* This file is part of Aksara CMS, both framework and publishing
* platform.
* @author Aby Dahana < [email protected]>
* @copyright (c) Aksara Laboratory <https://aksaracms.com>
* @license MIT License
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the LICENSE.txt file.
* When the signs is coming, those who don't believe at "that time"
* have only two choices, commit suicide or become brutal.
return [
// Global
'Aksara Installer' => 'Aksara Installer',
'Whoops!' => 'Whoops!',
'Back' => 'Back',
'Refresh' => 'Refresh',
'Continue' => 'Continue',
'DSN' => 'DSN',
'Hostname' => 'Hostname',
'Port' => 'Port',
'Username' => 'Username',
'Password' => 'Password',
'Confirm Password' => 'Confirm Password',
'Available' => 'Available',
// Index
'Checking Requirements' => 'Checking Requirements',
'Database Configuration' => 'Database Configuration',
'Security Configuration' => 'Security Configuration',
'System Configuration' => 'System Configuration',
'Finalizing' => 'Finalizing',
'Hello there' => 'Hello there',
'Choose Language' => 'Choose Language',
'Thank you for choosing Aksara' => 'Thank you for choosing <a href="//aksaracms.com" class="text-primary fw-bold" target="_blank">Aksara</a>!',
'Before we start the installation, please take a moment to read this few notes.' => 'Before we start the installation, please take a moment to read this few notes.',
'You could check the agreement box and skip reading as usual.' => 'You could check the "<b>Agreement</b>" box and skip reading as usual, but we still believe there\'s a "<b>Nerd</b>" that would read this notes sentence by sentences.',
'Article 1' => '<a href="//aksaracms.com" class="text-primary fw-bold" target="_blank">Aksara</a> is just a tool to build the ecosystems according to your needs. But something you built with <a href="//aksaracms.com" class="text-primary fw-bold" target="_blank">Aksara</a> should be subjected to it;',
'Article 2' => 'You\'re allowed to re-distribute the ecosystems you built with <a href="//aksaracms.com" class="text-primary fw-bold" target="_blank">Aksara</a> without any concern of my permission, however admitting it was built by you as a whole is a shame;',
'Article 3' => 'Never disappoint the creative people who share their work for free, or you\'ll find them selling their future idea at prices you can\'t reach.',
'Three notes should be enough.' => 'Three notes should be enough.',
'I look forward to your support.' => 'We look forward to your support.',
'The fool' => 'The fool',
'Pretend to agree' => 'Pretend to agree',
'Start Installation' => 'Start Installation',
// Database
'Fill the requested fields below with your database connection.' => 'Fill the requested fields below with your database connection.',
'Please fill all required fields!' => 'Please fill all required fields!',
'Database Driver' => 'Database Driver',
'Initial Database' => 'Initial Database',
'Please choose the correct database driver!' => 'Please choose the correct database driver!',
'Create database if not exist' => 'Create database if not exist',
// Finalizing
'The timezone is not valid!' => 'The timezone is not valid!',
'The site title cannot be empty!' => 'The site title cannot be empty!',
'The site description cannot be empty!' => 'The site description cannot be empty!',
'File extension must be comma separated alphanumeric only!' => 'File extension must be comma separated alphanumeric only!',
'Image extension must be comma separated alphanumeric only!' => 'Image extension must be comma separated alphanumeric only!',
'Maximum upload size must be numeric only!' => 'Maximum upload size must be numeric only!',
'Image dimension must be numeric only!' => 'Image dimension must be numeric only!',
'Thumbnail dimension must be numeric only!' => 'Thumbnail dimension must be numeric only!',
'Icon dimension must be numeric only!' => 'Icon dimension must be numeric only!',
'All catched up!' => 'All catched up!',
'Your application is ready to install using provided settings.' => 'Your application is ready to install with provided settings.',
'Just one more step' => 'Just one more step,',
'Make sure what you filled in on the previous form is correct.' => 'Make sure what you filled-in on the previous form is correct.',
'Once you have successfully run the installer, there is no more back button.' => 'Once you successfully run the installer, there\'s no more back button.',
'Click run installer to applying your configuration.' => 'Click "<b>Run Installer</b>" to applying your configuration.',
'Run Installer' => 'Run Installer',
// Install
'Failed to open or create the configuration file!' => 'Failed to open or create the configuration file!',
'Failed to write the configuration into file!' => 'Failed to write the configuration into file!',
'Congratulations!' => 'Congratulations!',
'Aksara has been successfully installed on your system!' => '<a href="//aksaracms.com" class="text-primary fw-bold" target="_blank">Aksara</a> has been successfully installed on your system!',
'Notice!' => 'Notice!',
'Your configuration file or folder is not writable or there was a problem while creating the configuration file.' => 'Your configuration file or folder isn\'t writable or there was a problem creating the configuration file.',
'You will have to create the following code by hand manually and locate to the following directory:' => 'You will have to create the following code by hand manually and locate to following directory:',
'Revalidate configuration after the configuration file is created or uploaded.' => 'Revalidate configuration after the configuration file is created or uploaded.',
'You can login as superuser using following credential:' => 'You can login as superuser using following credential:',
'Follow our updates to get our other works if you find this useful.' => 'Follow our updates to get our other works if you find this useful.',
'Just to remind you, we also collect donations from people like you to support our research.' => 'Just to remind you, we also collect donations from people like you to support our research.',
'Regardless of the amount will be very useful.' => 'Regardless of the amount will be very useful.',
'Cheers' => 'Cheers',
'Launch Site' => 'Launch Your Site',
'Revalidate Configuration' => 'Revalidate Configuration',
// Requirements
'You just need to pretend to agree!' => 'You just need to pretend to agree, dude!',
'Awesome!' => 'Awesome!',
'You just read our notes and pretend to agree with it.' => 'You just read our notes and pretend to agree with it :)',
'We will help you to prepare your application using this installation wizard.' => 'We will help you to prepare your application using this installation wizard.',
'Before you go, make sure this pre-requirements are fulfilled without any warning.' => 'Before you go, make sure this pre-requirements are fulfilled without any warning.',
'Otherwise your application will not work properly.' => 'Otherwise your application will not work properly.',
'PHP Version' => 'PHP Version',
'Rewrite Module' => 'Rewrite Module',
'Internationalization' => 'Internationalization',
'Multibyte String' => 'Multibyte String',
'PHP GD' => 'PHP GD',
'JSON' => 'JSON',
'XML' => 'XML',
'The minimum required version is' => 'The minimum required version is',
'and the maximum version is' => 'and the maximum version is',
'Disabled' => 'Disabled',
'Enabled' => 'Enabled',
'Off' => 'Off',
'On' => 'On',
'Turn it on!' => 'Turn it on!',
'Optional' => 'Optional',
'Some requirement are not yet fulfilled.' => 'Some requirement are not yet fulfilled.',
'Please update your server configuration and click on refresh button to continue the installation.' => 'Please update your server configuration and click on refresh button to continue the installation.',
'The rewrite module is disabled by your server.' => 'The rewrite module is disabled by your server.',
'You can continue the installation but we recommend to enable it.' => 'You can continue the installation but we recommend to enable it.',
// Security
'Enter your secret formula to secure your application.' => 'Enter your secret formula to secure your application.',
'Encryption Key' => 'Encryption Key',
'Your encryption key' => 'Your encryption key',
'Cookie Name' => 'Cookie Name',
'Session Expiration' => 'Session Expiration',
'The number of seconds you want the session to last.' => 'The number of SECONDS you want the session to last. Setting to 0 (zero) means expire when the browser is closed.',
'In seconds' => 'In second(s)',
'Unique cookie name to prevent session conflict' => 'Unique cookie name to prevent conflict',
'Superuser' => 'Superuser',
'First Name' => 'First Name',
'Last Name' => 'Last Name',
'Email Address' => 'Email Address',
'Create username for superuser' => 'Username for superuser',
'Password for superuser' => 'Password for superuser',
'Retype the password' => 'Retype the password',
// System
'The encryption key cannot be empty!' => 'The encryption key cannot be empty!',
'The encryption key contain unsupported character!' => 'The encryption key contain unsupported symbol!',
'The cookie name cannot be empty!' => 'The cookie name cannot be empty!',
'The cookie name contain unsupported character!' => 'The cookie name contain unsupported symbol!',
'The first name cannot be empty!' => 'The first name cannot be empty!',
'Please enter your valid email address!' => 'Please enter your valid email address!',
'The username must be in alphanumeric only!' => 'The username must be in alphanumeric only and using minimum 5 characters!',
'The password cannot be empty!' => 'The password cannot be empty!',
'The password confirmation did not match!' => 'The password confirmation didn\'t match!',
'Enter the basic system configuration.' => 'Enter the basic system configuration.',
'You will able to change it after the installation.' => 'You will be able to change it after the installation.',
'Installation Mode' => 'Installation Mode',
'Basic (with sample)' => 'Basic (With sample)',
'Developer (without sample)' => 'Developer (Without sample)',
'Timezone' => 'Timezone',
'Site Settings' => 'Site Settings',
'Site Title' => 'Site Title',
'Enter the site title' => 'Enter the site title',
'Site Description' => 'Site Description',
'Enter the site description' => 'Enter the site description',
'Upload Settings' => 'Upload Settings',
'Allowed File Extension' => 'Allowed file extension',
'Allowed Image Extension' => 'Allowed image extension',
'Separate with comma' => 'Separate with comma',
'Upload Limit' => 'Upload limit',
'Image Width Dimension' => 'Image width dimension',
'Original' => 'Original',
'Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail',
'Icon' => 'Icon',
'In pixel' => 'In pixel',
'ZIP Archiver' => 'Zip Archiver',
'Your application is ready to install using the provided configurations.' => 'Your application is ready to install using the provided configuration.',
'Agreement' => 'license agreement',
'Database Initial' => 'Database Initial',
'Email' => 'Email',
'Password Confirmation' => 'Password Confirmation',
'File Extension' => 'Allowed file extension',
'Image Extension' => 'Allowed image extension',
'Max Upload Size' => 'Maximum upload size',
'Image Dimension' => 'Image Dimension',
'Thumbnail Dimension' => 'Thumbnail Dimension',
'Icon Dimension' => 'Icon Dimension',
'The installer was interrupted!' => 'The installer was interrupted!',
'The installer was unable to write the configuration file.' => 'The installer was unable to write the configuration file.',
'Please follow the instructions below to continue.' => 'Please follow the instructions below to continue.',
'Problem Found' => 'Problem Found',
'Unable to create or write file' => 'Unable to create or write file',
'Solution' => 'Solution',
'Please download the configuration file below and upload or paste it manually under the following directory' => 'Please download the configuration file below and upload or paste it manually under the following folder',
'Download Configuration' => 'Download Configuration',
'Once the configuration file were uploaded, please click the refresh button to continue the installation.' => 'Once the configuration file were uploaded, please click the "Refresh" button to continue the installation.',
'Unable to extract the sample module.' => 'Unable to extract the sample module.',
'Make sure the following directory is writable' => 'Make sure the following directory is writable',
'Skip installing the sample module' => 'Skip installing the sample module.',
// Miscellaneous
'Subscribe to my channel' => 'Subscribe to my channel',
'Be my friend' => 'Be my friend',
'Follow my GitHub' => 'Follow my GitHub',
'Import sample data' => 'Install with sample data',
// Additional phrases
'Sectoral' => 'Sectoral Mapping',
'Regional' => 'Regional Mapping'