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File: lib/Haanga/Compiler/Lexer.lex

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File: lib/Haanga/Compiler/Lexer.lex
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Lexer definition
Class: Haanga
Template engine to process Django style templates
Author: By
Last change: - Changed file name
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 10,992 bytes


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<?php /* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 2010 Haanga | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright | | notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright | | notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the | | documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software | | must display the following acknowledgement: | | This product includes software developed by César D. Rodas. | | | | 4. Neither the name of the César D. Rodas nor the | | names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products | | derived from this software without specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CÉSAR D. RODAS ''AS IS'' AND ANY | | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED | | WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE | | DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CÉSAR D. RODAS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | | DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES | | (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; | | LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND | | ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT | | (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS | | SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: César Rodas <> | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ class HG_Parser Extends Haanga_Compiler_Parser { /* subclass to made easier references to constants */ } class Haanga_Compiler_Lexer { private $data; private $N; public $token; public $value; private $line; private $state = 1; private $ignore_whitespace; function __construct($data, $whitespace=FALSE) { $this->data = $data; $this->N = 0; $this->ignore_whitespace = $whitespace; $this->line = 1; } function init($template, $ignore_whitespace=FALSE) { $lexer = new Haanga_Compiler_Lexer($template, $ignore_whitespace); $parser = new Haanga_Compiler_Parser; try { for($i=0; ; $i++) { if (!$lexer->yylex()) { break; } $parser->doParse($lexer->token, $lexer->value); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Haanga_Compiler_Exception($e->getMessage(). ' on line '.$lexer->getLine()); } $parser->doParse(0, 0); return (array)$parser->body; } function getLine() { return $this->line; } public $custom_tags=array(); function is_custom_tag() { static $tag=NULL; if (!$tag) { $tag = Haanga_Extension::getInstance('Tag'); } $value = $tag->isValid($this->value); $this->token = $value ? $value : HG_Parser::T_ALPHA; } /*!lex2php %input $this->data %counter $this->N %token $this->token %value $this->value %line $this->line alpha = /([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/ number = /[0-9]/ numerals = /([0-9])+/ whitespace = /[ \r\t\n]+/ html = /([^{]+(.[^%{#])?)+/ comment = /([^\#]+\#\})+/ custom_tag_end = /end([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)/ token_end = /[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/ single_string = /[^'\\]+/ double_string = /[^"\\]+/ */ /*!lex2php %statename IN_HTML "{%" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_OPEN_TAG; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_CODE); } "{#" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_COMMENT_OPEN; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_COMMENT); } "{{" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_PRINT_OPEN; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_PRINT); } html { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_HTML; } */ /*!lex2php %statename IN_CODE "%}" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_CLOSE_TAG; $this->yypopstate(); } "." { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_DOT; } "for" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_FOR; } "empty" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_EMPTY; } "load" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_LOAD; } "block" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_BLOCK; } "&&" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_AND; } "AND" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_AND; } "||" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_OR; } "OR" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_OR; } "==" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_EQ; } "!=" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_NE; } ">=" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_GE; } "[" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_BRACKETS_OPEN; } "]" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_BRACKETS_CLOSE; } ">" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_GT; } "<" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_LT; } "=<" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_LE; } "|" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_PIPE; } ":" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_COLON; } "filter" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_FILTER; } "regroup" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_REGROUP; } "endfilter" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_END_FILTER; } "autoescape" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_AUTOESCAPE; } "endautoescape" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_END_AUTOESCAPE; } "endblock" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_END_BLOCK; } "ifchanged" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_IFCHANGED; } "ifequal" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_IFEQUAL; } "endifequal" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_END_IFEQUAL; } "ifnotequal" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_IFNOTEQUAL; } "endifnotequal" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_END_IFNOTEQUAL; } "else" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ELSE; } "endifchanged" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ENDIFCHANGED; } "in" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_IN; } "endfor" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_CLOSEFOR; } "with" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_WITH; } "endwith" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ENDWITH; } "as" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_AS; } "on" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ON; } "off" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_OFF; } "by" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_BY; } "if" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_IF; } "else" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ELSE; } "endif" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ENDIF; } "(" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_LPARENT; } ")" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_RPARENT; } "%" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_MOD; } "," { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_COMMA; } "+" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_PLUS; } "*" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_TIMES; } "/" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_DIV; } "'" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_SINGLE_INIT; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_STRING_SINGLE); } "\"" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_DOUBLE_INIT; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_STRING_DOUBLE); } custom_tag_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_CUSTOM_END; } "extends" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_EXTENDS; } "include" token_end { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_INCLUDE; } numerals { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_NUMERIC; } numerals "." numerals { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_NUMERIC; } alpha { $this->is_custom_tag(); } whitespace { return FALSE; } */ /*!lex2php %statename IN_PRINT "}}" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_PRINT_CLOSE; $this->yypopstate(); } "|" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_PIPE; } ":" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_COLON; } "." { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_DOT; } "[" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_BRACKETS_OPEN; } "]" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_BRACKETS_CLOSE; } numerals { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_NUMERIC; } numerals "." numerals { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_NUMERIC; } "'" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_SINGLE_INIT; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_STRING_SINGLE); } "\"" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_DOUBLE_INIT; $this->yypushstate(self::IN_STRING_DOUBLE); } alpha { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ALPHA; } whitespace { return FALSE; } */ /*!lex2php %statename IN_STRING_DOUBLE "\\" "\"" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_CONTENT; $this->value = "\""; $this->N += 1; } "\'" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_CONTENT; $this->value = "'"; $this->N += 1; } "\"" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_DOUBLE_END; $this->yypopstate(); } double_string { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_CONTENT; } */ /*!lex2php %statename IN_STRING_SINGLE "\'" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_CONTENT; $this->value = "'"; $this->N += 1; } "\\" "\"" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_CONTENT; $this->value = "\""; $this->N += 1; } "'" { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_SINGLE_END; $this->yypopstate(); } single_string { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING_CONTENT; } */ /*!lex2php %statename IN_COMMENT comment { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_COMMENT; $this->yypopstate(); } */ }