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Classes of Hicri | Livescore PHP Service | | Download |
![]() slvler - Live Score ServiceLive Score Client for Welcome to Api-Football! You can use our API to access all API endpoints, which can get information about Football Leagues & Cups. InstallationTo install this package tou can use composer:
Basic usageExample
Available methodsGeneralStatusGet the list status
CountriesCountriesGet the list of available countries for the leagues endpoint.
The name and code fields can be used in other endpoints as filters.
LeaguesCountriesGet the list of available leagues and cups. This endpoint also returns the coverage of each competition, which makes it possible to know what is available for that league or cup.
SeasonsAll seasons are only 4-digit keys, so for a league whose season is 2018-2019 like the English Premier League (EPL), the 2018-2019 season in the API will be 2018.
TeamsTeams InformationGet the list of available teams. The team id are unique in the API and teams keep it among all the leagues/cups in which they participate.
Teams StatisticsThe team id are unique in the API and teams keep it among all the leagues/cups in which they participate.
Teams SeasonsGet the list of seasons available for a team.
Teams CountriesGet the list of countries available for the teams endpoint.
VenuesVenuesGet the list of available venues. The venue id are unique in the API.
StandingsStandingsGet the standings for a league or a team. Return a table of one or more rankings according to the league / cup.
FixturesRoundsGet the rounds for a league or a cup. The round can be used in endpoint fixtures as filters
FixturesFor all requests to fixtures you can add the query parameter timezone to your request in order to retrieve the list of matches in the time zone of your choice like ?Europe/London?
Head To HeadGet heads to heads between two teams.
StatisticsGet the statistics for one fixture.
EventsGet the events from a fixture.
LineupsGet the lineups for a fixture. Lineups are available between 20 and 40 minutes before the fixture when the competition covers this feature. You can check this with the endpoint leagues and the coverage field.
Players statisticsGet the players statistics from one fixture.
InjuriesInjuriesGet the list of players not participating in the fixtures for various reasons such as suspended, injured for example
PredictionsPredictionsGet predictions about a fixture. The predictions are made using several algorithms including the poisson distribution, comparison of team statistics, last matches, players etc?
CoachsCoachsGet all the information about the coachs and their careers.
PlayersSeasonsGet all available seasons for players statistics.
PlayersGet players statistics.
SquadsReturn the current squad of a team when the team parameter is used. When the player parameter is used the endpoint returns the set of teams associated with the player.
Top ScorersGet the 20 best players for a league or cup.
Top AssistsGet the 20 best players assists for a league or cup.
Top Yellow CardsGet the 20 players with the most yellow cards for a league or cup.
Top Red CardsGet the 20 players with the most red cards for a league or cup.
TransfersTransfersGet all available transfers for players and teams
TrophiesTransfersGet all available trophies for a player or a coach.
SidelinedSidelinedGet all available sidelined for a player or a coach.
OddsOdds / Live/operation/get-odds-live)This endpoint returns in-play odds for fixtures in progress.
Odds / Live / Bets/operation/get-bets)Get all available bets for in-play odds.
Odds/operation/get-odds)Get odds from fixtures, leagues or date.
Mapping/operation/get-odds-mapping)Get the list of available fixtures id for the endpoint odds.
Bookmakers/operation/get-bookmakers)Get all available bookmakers.
Bets/operation/get-bets)Get all available bets for pre-match odds.
CreditsLicenseThe MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information. |