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  Classes of Eric Sizemore   PHP Benchmark Time and Memory Usage   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
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Class: PHP Benchmark Time and Memory Usage
Measure the time and memory that a PHP script uses
Author: By
Last change: Update of
Date: 9 months ago
Size: 1,660 bytes



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A not so exhaustive list of changes for each release.

For a more detailed listing of changes between each version, you can use the following url:

Simply replace the version numbers depending on which set of changes you wish to see.

3.1.0 (2024-03-26)

* Replace usage of microtime with hrtime

* Noticed some potential issues that didn't make this too simple of a switch.

* Reworked readableElapsedTime (in both Bench and BenchInterface) and getTime.

* `readableElapsedTime` now accepts time as seconds, which is derived by `$endTime - $startTime / 1e9`.
  * Due to this, the named argument `$microtime` is now `$seconds`.

3.0.0 (2024-02-09)

* Forked from devster/ubench Version 2.1 * Initial release for Esi\Bench will therefore be 3.0.0.

* Changes made in Esi\Bench in comparison to the original devster/ubench

* Bumped PHP version requirement to 8.2
* Added namespace `Esi\Bench` for the main class.
* Added namespace `Esi\Bench\Tests` for the unit tests.
* Renamed from `Ubench` to simply `Bench`
* Added the `BenchInterface` interface.
* Added dev-dependencies for:
  * PHPStan
    * PHPStan PHPUnit
    * PHPStan Strict Rules
* Updated PHPUnit to `11.x` and updated the unit tests and `phpunit.xml` config.
* Created imports for all used functions and class names.
* Added Github workflows for testing and static analysis.
* CS fixes and a bit of refactoring.
* Updated
* Added
* Added