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File: public/js/plugins/plugins.edition.js

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File: public/js/plugins/plugins.edition.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Melis CMS
Content management system that provides its tools
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 43,913 bytes


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var melisPluginEdition = (function($, window) { /* ================================== Cache DOM ====================================*/ // body tag overall var $body = window.parent.$("body"), fromdragdropzone = window.fromdragdropzone, iframe = window.parent.$("#"+parent.activeTabId).find(".melis-iframe"), // inside iframe's body tag $_body = $("body"), pluginHardcodedConfig; /* ================================== Binding Events ====================================*/ $_body.on("click", ".m-options-handle", createPluginModal); $_body.on("click", ".m-trash-handle", removePlugins); /* * Checking parent body events handler to avoid multiple events of the button * $"events").click, * In jQuery 1.8, it is no longer possible to access the element's events using .data('events') */ $.each( $._data($body.get(0), "events"), function( i, val ) { try { if (val.selector == "#pluginModalBtnApply") { $"click", "#pluginModalBtnApply"); } } catch(error) {} }); $body.on("click", "button[id='pluginModalBtnApply'][data-page-id='"+melisActivePageId+"']", submitPluginForms); // $body because it is modal and it's located in parent $_body.on("focus", ".melis-ui-outlined .melis-editable", function() { $(this).closest(".melis-ui-outlined").addClass("melis-focus"); }); $_body.on("blur", ".melis-ui-outlined.melis-focus", function() { $(this).removeClass("melis-focus"); }); // run when .melis-ui-outlined loses focus and run getPluginData() to include the width related data //$_body.on("blur", ".melis-ui-outlined", melisUiOutlinedLosesFocus); // $("body").on("dblclick", ".ui-resizable-e", changeWidth); // disable for now function melisUiOutlinedLosesFocus() { var $this = $(this); } // Submit form in modal function submitPluginForms(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Assign in function for bug issue in closing and opening tabs var $this = $(this), melisIdPage = $this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").data("melis-id-page"), melisPluginModule = $this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").data("melis-plugin-module"), melisPluginName = $this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").data("melis-plugin-name"), melisPluginId = $this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").data("melis-plugin-id"), melisPluginTag = $this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").data("melis-plugin-tag"), melisSiteModule = $this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").data("melis-site-module"), dataString = $this.closest('.modal-content').find("form"); pluginHardcodedConfig = $.trim($this.closest("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").find(".plugin-hardcoded-conf").text()); // Construct data string var datastring = dataString.serializeArray(); //add to datastring the unchecked checkbox fields $this.closest('.modal-content').find("form input:checkbox").each(function(){ if (!this.checked) { datastring.push({name:, value: 0}); } }); datastring.push({name: "melisIdPage", value: melisIdPage}); datastring.push({name: "melisModule", value: melisPluginModule}); datastring.push({name: "melisPluginName", value: melisPluginName}); datastring.push({name: "melisPluginId", value: melisPluginId}); datastring.push({name: "melisPluginTag", value: melisPluginTag}); try { validateModal(melisIdPage, melisPluginModule, melisPluginName, melisPluginId, melisPluginTag, datastring, melisSiteModule); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Validate form in modal function validateModal(melisIdPage, melisPluginModule, melisPluginName, melisPluginId, melisPluginTag, datastring, siteModule) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: "/melis/MelisCms/FrontPlugins/validatePluginModal?validate&melisSite="+siteModule, data: datastring, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data) { if(data.success) { savePluginUpdate(datastring, siteModule); // Plugin inside Drag and Drop zone if ($("div[data-plugin-id='"+ melisPluginId +"']").parents(".melis-dragdropzone").length) { window.fromdragdropzone = 1; } setTimeout(function() { pluginRenderer(melisPluginModule, melisPluginName, melisIdPage, melisPluginId, false, window.fromdragdropzone, siteModule); setTimeout(function(){ checkToolSize(); }, 300); window.parent.$("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal_container").modal('hide'); }, 300); } else { melisCmsFormHelper.melisMultiKoNotification(data.errors); } }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert( translations.tr_meliscore_error_message ); }); } // commented disrupt slider in mozilla // setTimeout(function(){ checkToolSize(); }, 300); function checkToolSize() { $(".melis-ui-outlined").each(function() { var $this = $(this), parentSize = $this.outerWidth(), totalChild = $this.find($(".melis-plugin-tools-box")).outerWidth() + $this.find($(".melis-plugin-title-box")).outerWidth(); if ( totalChild > parentSize ) { $this.width(totalChild + 30); } }); } // jQuery last dragdropzone for crossbrowser $("div.melis-dragdropzone").last().css({"margin-bottom": "35px"}); // Saving Plugin function savePluginUpdate(data, siteModule){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/melis/MelisCms/PageEdition/savePageSessionPlugin?idPage=" + melisActivePageId + "&melisSite="+siteModule, data: data, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(response) { if(!response.success) { window.parent.melisHelper.melisKoNotification(response.textTitle, response.textMessage, []); } }); } // Render Plugin After Saving function pluginRenderer(module, plugin, pageId, pluginId, encapsulatedPlugin, fromdragdropzone, siteModule) { // declaring parameters variable for old / cross browser compatability if(typeof encapsulatedPlugin === "undefined") encapsulatedPlugin = true; if(typeof fromdragdropzone === "undefined") fromdragdropzone = ''; // locate plugin location var layout = $('[data-plugin-id="'+ pluginId +'"]').closest(".melis-ui-outlined"), layoutParent = layout.parent(), layoutId = '#'+layout.attr('id'); // add the temp loader var tempLoader = '<div id="loader" class="overlay-loader"><img class="loader-icon spinning-cog" src="/MelisCore/assets/images/cog12.svg" data-cog="cog12"></div>'; $(layout).addClass("melis-loader").prepend(tempLoader); var layoutHeight = $(layout).outerHeight(); $(layout).height(layoutHeight); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: "/melispluginrenderer?module="+module+"&pluginName="+plugin+"&pageId="+pageId+"&pluginId="+pluginId+"&encapsulatedPlugin="+encapsulatedPlugin+"&fromDragDropZone="+fromdragdropzone+"&melisSite="+siteModule, data: {pluginHardcodedConfig : pluginHardcodedConfig}, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data) { setTimeout(function() { if(data.success) { var elType, jsUrl, idPlugin, plugin = data.datas; // remove old plugin $(layoutId).children().not("#loader.overlay-loader").remove(); // add new plugin $(layout).prepend(plugin.html); // get the html var pluginToolBox = $(layout).find(".melis-plugin-tools-box"); var melisPluginID = typeof"plugin-id") != "undefined" ?"plugin-id") : ''; // dataPluginID ="id"); var pluginOutlined = pluginToolBox.closest(".melis-ui-outlined"); dataPluginID = pluginOutlined.find("[id*='"+melisPluginID+"']").attr("id"); // remove plugin container width class $(pluginOutlined).children('[class^=plugin-width]').removeClass(); if(typeof dataPluginID !== "undefined") { // get plugin id idPlugin = dataPluginID; } // Processing the plugin resources and initialization processPluginResources(plugin.init, idPlugin); // hide the loader $(layout).removeClass("melis-loader"); $('.loader-icon').removeClass('spinning-cog').addClass('shrinking-cog'); $("#loader.overlay-loader").remove(); $(layout).height('auto'); calcFrameHeight(); disableLinks('a'); // re init resize var uiOutlined = $(".melis-dragdropzone .melis-ui-outlined"); try { uiOutlined.resizable("destroy"); // disable for now }catch(e){ uiOutlined.resizable(); } if (parent.pluginResizable == 1){ initResizable(); } } }, 300); }).always(function() { // hide the loader $(layout).removeClass("melis-loader"); $('.loader-icon').removeClass('spinning-cog').addClass('shrinking-cog'); $("#loader.overlay-loader").remove(); }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert( translations.tr_meliscore_error_message ); }); } /** * This method will process plugin resources "js and css" * and plugin initialization */ function processPluginResources(pluginResources, pluginId){ // Plugins URL's handler variable var jsUrl, pluginJs = new Array, pluginJsInitFunction = new Array; $.each(pluginResources, function(i, pluginVal) { // check resources css / js if(pluginVal.ressources) { $.each(pluginVal.ressources, function(i, value) { // check if css / js if(i == "css") { elType = "css"; } else if (i == "js") { elType = "js"; } // loop css and js $.each(value, function(key, val) { var pluginLink = val; if(pluginLink.length) { if(elType == "css") { checkLinkExists(pluginLink); } else if(elType == "js") { jsUrl = pluginLink; /** * Preparing js url's to append/add to the wondie body */ if($.inArray(pluginLink, pluginJs) == -1){ pluginJs.push(pluginLink); } if(pluginLink.indexOf(".init") !== -1 && $.inArray(pluginLink, pluginJsInitFunction) == -1){ pluginJsInitFunction.push(pluginLink); } } } }); }); } }); var loadedJs = new Array, ctr = 0, curUrlxmlReq = null; $tmp = setInterval(function(){ if(pluginJs[ctr] !== 'undefined'){ var url = pluginJs[ctr]; if(ctr == pluginJs.length){ // Clearing the time interval to exit clearInterval($tmp); calcFrameHeight(); disableLinks('a'); $.each(pluginJsInitFunction, function(i, val){ // Execution of the plugin js function initialization var urlStr = val.substr(val.indexOf(".") + 1); var functionName = urlStr.substr(0, urlStr.indexOf(".init")) + "_init"; checkFunctionExists(eval(functionName), pluginId); calcFrameHeight(); }); }else{ /** * Checking if the Js url is already loaded, * else this will try to loop and try again until the js url * is successfully loaded */ if($.inArray(url, loadedJs) == -1){ /** * Checking if the Js url is arleady exist, * else this will procced to the next js url */ if($(document.body).find("script[src='"+url+"']").length){ ctr++; }else{ if(curUrlxmlReq != url){ curUrlxmlReq = url; // Creates an object which can read files from the server var reader = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Opens the file and specifies the method (get) // Asynchronous is true'get', url, true); //check each time the ready state changes //to see if the object is ready reader.onreadystatechange = checkReadyState; function checkReadyState() { if (reader.readyState === 4) { //check to see whether request for the file failed or succeeded if ((reader.status == 200) || (reader.status == 0)) { // Adding the Js element to the body var el = document.createElement('script'); el.src = url; el.type = "text/javascript"; document.body.appendChild(el); // Adding the Js url to added url's handler variable loadedJs.push(url); /** * Event of Js DOM once this successfully load to the body */ $(document.body).find("script[src='"+url+"']").on("load", function(){ /** * For debugging * To determine the time JS finaly loaded * * var d = new Date(); * console.log(url+" : "+d.getMinutes()+":"+d.getSeconds()+":"+d.getMilliseconds()); */ /** * Inceamenting Counter variable in-order to process * the next js */ ctr++; }); }else{ console.log("Javascript Url \""+url+"\" does not exist, please make sure javascript url is accessible"); // Clearing the time interval to exit clearInterval($tmp); } }//end of if (reader.readyState === 4) }// end of checkReadyState() // Sends the request for the file data to the server // Use null for "get" mode reader.send(null); } } } } }else{ // Clearing the time interval to exit clearInterval($tmp); } }, 500); } // Send the list of plugin inside DragnDropzone function sendDragnDropList(dropzone, pageId) { var $dropzone = $('div[data-dragdropzone-id='+ dropzone +']'), dragdropzoneModule = $"module"), dragdropzonePlugin = $"plugin"), dragdropzonePluginId = $"plugin-id"), dragdropzoneMelisTag = $"melis-tag"), siteModule = $"site-module"), pluginListEl = $dropzone.children(".melis-ui-outlined"), dragzone = [], pluginList = new Object(); pluginList['melisIdPage'] = pageId; pluginList['melisModule'] = dragdropzoneModule; pluginList['melisPluginName'] = dragdropzonePlugin; pluginList['melisPluginId'] = dragdropzonePluginId; pluginList['melisPluginTag'] = dragdropzoneMelisTag; pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'] = new Object(); // loop all plugins in dropzone $.each(pluginListEl, function(key, value) { pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key] = new Object(); var plugins = $(value).find(".melis-plugin-tools-box"), melisPluginModuleName = $(plugins).data("module"), melisPluginName = $(plugins).data("plugin"), melisPluginID = $(plugins).data("plugin-id"), melisPluginTag = $(plugins).data("melis-tag"), melisPluginContainer = $(plugins).data("plugin-container"), melisPluginContainerId = $(pluginListEl).attr("id"); pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key]['melisModule'] = melisPluginModuleName; pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key]['melisPluginName'] = melisPluginName; pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key]['melisPluginId'] = melisPluginID; pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key]['melisPluginTag'] = melisPluginTag; if ( $("#"+melisPluginContainerId).length ) { pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key]['melisPluginContainer'] = melisPluginContainer; } else { pluginList['melisDragDropZoneListPlugin'][key]['melisPluginContainer'] = " "; } }); if (typeof siteModule !== "undefined"){ savePluginUpdate(pluginList, siteModule); } } function checkFunctionExists(functionName, idPlugin) { if (typeof functionName === 'function') { functionName(idPlugin); } else { console.log('not a function'); } } function checkLinkExists(url) { var link = $("link"), generate = true; $.each(link, function(i, val){ if ( $(val).attr("href") == url ) { generate = false; } }); if ( generate ) { generateLink(url); } } function checkScriptExists(url) { var script = $("script"), generate = true; $.each(script, function(i, val){ if ( $(val).attr("src") == url ) { generate = false; } }); if ( generate ) { generateScript(url); } } function generateLink(url) { var el = document.createElement('link'); el.href = url; el.rel = "stylesheet"; = "screen"; el.type = "text/css"; document.head.appendChild(el); } function generateScript(url) { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.src = url; el.type = "text/javascript"; document.body.appendChild(el); } function removePlugins() { var $this = $(this), pluginContainer = $this.closest(".melis-ui-outlined"), dragndropContainer = pluginContainer.closest(".melis-dragdropzone"), dropzone ="plugin-id"), pluginsToolsBox = pluginContainer.find('.melis-plugin-tools-box'), // plugin tools data keys melisPluginModuleName ="module"), melisPluginName ="plugin"), melisPluginID ="plugin-id"), melisPluginTag ="melis-tag"), melisIdPage = window.parent.$("#"+parent.activeTabId).find(".melis-iframe").data("iframe-id"); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: "/melis/MelisCms/PageEdition/removePageSessionPlugin?module="+ melisPluginModuleName+"&pluginName="+ melisPluginName +"&pageId="+ melisIdPage +"&pluginId="+ melisPluginID +"&pluginTag="+ melisPluginTag }).done(function(data) { if(data.success) { pluginContainer.remove(); calcFrameHeight(); sendDragnDropList(dropzone, melisIdPage); pluginContainerChecker(); pluginDetector(); } else { melisCmsFormHelper.melisMultiKoNotification(data.errors); } }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert( translations.tr_meliscore_error_message ); }); } function pluginDetector() { $(".melis-dragdropzone").each(function() { var $this = $(this), checkContent = $this.find(".melis-ui-outlined"); if ( $(checkContent).length ) { $this.removeClass("no-content"); } else { $this.addClass("no-content"); } }); } function pluginContainerChecker() { $(".melis-float-plugins").each(function() { var $this = $(this), pluginLists = $this.children(".melis-ui-outlined"); if( $(pluginLists).length <= 0 ) { $this.remove(); } }); } function calcFrameHeight() { // recalculate frame height var //frameHeight = window.parent.$("#"+ parent.activeTabId).find(".melis-iframe").contents().find("body").height(), // Uses the document.body.scrollHeight for tinymce plugins used at the bottom will be cut off if "body".height is used. frameHeight = document.body.scrollHeight, $frame = window.parent.$("#"+ parent.activeTabId).find(".melis-iframe"); $frame.height(frameHeight); /* * Added iframe.length for fixing issue: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'calcFrameHeight' of undefined * Added by: Junry 22/05/2019 */ /* if ( frame.length ) { frame.height(frameHeight); } */ } function disableLinks(e) { $(e).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); } function createPluginModal() { var $this = $(this), toolBox = $this.closest(".melis-plugin-tools-box"), pluginContainer = toolBox.parent(".melis-ui-outlined"), pluginFrontConfig = $.trim(pluginContainer.find(".plugin-hardcoded-conf").text()), module ="module"), pluginName ="plugin"), pluginId ="plugin-id"), siteModule ="site-module"), optionHandleT = $this.offset().top; // initialation of local variable zoneId = 'id_meliscms_plugin_modal_interface'; melisKey = 'meliscms_plugin_modal_interface'; modalUrl = '/melis/MelisCms/FrontPlugins/renderPluginModal?melisSite='+siteModule; var modalParams = { pluginFrontConfig : pluginFrontConfig, module: module, pluginName: pluginName, pluginId : pluginId, melisActivePageId : melisActivePageId, siteModule : siteModule }; // requesitng to create modal and display after window.parent.melisHelper.createModal(zoneId, melisKey, false, modalParams, modalUrl, function() { var $pageIdRoot = window.parent.$("#pageIdRootMenu"); // Check if it is in IE scrollTop when open modal if (document.documentMode || /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { window.parent.$('html').css({'height': 'auto'}); window.parent.$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); setTimeout(function() { window.parent.$('html, body').scrollTop(optionHandleT); }, 300); } setTimeout(function() { if ( $pageIdRoot.length ) { $pageIdRoot.parents(".form-group").find("label").addClass("d-flex flex-row justify-content-between"); } }, 0); setTimeout(function() { melisPluginSortable.checkedModalSlider(); }, 300); }); } // Resize Plugin function initResizable() { var totalWidth, parentWidth, percentTotalWidth, iframe = window.parent.$("#"+ parent.activeTabId).find('iframe'); // check if melis-ui-outlined element is available in preview page if( $(".melis-dragdropzone .melis-ui-outlined").length ) { $(".melis-dragdropzone .melis-ui-outlined").resizable({ containment: ".melis-dragdropzone", start: function(event, ui){ var widthIndicator = '<div class="ui-resize-indicator"></div>'; parentWidth = ui.originalElement.parent().outerWidth(); // width indicator $(ui.originalElement).append(widthIndicator); if($(ui.originalElement).find(".ui-resize-input")) { $(ui.originalElement).find(".ui-resize-input").remove(); } }, resize: function(event, ui) { totalWidth = ui.size.width; ui.originalElement.css('height', 'auto'); // convert px to percent percentTotalWidth = (100 * totalWidth / parentWidth); percentTotalWidth = percentTotalWidth.toFixed(2); ui.originalElement.css('width', percentTotalWidth + '%'); $(ui.originalElement).find(".ui-resize-indicator").text(percentTotalWidth + " %"); }, stop: function(event, ui) { // get all data attributes var toolBox = $(ui.originalElement).children(".melis-plugin-tools-box"); getPluginData(toolBox, percentTotalWidth); // get the function var owlCheck = $(ui.originalElement).find(".owl-carousel"); if( $(owlCheck).length ) { $(owlCheck).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } // remove indicator $(ui.originalElement).find(".ui-resize-indicator").remove(); } }); } } function getPluginData(el, percentTotalWidth) { var toolBox = el, mobileWidth, tabletWidth, desktopWidth, currentClass, newClass, iframe = window.parent.$("#"+ parent.activeTabId).find('iframe'), parentOutlined = $(toolBox).closest(".melis-ui-outlined"), classes = parentOutlined.attr("class").split(" "), editable = parentOutlined.find(".melis-editable"); if ( toolBox ) { var pluginList = new Object(); // get data first load $( toolBox ).map(function() { var $this = $(this); pluginList['melisIdPage'] = window.parent.$("#"+parent.activeTabId).find(".melis-iframe").data("iframe-id"); pluginList['melisModule'] = $"module"); pluginList['melisPluginName'] = $"plugin"); pluginList['melisPluginId'] = $"plugin-id"); pluginList['melisPluginTag'] = $"melis-tag"); mobileWidth = $this.attr("data-plugin-width-mobile"); tabletWidth = $this.attr("data-plugin-width-tablet"); desktopWidth = $this.attr("data-plugin-width-desktop"); }); // custom action check if plugin tags if( $(editable).length ) { // trigger focus to saveSession var data = $(editable).data(); $(editable).focus().removeClass("mce-edit-focus"); // hide tinymce option while resizing var inst = tinyMCE.EditorManager.get(data.pluginId);"blur"); iframe.blur(); $(editable).map(function() { var $this = $(this); pluginList['tagType'] = $"tag-type"); pluginList['tagId'] = $"tag-id"); pluginList['tagValue'] = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent({format : 'html'}); }); } // check if resize in mobile if(iframe.width() <= 480) { mobileWidth = percentTotalWidth; // update DOM data attribute $(toolBox).attr("data-plugin-width-mobile", mobileWidth); currentClass = "plugin-width-xs-"; var strPercentTotalWidth = percentTotalWidth; // newClass = "plugin-width-xs-"+Math.floor(percentTotalWidth); // removed when css is ready newClass = "plugin-width-xs-"+strPercentTotalWidth.replace(".", "-"); // removed when css is ready $.each(classes, function(key, value) { if( value.indexOf(currentClass) != -1 ) { parentOutlined.removeClass(value).addClass(newClass); } }); } // check if resize in tablet if(iframe.width() > 490 && iframe.width() <= 980) { tabletWidth = percentTotalWidth; $(toolBox).attr("data-plugin-width-tablet", tabletWidth); currentClass = "plugin-width-md-"; var strPercentTotalWidth = percentTotalWidth; // newClass = "plugin-width-md-"+Math.floor(percentTotalWidth); // removed when css is ready newClass = "plugin-width-lg-"+strPercentTotalWidth.replace(".", "-"); // removed when css is ready $.each(classes, function(key, value) { if( value.indexOf(currentClass) != -1 ) { parentOutlined.removeClass(value).addClass(newClass); } }); } // check if resize in desktop if(iframe.width() >= 981) { desktopWidth = percentTotalWidth; $(toolBox).attr("data-plugin-width-desktop", desktopWidth); currentClass = "plugin-width-lg-"; var strPercentTotalWidth = percentTotalWidth; // newClass = "plugin-width-lg-"+Math.floor(percentTotalWidth); // removed when css is ready newClass = "plugin-width-lg-" + strPercentTotalWidth.replace(".", "-"); // removed when css is ready $.each(classes, function(key, value) { if( value.indexOf(currentClass) != -1 ) { parentOutlined.removeClass(value).addClass(newClass); } }); } // set data attribute for width pluginList['melisPluginMobileWidth'] = mobileWidth; pluginList['melisPluginTabletWidth'] = tabletWidth; pluginList['melisPluginDesktopWidth'] = desktopWidth; pluginList['resize'] = true; // pass is to savePageSession savePluginUpdate(pluginList,"site-module")); // get plugin ID and re init // check if owl re init var owlCheck = $(parentOutlined).find(".owl-carousel"); if( $(owlCheck).length ) { // setTimeout to re init, conflict with transition need to timeout setTimeout(function() { $(owlCheck).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); }, 500); } } } // get plugin container id function getPluginContainerId() { var pluginId = ""; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', async: false, url: "/melis/MelisCms/PageEdition/getContainerUniqueId" }).done(function(data) { pluginId =; }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert( translations.tr_meliscore_error_message ); }); return pluginId; } // on load iframe remove child plugin class responsive function moveResponsiveClass() { $(".melis-dragdropzone .melis-ui-outlined").map(function() { var $this = $(this), pluginClasses, melisTag = $this.find(".melis-editable"); if( $(melisTag).length ) { var data = $(melisTag).data(), pluginContainer = $('div[data-melis-plugin-tag-id="'+ data.pluginId +'"]'); // remove div $(pluginContainer).contents().unwrap(); $this.addClass($(pluginContainer).attr("class")); } $this.children('[class^=plugin-width]').removeClass(function(index, classes) { var matches = classes.match(/\bplugin-width\S+/ig); pluginClasses = classes; return (matches) ? matches.join(' ') : ''; }); $this.addClass(pluginClasses); var owlCheck = $this.find(".owl-carousel"); if( $(owlCheck).length ) { $(owlCheck).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } }); } // remove inline width when changing viewport // window.parent.$("#"+ parent.activeTabId).find('iframe').on("resize", function() { // $(this).contents().find(".melis-dragdropzone .melis-ui-outlined").each(function() { // $(this).css("width", ""); // }); // }); // init resize if ( parent.pluginResizable == 1 ) { initResizable(); // disable for now } moveResponsiveClass(); pluginDetector(); $(window).on("load", function() { calcFrameHeight(); }); return { submitPluginForms : submitPluginForms, pluginRenderer : pluginRenderer, checkFunctionExists : checkFunctionExists, checkLinkExists : checkLinkExists, checkScriptExists : checkScriptExists, calcFrameHeight : calcFrameHeight, savePluginUpdate : savePluginUpdate, sendDragnDropList : sendDragnDropList, removePlugins : removePlugins, checkToolSize : checkToolSize, disableLinks : disableLinks, processPluginResources : processPluginResources, pluginDetector : pluginDetector, initResizable : initResizable, moveResponsiveClass : moveResponsiveClass, pluginContainerChecker : pluginContainerChecker, // disable for now } })(jQuery, window); var melisCmsFormHelper = (function($, window) { var $body = window.parent.$("body"); /** * KO NOTIFICATION for Multiple Form */ function melisMultiKoNotification(errors, closeByButtonOnly) { if (!closeByButtonOnly) closeByButtonOnly = true; var closeByButtonOnly = ( closeByButtonOnly !== true ) ? 'overlay-hideonclick' : '', errorTexts = '<div class="row">'; // remove red color for correctly inputted fields $body.find("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal .form-group label").css("color", "inherit"); $.each(errors, function(idx, errorData) { if ( errorData['success'] === false ) { errorTexts += '<h3>'+ (errorData['name']) +'</h3>'; if (errorData['message'] != "") { errorTexts +='<h4>'+ (errorData['message']) +'</h4>'; } // Highlighting errors fields highlightMultiErrors(errorData['success'], errorData['errors']); $.each( errorData['errors'], function( key, error ) { if ( key !== 'label' ) { errorTexts += '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-5">'; errorTexts += ' <b>'+ (( error['label'] == undefined ) ? ((error['label']== undefined) ? key : errors['label'] ) : error['label'] ) +'</b>'; errorTexts += '</div>'; errorTexts += '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-7">'; errorTexts += ' <div class="modal-error-container">'; // catch error level of object try { $.each( error, function( key, value ) { if(key !== 'label' && key !== 'form'){ $errMsg = ''; if(value instanceof Object){ $errMsg = value[0]; }else{ $errMsg = value; } if($errMsg != '') { errorTexts += '<span class="tets error-list"><i class="fa fa-circle"></i>'+ $errMsg + '</span><br/>'; } } }); } catch(e) { if(key !== 'label' && key !== 'form') { errorTexts += '<span class="hoy error-list"><i class="fa fa-circle"></i>'+ error + '</span>'; } } } errorTexts += '</div></div>'; }); } }); errorTexts += '</div>'; var div = '<div class="melis-modaloverlay '+ closeByButtonOnly +'"></div>'; div += '<div class="melis-modal-cont KOnotif page-edition-multi-ko"> <div class="modal-content error">'+ errorTexts +' <span class="btn btn-block btn-primary">' + translations.tr_meliscore_notification_modal_Close +'</span></div> </div>'; $body.append(div); } function highlightMultiErrors(success, errors){ // if all form fields are error color them red if ( !success ) { $.each( errors, function( key, error ) { $body.find("#id_meliscms_plugin_modal .form-control[name='"+key +"']").parents(".form-group").find("label").css("color","red"); }); } } return { melisMultiKoNotification : melisMultiKoNotification } })(jQuery, window);