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File: StringObscure.php

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File: StringObscure.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Obscures strings
Class: String Obscure
Obfuscate text strings by changing some characters
Author: By
Last change: Added feature to prevent null $obscure_char.
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 4,125 bytes


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class StringObscure
     * Obscure String
     * Takes a string and changes some characters to obscure it
     * @param string $string // The string to obscure
     * @param int $num_to_obscure The number of characters in the string to obscure
     * @param string $obscure_char The string to obscure with (can be more than one character long)
function obscure($string, $num_to_obscure = -1, $obscure_char = '*')
$obscure_char)) // Prevent $obscure_char from being empty
$obscure_char = '*';

$num_to_obscure == -1) { // If there is no input for the amount of characters to obscure
$num_to_obscure = round(strlen($string) / 2); // Obscure half of the characters
$num_to_obscure > strlen($string)) { // Make sure that the number to obscure is no greater than the length of the string
$num_to_obscure = strlen($string);
$string = preg_split('//', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // Split string into array
$obscured = array();
$i = 0; $i < $num_to_obscure; $i++) { // Obscure characters
do {
$rand = rand(0, count($string));
            } while (
array_key_exists($rand, $obscured));
$string[$rand] = $obscure_char; // Obscure specific character
$obscured[$rand] = true; // Create key
implode('', $string);
     * Obscure String w/Percentage
     * Takes a string and changes some characters to obscure it using a percentage of the string length
     * @param string $string // The string to obscure
     * @param int $pct_to_obscure The percentage of characters in the string to obscure
     * @param string $obscure_char The string to obscure with (can be more than one character long)
function obscurePercentage($string, $pct_to_obscure = -1, $obscure_char = '*')
$obscure_char)) // Prevent $obscure_char from being empty
$obscure_char = '*';

$pct_to_obscure == -1) { // If there is no input for the amount of characters to obscure
$num_to_obscure = round(strlen($string) / 2); // Obscure half of the characters
} else {
$pct_to_obscure > 100) { // Make sure that the percentage is 100% or less
$pct_to_obscure = 100;
            } else {
$pct_to_obscure < 0) { // Make sure that the percentage is 0% or greater
$pct_to_obscure = 0;
$pct_to_obscure = $pct_to_obscure / 100; // Turn the percentage into a decimal
$num_to_obscure = round(strlen($string) * $pct_to_obscure); // Calculate the number of characters to be obscured
$string = preg_split('//', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // Split string into array
$obscured = array();
$i = 0; $i < $num_to_obscure; $i++) { // Obscure characters
do {
$rand = rand(0, count($string));
            } while (
array_key_exists($rand, $obscured));
$string[$rand] = $obscure_char; // Obscure specific character
$obscured[$rand] = true; // Create key
implode('', $string);

// Examples

$str = 'Random String to be obscured...';

'String before obscuring: ' . $str; // Outputs string, unaltered
echo 'String after obscuring: ' . stringObscure::obscure($str); // Outputs string with half of the characters obscured
echo 'String after obscuring: ' . stringObscure::obscure($str, 10); // Outputs string with ten of the characters obscured
echo 'String after obscuring: ' . stringObscure::obscure($str, 7, '-'); // Outputs string with seven of the characters changed to -
echo 'String after obscuring: ' . stringObscure::obscurePercentage($str, 25); // Outputs string with 25 percent of the characters obscured