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File: src/webfan/hps/SerializeCode.php

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  Classes of Melanie Wehowski   Lazy PHP Event Handler   src/webfan/hps/SerializeCode.php   Download  
File: src/webfan/hps/SerializeCode.php
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Class: Lazy PHP Event Handler
Register event handlers to be loaded dynamically
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namespace webfan\hps;
use \

 * This class acts as a wrapper for a closure, and allows it to be serialized.
 * With the combined power of the Reflection API, code parsing, and the infamous
 * `eval()` function, you can serialize a closure, unserialize it somewhere
 * else (even a different PHP process), and execute it.
class SerializeCode implements \Serializable

     * The closure being wrapped for serialization.
     * @var Closure
protected $closure;

     * The serializer doing the serialization work.
     * @var SerializerInterface
protected $serializer;

     * The data from unserialization.
     * @var array
protected $data;

     * Create a new serializable closure instance.
     * @param Closure $closure
     * @param SerializerInterface|null $serializer
public function __construct(
// \Closure $closure,
SuperClosure\SerializerInterface $serializer = null
) {
$this->closure = $closure;
$this->serializer = $serializer ?: new CodeSerializer;

     * Return the original closure object.
     * @return Closure
public function getClosure()

     * Delegates the closure invocation to the actual closure object.
     * Important Notes:
     * - `ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs()` should not be used here, because it
     * does not work with closure bindings.
     * - Args passed-by-reference lose their references when proxied through
     * `__invoke()`. This is an unfortunate, but understandable, limitation
     * of PHP that will probably never change.
     * @return mixed
public function __invoke()
call_user_func_array($this->closure, func_get_args());

     * Clones the SerializableClosure with a new bound object and class scope.
     * The method is essentially a wrapped proxy to the Closure::bindTo method.
     * @param mixed $newthis The object to which the closure should be bound,
     * or NULL for the closure to be unbound.
     * @param mixed $newscope The class scope to which the closure is to be
     * associated, or 'static' to keep the current one.
     * If an object is given, the type of the object will
     * be used instead. This determines the visibility of
     * protected and private methods of the bound object.
     * @return SerializableClosure
     * @link
public function bindTo($newthis, $newscope = 'static')
        return new
$this->closure->bindTo($newthis, $newscope),

     * Serializes the code, context, and binding of the closure.
     * @return string|null
     * @link
public function serialize()
        try {
$this->data = $this->data ?: $this->serializer->getData($this->closure, true);
$bin = new \frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin();
$this->data['context'] = $bin->serialize($this->data['context']);
$this->data['code'] = $bin->serialize($this->data['code']);
$this->data['scope'] = $bin->serialize($this->data['scope']);
$this->data['binding'] = $bin->serialize($this->data['binding']);
//$result = $bin->serialize(serialize($this->data));
$result = serialize($this->data);
// print_r($result);
return $result;

        } catch (\
Exception $e) {
'Serialization of closure failed: ' . $e->getMessage(),
// Note: The serialize() method of Serializable must return a string
            // or null and cannot throw exceptions.
return null;

     * Unserializes the closure.
     * Unserializes the closure's data and recreates the closure using a
     * simulation of its original context. The used variables (context) are
     * extracted into a fresh scope prior to redefining the closure. The
     * closure is also rebound to its former object and scope.
     * @param string $serialized
     * @throws ClosureUnserializationException
     * @link
public function unserialize($serialized)
// Unserialize the closure data and reconstruct the closure object.
$bin = new \frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin();
// $b = $bin->unserialize($serialized);
         // var_dump($b);
$this->data = unserialize($serialized);
$this->data['context'] = $bin->unserialize($this->data['context']);
$this->data['code'] = $bin->unserialize($this->data['code']);
$this->data['scope'] = $bin->unserialize($this->data['scope']);
$this->data['binding'] = $bin->unserialize($this->data['binding']);
$this->closure = __reconstruct_closure($this->data);

// Throw an exception if the closure could not be reconstructed.
if (!$this->closure instanceof \Closure) {
            throw new \
'The closure is corrupted and cannot be unserialized.'

// Rebind the closure to its former binding and scope.
if ($this->data['binding'] || $this->data['isStatic']) {
$this->closure = $this->closure->bindTo(

     * Returns closure data for `var_dump()`.
     * @return array
public function __debugInfo()
$this->data ?: $this->serializer->getData($this->closure, true);

 * Reconstruct a closure.
 * The infamous `eval()` is used in this method, along with the error
 * suppression operator, and variable variables (i.e., double dollar signs) to
 * perform the unserialization logic. I'm sorry, world!
 * This is also done inside a plain function instead of a method so that the
 * binding and scope of the closure are null.
 * @param array $__data Unserialized closure data.
 * @return Closure|null
 * @internal
function __reconstruct_closure(array $__data)
// Simulate the original context the closure was created in.
foreach ($__data['context'] as $__var_name => &$__value) {
        if (
$__value instanceof SerializeCode) {
// Unbox any SerializableClosures in the context.
$__value = $__value->getClosure();
        } elseif (
$__value === CodeSerializer::RECURSION) {
// Track recursive references (there should only be one).
$__recursive_reference = $__var_name;

// Import the variable into this scope.
${$__var_name} = $__value;

// Evaluate the code to recreate the closure.
try {
        if (isset(
$__recursive_reference)) {
// Special handling for recursive closures.
eval("\${$__recursive_reference} = {$__data['code']};");
$__closure = ${$__recursive_reference};
        } else {
"\$__closure = {$__data['code']};");
    } catch (\
ParseError $e) {
// Discard the parse error.

    return isset(
$__closure) ? $__closure : null;