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  Classes of Eric Sizemore   PHP Numverify API Client   Download  
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Class: PHP Numverify API Client
Verify phones and get country data using NumVerify
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 months ago
Size: 3,676 bytes



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A not so exhaustive list of changes for each release.

For a more detailed listing of changes between each version, you can use the following url:

Simply replace the version numbers depending on which set of changes you wish to see.

3.0.1 (2024-03-13)


* vimeo/psalm added into dev-dependencies and workflow * TestDox attribute used for all unit tests instead of '@testCase' (work in progress)


* Updates throughout to fix psalm-reported issues.

* Initially level 2, now should be valid on Psalm level 1.

* Changed the following private methods of the Api class to static methods:

* `buildCacheHandler`
* `validateAndDecodeResponse`
* `getUrl`

* Modifed Numverify\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberInterface to extend JsonSerializable, Stringable * Refactored validateAndDecodeResponse and buildCacheHandler


* Removed unnecessary constructor and properties from Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiResponseException * Removed '@testCase' annotation from all unit tests.


* At the moment the cache middleware for Guzzle is using files. For 3.1, perhaps I could look into supporting Redis, Memcached, etc.

3.0.0 (2024-03-10)

Forked from markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php v2.2.0.


* Guzzle cache support via kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware and symfony/cache.

* New function `Api::buildCacheHandler` which will add the cache middleware to the handler stack if $options['cachePath'] is passed to Api's constructor.

* Imports for all used functions, constants, and class names. * dev-dependencies for PHP-CS-Fixer and PHPStan (w/extensions for phpunit, strict rules) * New workflow for static analysis: .github/workflows/analysis.yml *,


* Updated composer.json

* Bumped minimum PHP version to 8.2
* Autoloading should follow PSR-4
* Updated PHPUnit to 11.0+

* Added strict_types declaration and PHPDoc header to all files. * Api::__construct has a new $options parameter, which is optional, that can pass options to Guzzle Client. * NumverifyApiFailureException is wrapped around \GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException * Api::validateResponse() changed to Api::validateAndDecodeResponse().

* Old signature: `private function validateResponse(\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response): void`
* New signature: `private function validateAndDecodeResponse(ResponseInterface $response, bool $asArray = false): stdClass | array`
* It now checks `getStatusCode` and the response body for `success`. Returns the decoded jSON.

* Updated unit tests to use Guzzle's MockHandler.

* Fixed tests and PHPUnit method calls/attributes/etc. to be in line with PHPUnit 11+

* Cleaned up code and refactored to use newer PHP 8 features / conventions.

* Should now adhere to PER and PSR-12 as well.
* Now passes PHPStan using level 9 w/strict rules.
* Added parameter and return type hints throughout.

* Any class implementing JsonSerializable now also implements Stringable. * Updated


* .github/workflows/test_develop_and_master.yml, replaced with .github/workflows/tests.yml * .github/workflows/test_other_branches.yml, replaced with .github/workflows/tests.yml * .github/workflows/test_pull_request.yml, replaced with .github/workflows/tests.yml * tests/bootstrap.php, tests/phpunit.xml, tests/coding_standard.xml


* Documentation improvements.