calculate levenshtein distances & hamming distances between 2 strings using PHP
please note : PHP provided build-in functions to do what this library do
it's just for fun !
levenshtein function
gmp_hamdist function
main Classes located in (/libs/ ) directory
open your `terminal`/`cmd`/`powershell`
navigate to your projects directory
run `git clone`
navigate to project `cd find-diff`
run `composer install`
this project require find-diff as a library
check composer.json file and take a look on repositories section.
run test in command-line
open your `terminal`/`cmd`/`powershell`
navigate to project directory
run `php runTest --s1="Mohammad" --s2="Mohammed"`
run test project
run any preferred php server
navigate to project
you will see a simple form
start testing
don't forget to run test using phpunit