->sendThrough[0] == 'NULL'){ $errProb = $this->sendThrough[1]; $this->_log("Modo de testes, não enviando para ninguém. Possibilidade de erro: {$errProb}."); if($errProb && rand(0, 100) < (($errProb>1)?$errProb:$errProb*100)){ $this->error = "Simulando erro de testes."; return false; } return true; } else{ $this->_log("Enviando através de SMTP"); $user = $this->sendThrough[2]; $pass = $this->sendThrough[3]; if($user){ $user = explode("@", $this->sendThrough[2], 2); $realm = isset($user[1])?$user[1]:false; $user = $user[0]; } $smtp = new smtp_class; $smtp->host_name = $this->sendThrough[0]; $smtp->host_port = $this->sendThrough[1]; $smtp->ssl = ($this->sendThrough[4]===1||($this->sendThrough[4]===true)); $smtp->start_tls = ($this->sendThrough[4]===2); $smtp->localhost = ($this->localhost?$this->localhost:(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])?$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']:"localhost")); $smtp->timeout = $this->timeout; $smtp->data_timeout = 0; $smtp->debug = $this->debug; $smtp->html_debug = !true; $smtp->pop3_auth_host = ""; $smtp->user = $user?$user :false; $smtp->realm = $user?$realm:false; $smtp->password = $user?$pass :false; $arheader = $this->_convertStrHeaderToArray($headersJoined); if(!isset($arheader['From'])) $arheader['From'] = $this->headers['From']; if(!isset($arheader['To'])) $arheader['To'] = $this->to; if(!isset($arheader['Subject']))$arheader['Subject'] = $subject; if(!isset($arheader['Date'])) $arheader['Date'] = date('r'); $bccTo = false; if(isset($arheader['Bcc'])){ $bccTo = $arheader['Bcc']; unset($arheader['Bcc']);; } $newheader = Array(); foreach($arheader as $key=>$headerline){ $newheader[] = "{$key}: {$headerline}"; } $ok = $smtp->SendMessage($this->_normalizeEmail($this->headers['From'], true), explode(",", $this->to.($bccTo?",{$bccTo}":"")), $newheader, $this->output); if(!$ok){ $this->error = $smtp->error; return false; } return true; } die("Don't know how to send."); } Function _log($event){ if($this->logFolder){ if(!is_writable($this->logFolder)) die("Impossível enviar e-mails - Pasta de log sem permissões. ($this->logFolder)"); if(!$this->logFile) $this->logFile = fopen("{$this->logFolder}/log-".date('d.m.Y-H.i.s').'-'.substr(uniqid(), -4).".txt", "a+"); $toLog = date('d/m/Y H:i:s')." ".trim($event)."\r\n"; fwrite($this->logFile, $toLog); } } Function _getAutoMimeType($filename){ $ext = strtolower(substr($filename, -3)); switch($ext){ case ".xls": $content_type="application/excel"; break; case ".hqx": $content_type="application/macbinhex40"; break; case ".doc": case ".dot": case ".wrd": $content_type="application/msword"; break; case ".pdf": $content_type="application/pdf"; break; case ".pgp": $content_type="application/pgp"; break; case ".ps": case ".eps": case ".ai": $content_type="application/postscript"; break; case ".ppt": $content_type="application/powerpoint"; break; case ".rtf": $content_type="application/rtf"; break; case ".tgz": case ".gtar": $content_type="application/x-gtar"; break; case ".gz": $content_type="application/x-gzip"; break; case ".php": case ".php3": $content_type="application/x-httpd-php"; break; case ".js": $content_type="application/x-javascript"; break; case ".ppd": case ".psd": $content_type="application/x-photoshop"; break; case ".swf": case ".swc": case ".rf": $content_type="application/x-shockwave-flash"; break; case ".tar": $content_type="application/x-tar"; break; case ".zip": $content_type="application/zip"; break; case ".mid": case ".midi": case ".kar": $content_type="audio/midi"; break; case ".mp2": case ".mp3": case ".mpga": $content_type="audio/mpeg"; break; case ".ra": $content_type="audio/x-realaudio"; break; case ".wav": $content_type="audio/wav"; break; case ".bmp": $content_type="image/bitmap"; break; case ".gif": $content_type="image/gif"; break; case ".iff": $content_type="image/iff"; break; case ".jb2": $content_type="image/jb2"; break; case ".jpg": case ".jpe": case ".jpeg": $content_type="image/jpeg"; break; case ".jpx": $content_type="image/jpx"; break; case ".png": $content_type="image/png"; break; case ".tif": case ".tiff": $content_type="image/tiff"; break; case ".wbmp": $content_type="image/vnd.wap.wbmp"; break; case ".xbm": $content_type="image/xbm"; break; case ".css": $content_type="text/css"; break; case ".txt": $content_type="text/plain"; break; case ".htm": case ".html": $content_type="text/html"; break; case ".xml": $content_type="text/xml"; break; case ".mpg": case ".mpe": case ".mpeg": $content_type="video/mpeg"; break; case ".qt": case ".mov": $content_type="video/quicktime"; break; case ".avi": $content_type="video/x-ms-video"; break; case ".eml": $content_type="message/rfc822"; break; default: $content_type="application/octet-stream"; break; } return $content_type; } Function &_convertStrHeaderToArray($header){ $headers = Array(); $strHeader = explode("\n", $header); foreach($strHeader as $lineHeader){ $parts = explode(": ", $lineHeader, 2); if(sizeof($parts) == 2){ // If correct format (Title: value) $lastHeaderTitle = implode("-", array_map('ucfirst', explode("-", $parts[0]))); if(preg_match("/^(from|to|cc|bcc|subject)$/i", $lastHeaderTitle)) // Check if the essential headers are correctly written $lastHeaderTitle = ucfirst(strtolower($lastHeaderTitle)); // The whole string is lower-case, but the first letter $headers[$lastHeaderTitle] = rtrim($parts[1]); } else // It's a continuation of the previous Title if(!isset($lastHeaderTitle)) // But there's no previous title! Weird... $headers[rtrim($parts[0])] = ""; else $headers[$lastHeaderTitle] .= "\n".rtrim($parts[0]); } return $headers; } Function _normalizeEmail($email, $only_address=false){ if(!strpos($email, "<")){ // Padrão: a@b.c return trim(str_replace(Array(" ", "<", ">"), "", strtolower($email))); } // Padrão: "Nome" <a@b.c> $nome = trim(str_replace("\"", "", substr($email, 0, strpos($email, "<")))); $email = substr($email, strpos($email, "<")); $email = trim(str_replace(Array(" ", "<", ">"), "", $email)); $email = strtolower($email); return $only_address? $email: "\"{$nome}\" <$email>"; } Function _normalizeEmailAddress($email){ return $this->_normalizeEmail($email, true); } } // MimeMessage Support class htmlMimeMail { var $html; var $text; var $output; var $html_text; var $html_images; var $image_types; var $build_params; var $attachments; var $headers; var $is_built; var $return_path; var $smtp_params; function htmlMimeMail(){ $this->html_images = array(); $this->headers = array(); $this->is_built = false; $this->image_types = array( 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'png' => 'image/png', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ); /** * Set these up */ $this->build_params['html_encoding'] = '7bit'; $this->build_params['text_encoding'] = '7bit'; $this->build_params['html_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; $this->build_params['text_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; $this->build_params['head_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; $this->build_params['text_wrap'] = 998; /** * Defaults for smtp sending */ if (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['HTTP_HOST'])) { $helo = $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['HTTP_HOST']; } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'])) { $helo = $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME']; } else { $helo = 'localhost'; } $this->smtp_params['host'] = 'localhost'; $this->smtp_params['port'] = 25; $this->smtp_params['helo'] = $helo; $this->smtp_params['auth'] = false; $this->smtp_params['user'] = ''; $this->smtp_params['pass'] = ''; /** * Make sure the MIME version header is first. */ $this->headers['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'; } /** * This function will read a file in * from a supplied filename and return * it. This can then be given as the first * argument of the the functions * add_html_image() or add_attachment(). */ function getFile($filename){ $return = ''; if ($fp = fopen($filename, 'rb')) { while (!feof($fp)) { $return .= fread($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); return $return; } else { return false; } } /** * Accessor to set the CRLF style */ function setCrlf($crlf = "\n"){ if (!defined('CRLF')) { define('CRLF', $crlf, true); } if (!defined('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF')) { define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF', $crlf, true); } } /** * Accessor to set the SMTP parameters */ function setSMTPParams($host = null, $port = null, $helo = null, $auth = null, $user = null, $pass = null){ if (!is_null($host)) $this->smtp_params['host'] = $host; if (!is_null($port)) $this->smtp_params['port'] = $port; if (!is_null($helo)) $this->smtp_params['helo'] = $helo; if (!is_null($auth)) $this->smtp_params['auth'] = $auth; if (!is_null($user)) $this->smtp_params['user'] = $user; if (!is_null($pass)) $this->smtp_params['pass'] = $pass; } /** * Accessor function to set the text encoding */ function setTextEncoding($encoding = '7bit'){ $this->build_params['text_encoding'] = $encoding; } /** * Accessor function to set the HTML encoding */ function setHtmlEncoding($encoding = 'quoted-printable'){ $this->build_params['html_encoding'] = $encoding; } /** * Accessor function to set the text charset */ function setTextCharset($charset = 'ISO-8859-1') { $this->build_params['text_charset'] = $charset; } /** * Accessor function to set the HTML charset */ function setHtmlCharset($charset = 'ISO-8859-1') { $this->build_params['html_charset'] = $charset; } /** * Accessor function to set the header encoding charset */ function setHeadCharset($charset = 'ISO-8859-1') { $this->build_params['head_charset'] = $charset; } /** * Accessor function to set the text wrap count */ function setTextWrap($count = 998) { $this->build_params['text_wrap'] = $count; } /** * Accessor to set a header */ function setHeader($name, $value) { $this->headers[$name] = $value; } /** * Accessor to add a Subject: header */ function setSubject($subject) { $this->headers['Subject'] = $subject; } /** * Accessor to add a From: header */ function setFrom($from) { $this->headers['From'] = $from; } /** * Accessor to set the return path */ function setReturnPath($return_path) { $this->return_path = $return_path; } /** * Accessor to add a Cc: header */ function setCc($cc) { $this->headers['Cc'] = $cc; } /** * Accessor to add a Bcc: header */ function setBcc($bcc) { $this->headers['Bcc'] = $bcc; } /** * Adds plain text. Use this function * when NOT sending html email */ function setText($text = '') { $this->text = $text; } /** * Adds a html part to the mail. * Also replaces image names with * content-id's. */ function setHtml($html, $text = null, $images_dir = null) { $this->html = $html; $this->html_text = $text; if (isset($images_dir)) { $this->_findHtmlImages($images_dir); } } /** * Function for extracting images from * html source. This function will look * through the html code supplied by add_html() * and find any file that ends in one of the * extensions defined in $obj->image_types. * If the file exists it will read it in and * embed it, (not an attachment). * * @author Dan Allen */ function _findHtmlImages($images_dir) { // Build the list of image extensions while (list($key,) = each($this->image_types)) { $extensions[] = $key; } preg_match_all('/(?:"|\')([^"\']+\.('.implode('|', $extensions).'))(?:"|\')/Ui', $this->html, $images); for ($i=0; $i<count($images[1]); $i++) { if (file_exists($images_dir . $images[1][$i])) { $html_images[] = $images[1][$i]; $this->html = str_replace($images[1][$i], basename($images[1][$i]), $this->html); } } if (!empty($html_images)) { // If duplicate images are embedded, they may show up as attachments, so remove them. $html_images = array_unique($html_images); sort($html_images); for ($i=0; $i<count($html_images); $i++) { if ($image = $this->getFile($images_dir.$html_images[$i])) { $ext = substr($html_images[$i], strrpos($html_images[$i], '.') + 1); $content_type = $this->image_types[strtolower($ext)]; $this->addHtmlImage($image, basename($html_images[$i]), $content_type); } } } } /** * Adds an image to the list of embedded * images. */ function addHtmlImage($file, $name = '', $c_type='application/octet-stream') { $cid = md5(uniqid()); $this->html_images[] = array( 'body' => $file, 'name' => $name, 'c_type' => $c_type, 'cid' => $cid ); return $cid; } /** * Adds a file to the list of attachments. */ function addAttachment($file, $name = '', $c_type='application/octet-stream', $encoding = 'base64') { $this->attachments[] = array( 'body' => $file, 'name' => $name, 'c_type' => $c_type, 'encoding' => $encoding ); } /** * Adds a text subpart to a mime_part object */ function &_addTextPart(&$obj, $text) { $params['content_type'] = 'text/plain'; $params['encoding'] = $this->build_params['text_encoding']; $params['charset'] = $this->build_params['text_charset']; if (is_object($obj)) { $return = $obj->addSubpart($text, $params); } else { $return = new Mail_mimePart($text, $params); } return $return; } /** * Adds a html subpart to a mime_part object */ function &_addHtmlPart(&$obj) { $params['content_type'] = 'text/html'; $params['encoding'] = $this->build_params['html_encoding']; $params['charset'] = $this->build_params['html_charset']; if (is_object($obj)) { $return = $obj->addSubpart($this->html, $params); } else { $return = new Mail_mimePart($this->html, $params); } return $return; } /** * Starts a message with a mixed part */ function &_addMixedPart() { $params['content_type'] = 'multipart/mixed'; $return = new Mail_mimePart('', $params); return $return; } /** * Adds an alternative part to a mime_part object */ function &_addAlternativePart(&$obj) { $params['content_type'] = 'multipart/alternative'; if (is_object($obj)) { $return = $obj->addSubpart('', $params); } else { $return = new Mail_mimePart('', $params); } return $return; } /** * Adds a html subpart to a mime_part object */ function &_addRelatedPart(&$obj) { $params['content_type'] = 'multipart/related'; if (is_object($obj)) { $return = $obj->addSubpart('', $params); } else { $return = new Mail_mimePart('', $params); } return $return; } /** * Adds an html image subpart to a mime_part object */ function _addHtmlImagePart(&$obj, $value) { $params['content_type'] = $value['c_type']; $params['encoding'] = 'base64'; $params['disposition'] = 'inline'; $params['dfilename'] = $value['name']; $params['cid'] = $value['cid']; $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params); } /** * Adds an attachment subpart to a mime_part object */ function _addAttachmentPart(&$obj, $value) { $params['content_type'] = $value['c_type']; $params['encoding'] = $value['encoding']; $params['disposition'] = 'attachment'; $params['dfilename'] = $value['name']; $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params); } /** * Builds the multipart message from the * list ($this->_parts). $params is an * array of parameters that shape the building * of the message. Currently supported are: * * $params['html_encoding'] - The type of encoding to use on html. Valid options are * "7bit", "quoted-printable" or "base64" (all without quotes). * 7bit is EXPRESSLY NOT RECOMMENDED. Default is quoted-printable * $params['text_encoding'] - The type of encoding to use on plain text Valid options are * "7bit", "quoted-printable" or "base64" (all without quotes). * Default is 7bit * $params['text_wrap'] - The character count at which to wrap 7bit encoded data. * Default this is 998. * $params['html_charset'] - The character set to use for a html section. * Default is ISO-8859-1 * $params['text_charset'] - The character set to use for a text section. * - Default is ISO-8859-1 * $params['head_charset'] - The character set to use for header encoding should it be needed. * - Default is ISO-8859-1 */ function buildMessage($params = array()) { if (!empty($params)) { while (list($key, $value) = each($params)) { $this->build_params[$key] = $value; } } if (!empty($this->html_images)) { foreach ($this->html_images as $value) { $this->html = str_replace($value['name'], 'cid:'.$value['cid'], $this->html); } } $null = null; $attachments = !empty($this->attachments) ? true : false; $html_images = !empty($this->html_images) ? true : false; $html = !empty($this->html) ? true : false; $text = isset($this->text) ? true : false; switch (true) { case $text AND !$attachments: $message = &$this->_addTextPart($null, $this->text); break; case !$text AND $attachments AND !$html: $message = &$this->_addMixedPart(); for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) { $this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]); } break; case $text AND $attachments: $message = &$this->_addMixedPart(); $this->_addTextPart($message, $this->text); for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) { $this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]); } break; case $html AND !$attachments AND !$html_images: if (!is_null($this->html_text)) { $message = &$this->_addAlternativePart($null); $this->_addTextPart($message, $this->html_text); $this->_addHtmlPart($message); } else { $message = &$this->_addHtmlPart($null); } break; case $html AND !$attachments AND $html_images: if (!is_null($this->html_text)) { $message = &$this->_addAlternativePart($null); $this->_addTextPart($message, $this->html_text); $related = &$this->_addRelatedPart($message); } else { $message = &$this->_addRelatedPart($null); $related = &$message; } $this->_addHtmlPart($related); for ($i=0; $i<count($this->html_images); $i++) { $this->_addHtmlImagePart($related, $this->html_images[$i]); } break; case $html AND $attachments AND !$html_images: $message = &$this->_addMixedPart(); if (!is_null($this->html_text)) { $alt = &$this->_addAlternativePart($message); $this->_addTextPart($alt, $this->html_text); $this->_addHtmlPart($alt); } else { $this->_addHtmlPart($message); } for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) { $this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]); } break; case $html AND $attachments AND $html_images: $message = &$this->_addMixedPart(); if (!is_null($this->html_text)) { $alt = &$this->_addAlternativePart($message); $this->_addTextPart($alt, $this->html_text); $rel = &$this->_addRelatedPart($alt); } else { $rel = &$this->_addRelatedPart($message); } $this->_addHtmlPart($rel); for ($i=0; $i<count($this->html_images); $i++) { $this->_addHtmlImagePart($rel, $this->html_images[$i]); } for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) { $this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]); } break; } if (isset($message)) { $output = $message->encode(); $this->output = $output['body']; $this->headers = array_merge($this->headers, $output['headers']); // Add message ID header srand((double)microtime()*10000000); $message_id = sprintf('<%s.%s@%s>', base_convert(time(), 10, 36), base_convert(rand(), 10, 36), isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'LOCALHOST'); $this->headers['Message-ID'] = $message_id; $this->is_built = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Function to encode a header if necessary * according to RFC2047 */ function _encodeHeader($input, $charset = 'ISO-8859-1') { preg_match_all('/(\s?\w*[\x80-\xFF]+\w*\s?)/', $input, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { $replacement = preg_replace('/([\x20\x80-\xFF])/e', '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))', $value); $input = str_replace($value, '=?' . $charset . '?Q?' . $replacement . '?=', $input); } return $input; } /** * Sends the mail. * * @param array $recipients * @param string $type OPTIONAL * @return mixed */ function send($recipients, $type = 'mail') { if (!defined('CRLF')) { $this->setCrlf($type == 'mail' ? "\n" : "\r\n"); } if (!$this->is_built) { $this->buildMessage(); } switch ($type) { case 'mail': $subject = ''; if (!empty($this->headers['Subject'])) { $subject = $this->_encodeHeader($this->headers['Subject'], $this->build_params['head_charset']); unset($this->headers['Subject']); } // Get flat representation of headers foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) { $headers[] = $name . ': ' . $this->_encodeHeader($value, $this->build_params['head_charset']); } $to = $this->_encodeHeader(implode(', ', $recipients), $this->build_params['head_charset']); if (!empty($this->return_path)) { $result = mail($to, $subject, $this->output, implode(CRLF, $headers), '-f' . $this->return_path); } else { $result = mail($to, $subject, $this->output, implode(CRLF, $headers)); } // Reset the subject in case mail is resent if ($subject !== '') { $this->headers['Subject'] = $subject; } // Return return $result; break; case 'smtp': die("Classe SMTP não está implementada."); break; } } /** * Use this method to return the email * in message/rfc822 format. Useful for * adding an email to another email as * an attachment. there's a commented * out example in example.php. */ function getRFC822($recipients, $type='mail') { // Make up the date header as according to RFC822 $this->setHeader('Date', date('D, d M y H:i:s O')); if (!defined('CRLF')) { $this->setCrlf("\n"); } if (!$this->is_built) { $this->buildMessage(); } // Return path ? if (isset($this->return_path)) { $headers[] = 'Return-Path: ' . $this->return_path; } // Get flat representation of headers foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) { $headers[] = $name . ': ' . $value; } $headers[] = 'To: ' . implode(', ', $recipients); return implode(CRLF, $headers) . CRLF . CRLF . $this->output; } } // End of class. class Mail_mimePart { var $_encoding; // The encoding type of this part var $_subparts; // An array of subparts var $_encoded; // The output of this part after being built var $_headers; // Headers for this part var $_body; // The body of this part (not encoded) /** * Constructor. * * Sets up the object. * * @param $body - The body of the mime part if any. * @param $params - An associative array of parameters: * content_type - The content type for this part eg multipart/mixed * encoding - The encoding to use, 7bit, 8bit, base64, or quoted-printable * cid - Content ID to apply * disposition - Content disposition, inline or attachment * dfilename - Optional filename parameter for content disposition * description - Content description * charset - Character set to use * @access public */ function Mail_mimePart($body = '', $params = array()){ if (!defined('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF')) { define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF', defined('MAIL_MIME_CRLF') ? MAIL_MIME_CRLF : "\r\n", TRUE); } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'content_type': $headers['Content-Type'] = $value . (isset($charset) ? '; charset="' . $charset . '"' : ''); break; case 'encoding': $this->_encoding = $value; $headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = $value; break; case 'cid': $headers['Content-ID'] = '<' . $value . '>'; break; case 'disposition': $headers['Content-Disposition'] = $value . (isset($dfilename) ? '; filename="' . $dfilename . '"' : ''); break; case 'dfilename': if (isset($headers['Content-Disposition'])) { $headers['Content-Disposition'] .= '; filename="' . $value . '"'; } else { $dfilename = $value; } break; case 'description': $headers['Content-Description'] = $value; break; case 'charset': if (isset($headers['Content-Type'])) { $headers['Content-Type'] .= '; charset="' . $value . '"'; } else { $charset = $value; } break; } } // Default content-type if (!isset($headers['Content-Type'])) { $headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'; } //Default encoding if (!isset($this->_encoding)) { $this->_encoding = '7bit'; } // Assign stuff to member variables $this->_encoded = array(); $this->_headers = $headers; $this->_body = $body; } /** * encode() * * Encodes and returns the email. Also stores * it in the encoded member variable * * @return An associative array containing two elements, * body and headers. The headers element is itself * an indexed array. * @access public */ function encode(){ $encoded =& $this->_encoded; if (!empty($this->_subparts)) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $boundary = '=_' . md5(uniqid(rand()) . microtime()); $this->_headers['Content-Type'] .= ';' . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . "\t" . 'boundary="' . $boundary . '"'; // Add body parts to $subparts for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_subparts); $i++) { $headers = array(); $tmp = $this->_subparts[$i]->encode(); foreach ($tmp['headers'] as $key => $value) { $headers[] = $key . ': ' . $value; } $subparts[] = implode(MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF, $headers) . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . $tmp['body']; } $encoded['body'] = '--' . $boundary . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . implode('--' . $boundary . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF, $subparts) . '--' . $boundary.'--' . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF; } else { $encoded['body'] = $this->_getEncodedData($this->_body, $this->_encoding) . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF; } // Add headers to $encoded $encoded['headers'] =& $this->_headers; return $encoded; } /** * &addSubPart() * * Adds a subpart to current mime part and returns * a reference to it * * @param $body The body of the subpart, if any. * @param $params The parameters for the subpart, same * as the $params argument for constructor. * @return A reference to the part you just added. It is * crucial if using multipart/* in your subparts that * you use =& in your script when calling this function, * otherwise you will not be able to add further subparts. * @access public */ function &addSubPart($body, $params) { $this->_subparts[] = new Mail_mimePart($body, $params); return $this->_subparts[count($this->_subparts) - 1]; } /** * _getEncodedData() * * Returns encoded data based upon encoding passed to it * * @param $data The data to encode. * @param $encoding The encoding type to use, 7bit, base64, * or quoted-printable. * @access private */ function _getEncodedData($data, $encoding) { switch ($encoding) { case '8bit': case '7bit': return $data; break; case 'quoted-printable': return $this->_quotedPrintableEncode($data); break; case 'base64': return rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($data), 76, MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF)); break; default: return $data; } } /** * quoteadPrintableEncode() * * Encodes data to quoted-printable standard. * * @param $input The data to encode * @param $line_max Optional max line length. Should * not be more than 76 chars * * @access private */ function _quotedPrintableEncode($input , $line_max = 76) { $lines = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $input); $eol = MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF; $escape = '='; $output = ''; while(list(, $line) = each($lines)){ $linlen = strlen($line); $newline = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++) { $char = substr($line, $i, 1); $dec = ord($char); if (($dec == 32) AND ($i == ($linlen - 1))){ // convert space at eol only $char = '=20'; } elseif($dec == 9) { ; // Do nothing if a tab. } elseif(($dec == 61) OR ($dec < 32 ) OR ($dec > 126)) { $char = $escape . strtoupper(sprintf('%02s', dechex($dec))); } if ((strlen($newline) + strlen($char)) >= $line_max) { // MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF is not counted $output .= $newline . $escape . $eol; // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay $newline = ''; } $newline .= $char; } // end of for $output .= $newline . $eol; } $output = substr($output, 0, -1 * strlen($eol)); // Don't want last crlf return $output; } } // End of class class smtp_class{ // SMTP Support /* <version>@(#) $Id: smtp.php,v 1.41 2009/04/12 06:15:06 mlemos Exp $</version> <copyright>Copyright © (C) Manuel Lemos 1999-2009</copyright> <title>Sending e-mail messages via SMTP protocol</title> <author>Manuel Lemos</author> <authoraddress></authoraddress> */ var $user=""; var $realm=""; var $password=""; var $workstation=""; var $authentication_mechanism=""; var $host_name=""; var $host_port=25; var $ssl=0; var $start_tls = 0; var $localhost=""; var $timeout=0; var $data_timeout=0; var $direct_delivery=0; var $error=""; var $debug=0; var $html_debug=0; var $esmtp=1; var $esmtp_extensions=array(); var $exclude_address=""; var $getmxrr="GetMXRR"; var $pop3_auth_host=""; var $pop3_auth_port=110; /* private variables - DO NOT ACCESS */ var $state="Disconnected"; var $connection=0; var $pending_recipients=0; var $next_token=""; var $direct_sender=""; var $connected_domain=""; var $result_code; var $disconnected_error=0; var $esmtp_host=""; var $maximum_piped_recipients=100; /* Private methods - DO NOT CALL */ Function Tokenize($string,$separator="") { if(!strcmp($separator,"")) { $separator=$string; $string=$this->next_token; } for($character=0;$character<strlen($separator);$character++) { if(GetType($position=strpos($string,$separator[$character]))=="integer") $found=(IsSet($found) ? min($found,$position) : $position); } if(IsSet($found)) { $this->next_token=substr($string,$found+1); return(substr($string,0,$found)); } else { $this->next_token=""; return($string); } } Function setError($error){ $this->error = $error; $this->OutputDebug("Erro ocurred: {$error}"); } Function OutputDebug($message){ if($this->debug){ $message.="\n"; if($this->html_debug) $message=str_replace("\n","<br />\n",HtmlEntities($message)); echo $message; flush(); } } Function SetDataAccessError($error) { $this->setError($error); if(function_exists("socket_get_status")) { $status=socket_get_status($this->connection); if($status["timed_out"]) $this->error.=": data access time out"; elseif($status["eof"]) { $this->error.=": the server disconnected"; $this->disconnected_error=1; } } } Function GetLine() { for($line="";;) { if(feof($this->connection)) { $this->setError("reached the end of data while reading from the SMTP server conection"); return(""); } if(GetType($data=@fgets($this->connection,100))!="string" || strlen($data)==0){ $this->SetDataAccessError("it was not possible to read line from the SMTP server"); return(""); } $line .= $data; $length = strlen($line); if($length>=1 && substr($line,-1)=="\n"){ $this->OutputDebug("S ".str_replace(Array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), Array("<CRNL>", "<CR>", "<NL>"), $line)); $line = rtrim($line, "\r\n"); return($line); } } } Function PutLine($line) { $this->OutputDebug("C {$line}<CRNL>"); if(!@fputs($this->connection,"$line\r\n")) { $this->SetDataAccessError("it was not possible to send a line to the SMTP server"); return(0); } return(1); } Function PutData(&$data) { if(strlen($data)) { $this->OutputDebug("C $data"); if(!@fputs($this->connection,$data)) { $this->SetDataAccessError("it was not possible to send data to the SMTP server"); return(0); } } return(1); } Function VerifyResultLines($code,&$responses) { $responses=array(); Unset($this->result_code); while(strlen($line=$this->GetLine($this->connection))){ if(IsSet($this->result_code)){ if(strcmp($this->Tokenize($line," -"),$this->result_code)){ $this->setError($line); return(0); } } else{ $this->result_code=$this->Tokenize($line," -"); if(GetType($code)=="array"){ for($codes=0;$codes<count($code) && strcmp($this->result_code,$code[$codes]);$codes++); if($codes>=count($code)){ $this->setError($line); return(0); } } else{ if(strcmp($this->result_code,$code)){ $this->setError($line); return(0); } } } $responses[]=$this->Tokenize(""); if(!strcmp($this->result_code,$this->Tokenize($line," "))) return(1); } return(-1); } Function FlushRecipients() { if($this->pending_sender) { if($this->VerifyResultLines("250",$responses)<=0) return(0); $this->pending_sender=0; } for(;$this->pending_recipients;$this->pending_recipients--) { if($this->VerifyResultLines(array("250","251"),$responses)<=0) return(0); } return(1); } Function ConnectToHost($domain, $port, $resolve_message) { if($this->ssl) { $version=explode(".",function_exists("phpversion") ? phpversion() : "3.0.7"); $php_version=intval($version[0])*1000000+intval($version[1])*1000+intval($version[2]); if($php_version<4003000) return("establishing SSL connections requires at least PHP version 4.3.0"); if(!function_exists("extension_loaded") || !extension_loaded("openssl")) return("establishing SSL connections requires the OpenSSL extension enabled"); } if(function_exists('preg_match') ? preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $domain) : ereg('^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$',$domain)) $ip=$domain; else { $this->OutputDebug($resolve_message); if(!strcmp($ip=@gethostbyname($domain),$domain)) return("could not resolve host \"".$domain."\""); } if(strlen($this->exclude_address) && !strcmp(@gethostbyname($this->exclude_address),$ip)) return("domain \"".$domain."\" resolved to an address excluded to be valid"); $this->OutputDebug("Connecting to host address \"".$ip."\" port ".$port."..."); if(($this->connection=($this->timeout ? @fsockopen(($this->ssl ? "ssl://" : "").$ip,$port,$errno,$error,$this->timeout) : @fsockopen(($this->ssl ? "ssl://" : "").$ip,$port)))) return(""); $error=($this->timeout ? strval($error) : "??"); switch($error) { case "-3": return("-3 socket could not be created"); case "-4": return("-4 dns lookup on hostname \"".$domain."\" failed"); case "-5": return("-5 connection refused or timed out"); case "-6": return("-6 fdopen() call failed"); case "-7": return("-7 setvbuf() call failed"); } return("could not connect to the host \"".$domain."\": ".$error); } Function SASLAuthenticate($mechanisms, $credentials, &$authenticated, &$mechanism) { $authenticated=0; if(!function_exists("class_exists") || !class_exists("sasl_client_class")) { $this->setError("it is not possible to authenticate using the specified mechanism because the SASL library class is not loaded"); return(0); } $sasl=new sasl_client_class; $sasl->SetCredential("user",$credentials["user"]); $sasl->SetCredential("password",$credentials["password"]); if(IsSet($credentials["realm"])) $sasl->SetCredential("realm",$credentials["realm"]); if(IsSet($credentials["workstation"])) $sasl->SetCredential("workstation",$credentials["workstation"]); if(IsSet($credentials["mode"])) $sasl->SetCredential("mode",$credentials["mode"]); do { $status=$sasl->Start($mechanisms,$message,$interactions); } while($status==SASL_INTERACT); switch($status) { case SASL_CONTINUE: break; case SASL_NOMECH: if(strlen($this->authentication_mechanism)){ $this->setError("authenticated mechanism ".$this->authentication_mechanism." may not be used: ".$sasl->error); return(0); } break; default: $this->setError("Could not start the SASL authentication client: ".$sasl->error); return(0); } if(strlen($mechanism=$sasl->mechanism)){ if($this->PutLine("AUTH ".$sasl->mechanism.(IsSet($message) ? " ".base64_encode($message) : ""))==0){ $this->setError("Could not send the AUTH command"); return(0); } if(!$this->VerifyResultLines(array("235","334"),$responses)) return(0); switch($this->result_code) { case "235": $response=""; $authenticated=1; break; case "334": $response=base64_decode($responses[0]); break; default: $this->setError("Authentication error: ".$responses[0]); return(0); } for(;!$authenticated;) { do { $status=$sasl->Step($response,$message,$interactions); } while($status==SASL_INTERACT); switch($status) { case SASL_CONTINUE: if($this->PutLine(base64_encode($message))==0) { $this->setError("Could not send the authentication step message"); return(0); } if(!$this->VerifyResultLines(array("235","334"),$responses)) return(0); switch($this->result_code) { case "235": $response=""; $authenticated=1; break; case "334": $response=base64_decode($responses[0]); break; default: $this->setError("Authentication error: ".$responses[0]); return(0); } break; default: $this->setError("Could not process the SASL authentication step: ".$sasl->error); return(0); } } } return(1); } Function StartSMTP($localhost) { $success = 1; $this->esmtp_extensions = array(); $fallback=1; if($this->esmtp || strlen($this->user)) { if($this->PutLine('EHLO '.$localhost)) { if(($success_code=$this->VerifyResultLines('250',$responses))>0) { $this->esmtp_host=$this->Tokenize($responses[0]," "); for($response=1;$response<count($responses);$response++) { $extension=strtoupper($this->Tokenize($responses[$response]," ")); $this->esmtp_extensions[$extension]=$this->Tokenize(""); } $success=1; $fallback=0; } else { if($success_code==0) { $code=$this->Tokenize($this->error," -"); switch($code) { case "421": $fallback=0; break; } } } } else $fallback=0; } if($fallback) { if($this->PutLine("HELO $localhost") && $this->VerifyResultLines("250",$responses)>0) $success=1; } return($success); } /* Public methods */ Function Connect($domain="") { if(strcmp($this->state,"Disconnected")) { $this->setError("connection is already established"); return(0); } $this->disconnected_error=0; $this->error=$error=""; $this->esmtp_host=""; $this->esmtp_extensions=array(); $hosts=array(); if($this->direct_delivery) { if(strlen($domain)==0) return(1); $hosts=$weights=$mxhosts=array(); $getmxrr=$this->getmxrr; if(function_exists($getmxrr) && $getmxrr($domain,$hosts,$weights)) { for($host=0;$host<count($hosts);$host++) $mxhosts[$weights[$host]]=$hosts[$host]; KSort($mxhosts); for(Reset($mxhosts),$host=0;$host<count($mxhosts);Next($mxhosts),$host++) $hosts[$host]=$mxhosts[Key($mxhosts)]; } else { if(strcmp(@gethostbyname($domain),$domain)!=0) $hosts[]=$domain; } } else { if(strlen($this->host_name)) $hosts[]=$this->host_name; if(strlen($this->pop3_auth_host)) { $user=$this->user; if(strlen($user)==0){ $this->setError("it was not specified the POP3 authentication user"); return(0); } $password=$this->password; if(strlen($password)==0){ $this->setError("it was not specified the POP3 authentication password"); return(0); } $domain=$this->pop3_auth_host; $this->setError($this->ConnectToHost($domain, $this->pop3_auth_port, "Resolving POP3 authentication host \"".$domain."\"...")); if(strlen($this->error)) return(0); if(strlen($response=$this->GetLine())==0) return(0); if(strcmp($this->Tokenize($response," "),"+OK")) { $this->setError("POP3 authentication server greeting was not found"); return(0); } if(!$this->PutLine("USER ".$this->user) || strlen($response=$this->GetLine())==0) return(0); if(strcmp($this->Tokenize($response," "),"+OK")) { $this->setError("POP3 authentication user was not accepted: ".$this->Tokenize("\r\n")); return(0); } if(!$this->PutLine("PASS ".$password) || strlen($response=$this->GetLine())==0) return(0); if(strcmp($this->Tokenize($response," "),"+OK")) { $this->setError("POP3 authentication password was not accepted: ".$this->Tokenize("\r\n")); return(0); } fclose($this->connection); $this->connection=0; } } if(count($hosts)==0) { $this->setError("could not determine the SMTP to connect"); return(0); } for($host=0, $error="not connected";strlen($error) && $host<count($hosts);$host++) { $domain=$hosts[$host]; $error=$this->ConnectToHost($domain, $this->host_port, "Resolving SMTP server domain \"$domain\"..."); } if(strlen($error)) { $this->setError($error); return(0); } $timeout=($this->data_timeout ? $this->data_timeout : $this->timeout); if($timeout && function_exists("socket_set_timeout")) socket_set_timeout($this->connection,$timeout,0); $this->OutputDebug("Connected to SMTP server \"".$domain."\"."); if(!strcmp($localhost=$this->localhost,"") && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("SERVER_NAME"),"") && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("HOST"),"")) $localhost="localhost"; $success=0; if($this->VerifyResultLines("220",$responses)>0){ $success = $this->StartSMTP($localhost); if($this->start_tls){ if(!IsSet($this->esmtp_extensions["STARTTLS"])){ $this->setError("server does not support starting TLS"); $success=0; } elseif(!function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')){ $this->setError("this PHP installation or version does not support starting TLS"); $success=0; } elseif($success = ($this->PutLine('STARTTLS') && $this->VerifyResultLines('220',$responses)>0)){ $this->OutputDebug('Starting TLS cryptograpic protocol'); if(!($success = @stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->connection, 1, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT))) $this->error = 'could not start TLS connection encryption protocol'; else{ $this->OutputDebug('TLS started'); $success = $this->StartSMTP($localhost); } } } if($success && strlen($this->user) && strlen($this->pop3_auth_host)==0) { if(!IsSet($this->esmtp_extensions["AUTH"])) { $this->setError("server does not require authentication"); if(IsSet($this->esmtp_extensions["STARTTLS"])) $this->error .= ', it probably requires starting TLS'; $success=0; } else { if(strlen($this->authentication_mechanism)) $mechanisms=array($this->authentication_mechanism); else { $mechanisms=array(); for($authentication=$this->Tokenize($this->esmtp_extensions["AUTH"]," ");strlen($authentication);$authentication=$this->Tokenize(" ")) $mechanisms[]=$authentication; } $credentials=array( "user"=>$this->user, "password"=>$this->password ); if(strlen($this->realm)) $credentials["realm"]=$this->realm; if(strlen($this->workstation)) $credentials["workstation"]=$this->workstation; $success=$this->SASLAuthenticate($mechanisms,$credentials,$authenticated,$mechanism); if(!$success && !strcmp($mechanism,"PLAIN")) { /* * Author: Russell Robinson, 25 May 2003, * Purpose: Try various AUTH PLAIN authentication methods. */ $mechanisms=array("PLAIN"); $credentials=array( "user"=>$this->user, "password"=>$this->password ); if(strlen($this->realm)) { /* * According to: * some sendmails won't accept the realm, so try again without it */ $success=$this->SASLAuthenticate($mechanisms,$credentials,$authenticated,$mechanism); } if(!$success) { /* * It was seen an EXIM configuration like this: * user^password^unused */ $credentials["mode"]=SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_DOCUMENTATION_MODE; $success=$this->SASLAuthenticate($mechanisms,$credentials,$authenticated,$mechanism); } if(!$success) { /* * ... though: * specifies: ^user^password */ $credentials["mode"]=SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_MODE; $success=$this->SASLAuthenticate($mechanisms,$credentials,$authenticated,$mechanism); } } if($success && strlen($mechanism)==0) { $this->setError("it is not supported any of the authentication mechanisms required by the server"); $success=0; } } } } if($success) { $this->state="Connected"; $this->connected_domain=$domain; } else { fclose($this->connection); $this->connection=0; } return($success); } Function MailFrom($sender) { if($this->direct_delivery) { switch($this->state) { case "Disconnected": $this->direct_sender=$sender; return(1); case "Connected": $sender=$this->direct_sender; break; default: $this->setError("direct delivery connection is already established and sender is already set"); return(0); } } else { if(strcmp($this->state,"Connected")) { $this->setError("connection is not in the initial state"); return(0); } } if(!$this->PutLine("MAIL FROM:<$sender>")) return(0); if(!IsSet($this->esmtp_extensions["PIPELINING"]) && $this->VerifyResultLines("250",$responses)<=0) return(0); $this->state="SenderSet"; if(IsSet($this->esmtp_extensions["PIPELINING"])) $this->pending_sender=1; $this->pending_recipients=0; return(1); } Function SetRecipient($recipient) { if($this->direct_delivery) { if(GetType($at=strrpos($recipient,"@"))!="integer") return("it was not specified a valid direct recipient"); $domain=substr($recipient,$at+1); switch($this->state) { case "Disconnected": if(!$this->Connect($domain)) return(0); if(!$this->MailFrom("")) { $error=$this->error; $this->Disconnect(); $this->setError($error); return(0); } break; case "SenderSet": case "RecipientSet": if(strcmp($this->connected_domain,$domain)) { $this->setError("it is not possible to deliver directly to recipients of different domains"); return(0); } break; default: $this->setError("connection is already established and the recipient is already set"); return(0); } } else { switch($this->state) { case "SenderSet": case "RecipientSet": break; default: $this->setError("connection is not in the recipient setting state"); return(0); } } if(!$this->PutLine("RCPT TO:<$recipient>")) return(0); if(IsSet($this->esmtp_extensions["PIPELINING"])) { $this->pending_recipients++; if($this->pending_recipients>=$this->maximum_piped_recipients) { if(!$this->FlushRecipients()) return(0); } } else { if($this->VerifyResultLines(array("250","251"),$responses)<=0) return(0); } $this->state="RecipientSet"; return(1); } Function StartData() { if(strcmp($this->state,"RecipientSet")) { $this->setError("connection is not in the start sending data state"); return(0); } if(!$this->PutLine("DATA")) return(0); if($this->pending_recipients){ if(!$this->FlushRecipients()) return(0); } if($this->VerifyResultLines("354",$responses)<=0) return(0); $this->state="SendingData"; return(1); } Function PrepareData($data){ if(function_exists("preg_replace")) return(preg_replace(array("/\n\n|\r\r/","/(^|[^\r])\n/","/\r([^\n]|\$)/D","/(^|\n)\\./"),array("\r\n\r\n","\\1\r\n","\r\n\\1","\\1.."),$data)); else return( ereg_replace("(^|\n)\\.","\\1..", ereg_replace("\r([^\n]|\$)","\r\n\\1", ereg_replace("(^|[^\r])\n","\\1\r\n", ereg_replace("\n\n|\r\r","\r\n\r\n",$data))))); } Function SendData($data){ if(strcmp($this->state,"SendingData")) { $this->setError("connection is not in the sending data state"); return(0); } return($this->PutData($data)); } Function EndSendingData(){ if(strcmp($this->state,"SendingData")) { $this->setError("connection is not in the sending data state"); return(0); } if(!$this->PutLine("\r\n.") || $this->VerifyResultLines("250",$responses)<=0) return(0); $this->state="Connected"; return(1); } Function ResetConnection(){ switch($this->state) { case "Connected": return(1); case "SendingData": $this->setError("can not reset the connection while sending data"); return(0); case "Disconnected": $this->setError("can not reset the connection before it is established"); return(0); } if(!$this->PutLine("RSET") || $this->VerifyResultLines("250",$responses)<=0) return(0); $this->state="Connected"; return(1); } Function Disconnect($quit=1){ if(!strcmp($this->state,"Disconnected")){ $this->setError("it was not previously established a SMTP connection"); return(0); } $this->error=""; if(!strcmp($this->state,"Connected") && $quit && (!$this->PutLine("QUIT") || ($this->VerifyResultLines("221",$responses)<=0 && !$this->disconnected_error))) return(0); if($this->disconnected_error) $this->disconnected_error=0; else fclose($this->connection); $this->connection=0; $this->state="Disconnected"; $this->OutputDebug("Disconnected."); return(1); } Function SendMessage($sender,$recipients,$headers,$body){ if(($success=$this->Connect())) { if(($success=$this->MailFrom($sender))) { for($recipient=0;$recipient<count($recipients);$recipient++) { if(!($success=$this->SetRecipient($recipients[$recipient]))) break; } if($success && ($success=$this->StartData())) { for($header_data="",$header=0;$header<count($headers);$header++) $header_data.=$headers[$header]."\r\n"; $success=($this->SendData($header_data."\r\n") && $this->SendData($this->PrepareData($body)) && $this->EndSendingData()); } } $error=$this->error; $disconnect_success=$this->Disconnect($success); if($success) $success=$disconnect_success; else $this->setError($error); } return($success); } }; define("SASL_INTERACT", 2); define("SASL_CONTINUE", 1); define("SASL_OK", 0); define("SASL_FAIL", -1); define("SASL_NOMECH", -4); class sasl_interact_class{ var $id; var $challenge; var $prompt; var $default_result; var $result; }; class sasl_client_class{ var $error=''; var $mechanism=''; var $encode_response=1; /* Private variables */ var $driver; var $drivers=array( "Digest" => array("digest_sasl_client_class", "digest_sasl_client.php" ), "CRAM-MD5" => array("cram_md5_sasl_client_class", "cram_md5_sasl_client.php" ), "LOGIN" => array("login_sasl_client_class", "login_sasl_client.php" ), "NTLM" => array("ntlm_sasl_client_class", "ntlm_sasl_client.php" ), "PLAIN" => array("plain_sasl_client_class", "plain_sasl_client.php" ), "Basic" => array("basic_sasl_client_class", "basic_sasl_client.php" ) ); var $credentials=array(); /* Public functions */ Function SetCredential($key,$value){ $this->credentials[$key]=$value; } Function GetCredentials(&$credentials,$defaults,&$interactions){ Reset($credentials); $end=(GetType($key=Key($credentials))!="string"); for(;!$end;) { if(!IsSet($this->credentials[$key])) { if(IsSet($defaults[$key])) $credentials[$key]=$defaults[$key]; else { $this->error="the requested credential ".$key." is not defined"; return(SASL_NOMECH); } } else $credentials[$key]=$this->credentials[$key]; Next($credentials); $end=(GetType($key=Key($credentials))!="string"); } return(SASL_CONTINUE); } Function Start($mechanisms, &$message, &$interactions){ if(strlen($this->error)) return(SASL_FAIL); if(IsSet($this->driver)) return($this->driver->Start($this,$message,$interactions)); $no_mechanism_error=""; for($m=0;$m<count($mechanisms);$m++) { $mechanism=$mechanisms[$m]; if(IsSet($this->drivers[$mechanism])) { if(!class_exists($this->drivers[$mechanism][0])) require(dirname(__FILE__)."/".$this->drivers[$mechanism][1]); $this->driver=new $this->drivers[$mechanism][0]; if($this->driver->Initialize($this)) { $this->encode_response=1; $status=$this->driver->Start($this,$message,$interactions); switch($status) { case SASL_NOMECH: Unset($this->driver); if(strlen($no_mechanism_error)==0) $no_mechanism_error=$this->error; $this->error=""; break; case SASL_CONTINUE: $this->mechanism=$mechanism; return($status); default: Unset($this->driver); $this->error=""; return($status); } } else { Unset($this->driver); if(strlen($no_mechanism_error)==0) $no_mechanism_error=$this->error; $this->error=""; } } } $this->error=(strlen($no_mechanism_error) ? $no_mechanism_error : "it was not requested any of the authentication mechanisms that are supported"); return(SASL_NOMECH); } Function Step($response, &$message, &$interactions){ if(strlen($this->error)) return(SASL_FAIL); return($this->driver->Step($this,$response,$message,$interactions)); } }; define("SASL_LOGIN_STATE_START", 0); define("SASL_LOGIN_STATE_IDENTIFY_USER", 1); define("SASL_LOGIN_STATE_IDENTIFY_PASSWORD", 2); define("SASL_LOGIN_STATE_DONE", 3); class login_sasl_client_class{ var $credentials=array(); var $state=SASL_LOGIN_STATE_START; Function Initialize(&$client) { return(1); } Function Start(&$client, &$message, &$interactions) { if($this->state!=SASL_LOGIN_STATE_START) { $client->error="LOGIN authentication state is not at the start"; return(SASL_FAIL); } $this->credentials=array( "user"=>"", "password"=>"", "realm"=>"" ); $defaults=array( "realm"=>"" ); $status=$client->GetCredentials($this->credentials,$defaults,$interactions); if($status==SASL_CONTINUE) $this->state=SASL_LOGIN_STATE_IDENTIFY_USER; Unset($message); return($status); } Function Step(&$client, $response, &$message, &$interactions) { switch($this->state) { case SASL_LOGIN_STATE_IDENTIFY_USER: $message=$this->credentials["user"].(strlen($this->credentials["realm"]) ? "@".$this->credentials["realm"] : ""); $this->state=SASL_LOGIN_STATE_IDENTIFY_PASSWORD; break; case SASL_LOGIN_STATE_IDENTIFY_PASSWORD: $message=$this->credentials["password"]; $this->state=SASL_LOGIN_STATE_DONE; break; case SASL_LOGIN_STATE_DONE: $client->error="LOGIN authentication was finished without success"; break; default: $client->error="invalid LOGIN authentication step state"; return(SASL_FAIL); } return(SASL_CONTINUE); } }; define("SASL_PLAIN_STATE_START", 0); define("SASL_PLAIN_STATE_IDENTIFY", 1); define("SASL_PLAIN_STATE_DONE", 2); define("SASL_PLAIN_DEFAULT_MODE", 0); define("SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_MODE", 1); define("SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_DOCUMENTATION_MODE", 2); class plain_sasl_client_class{ var $credentials=array(); var $state=SASL_PLAIN_STATE_START; Function Initialize(&$client) { return(1); } Function Start(&$client, &$message, &$interactions) { if($this->state!=SASL_PLAIN_STATE_START) { $client->error="PLAIN authentication state is not at the start"; return(SASL_FAIL); } $this->credentials=array( "user"=>"", "password"=>"", "realm"=>"", "mode"=>"" ); $defaults=array( "realm"=>"", "mode"=>"" ); $status=$client->GetCredentials($this->credentials,$defaults,$interactions); if($status==SASL_CONTINUE) { switch($this->credentials["mode"]) { case SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_MODE: $message=$this->credentials["user"]."\0".$this->credentials["password"]."\0"; break; case SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_DOCUMENTATION_MODE: $message="\0".$this->credentials["user"]."\0".$this->credentials["password"]; break; default: $message=$this->credentials["user"]."\0".$this->credentials["user"].(strlen($this->credentials["realm"]) ? "@".$this->credentials["realm"] : "")."\0".$this->credentials["password"]; break; } $this->state=SASL_PLAIN_STATE_DONE; } else Unset($message); return($status); } Function Step(&$client, $response, &$message, &$interactions) { switch($this->state) { /* case SASL_PLAIN_STATE_IDENTIFY: switch($this->credentials["mode"]) { case SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_MODE: $message=$this->credentials["user"]."\0".$this->credentials["password"]."\0"; break; case SASL_PLAIN_EXIM_DOCUMENTATION_MODE: $message="\0".$this->credentials["user"]."\0".$this->credentials["password"]; break; default: $message=$this->credentials["user"]."\0".$this->credentials["user"].(strlen($this->credentials["realm"]) ? "@".$this->credentials["realm"] : "")."\0".$this->credentials["password"]; break; } var_dump($message); $this->state=SASL_PLAIN_STATE_DONE; break; */ case SASL_PLAIN_STATE_DONE: $client->error="PLAIN authentication was finished without success"; return(SASL_FAIL); default: $client->error="invalid PLAIN authentication step state"; return(SASL_FAIL); } return(SASL_CONTINUE); } };