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File: processCities.php

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File: processCities.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class file
Class: Process MaxMind Countries, Regions and Cities Files
Extract MaxMind geographic data into a database
Author: By
Last change: Replaced tabs with spaces
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 13,350 bytes



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<?php /** * processCities.php * * PHP version >= 4.30 * * @author Aziz Hussain <[email protected]> * @copyright GPL license * @license * @link */ /** * ProcessCities * * Download and process MaxMind geo, region and city list and relationships. * * Usage Options: * f -> Directory to download/extract files to (DEFAULT: Current working directory) * r -> if set, it will force to download the files again as opposed to using existing files by default * o -> what type of db to use, available options 'lite' (sqlite) or 'mysql' * * d -> Database file name for sqlite or db name for MySQL * * If using mysql, the following options can also be used: * h -> MySQL hostname (DEFAULT: localhost) * u -> MySQL username (DEFAULT: root) * p -> MySQL password (DEFAULT: empty) * * Example usage: * * SqLite: * php processCities.php -f /tmp -d /tmp/geodbLite.sqlite * or the following (DEFAULT: will use maxmindDb.sqlite on current working directory) * php processCities.php -f /tmp * * MySQL: * php processCities.php -f /tmp -o mysql -h -u root -p rootpass -d geo_db * * * @author Aziz Hussain <[email protected]> * @copyright GPL license * @license * @link */ class processCities { /** * Maxmind resource links * * @var array */ public $links = array ( 'countries' => '', 'regions' => '', 'cities' => '', ); /** * User options * * @var array */ public $options; /** * Base directory, where files are downloaded to * * @var string */ public $base; /** * Constructor - check user options, download any files needed * * @return void */ public function __construct() { // Custom temp directory $this->options = getopt('f:r:h:u:p:d:o:'); if (!empty($this->options['f'])) { $this->base = $this->options['f']; } else { $this->base = __DIR__; } if (!is_writable($this->base)) { die('Unable to access temp directory: ' . $this->base); } $this->base = rtrim($this->base, '/') . '/'; // Fresh copies if (!empty($this->options['r'])) { foreach (array('countries.txt', 'regions.txt', 'cities.txt') as $file) { if (file_exists($this->base . $file)) { if (!is_writable($this->base . $file)) { die('Unable to remove file: ' . $this->base . $file); } unlink ($this->base . $file); } } } // Download countries? if (!file_exists($this->base . 'countries.txt')) { $countries = file_get_contents($this->links['countries']); $res = preg_split('/<\/?pre>/', $countries); if (empty($res[1])) { die('It seems like Maxmind has changed countries list location'); } $countries = trim($res[1]); file_put_contents($this->base . 'countries.txt', $countries); unset($res, $countries); } // Download regions? if (!file_exists($this->base . 'regions.txt')) { $regions = file_get_contents($this->links['regions']); file_put_contents($this->base . 'regions.txt', $regions); unset($regions); } // Download/Extract cities? if (!file_exists($this->base . 'cities.txt')) { // Download file exec("wget -O '{$this->base}cities.txt.gz' '{$this->links['cities']}'"); // Extract file exec("gunzip -f {$this->base}cities.txt.gz"); } } /** * Process * * @return void */ public function process() { try { // Do via MySQL if (isset($this->options['o']) && strtolower($this->options['o']) == 'mysql') { $this->processToMySQL(); return; } // Do sqllite by default $this->processToLite(); } catch (Exception $error) { die($error->getMessage()); } } /** * Start processing downloaded files to SQL Db * * @return void */ public function processToLite() { // Connect to sqlite DB $name = 'maxmindDb.sqlite'; if (!empty($this->options['d'])) { $name = $this->options['d']; } $db = new PDO('sqlite:' . $name); // Drop/Create Tables $queries = array ( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS countries', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS regions', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cities', 'CREATE TABLE countries ( country_id int, country_code varchar(4), country_name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(country_id ASC) )', 'CREATE TABLE regions ( region_id varchar(2), country_id int, region_name varchar(255) )', 'CREATE TABLE cities ( city_id int, region_id varchar(2), country_id int, city_name varchar(255), ascii_name varchar(255) )', 'CREATE INDEX region_id ON cities (region_id) ASC', ); // Execute drop/create queries foreach ($queries as $query) { $db->exec($query); } $this->addRecords($db); } /** * Start processing downloaded files to MySQL Db * * @return void */ public function processToMySQL() { // Default Db Settings $settings = array ( 'host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => '', 'db' => 'maxmind', ); // Check user settings foreach (array( 'h' => 'host', 'p' => 'pass', 'd' => 'db', 'u' => 'user', ) as $input => $toVar) { if (!empty($this->options[$input])) { $settings[$toVar] = $this->options[$input]; } } // Connect to Db $db = new PDO("mysql:dbname={$settings['db']};host={$settings['host']}", $settings['user'], $settings['pass']); // Drop/Create Tables $queries = array ( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS countries', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS regions', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cities', 'CREATE TABLE `countries` ( `country_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `country_code` VARCHAR( 4 ) NOT NULL , `country_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL )', 'CREATE TABLE `regions` ( `region_id` VARCHAR (2) NOT NULL , `country_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `region_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `region_id`, `country_id` ) )', 'CREATE TABLE `cities` ( `city_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `region_id` VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL , `country_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `city_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `ascii_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, INDEX ( `region_id` ) )', ); // Execute drop/create queries foreach ($queries as $query) { $db->exec($query); } $this->addRecords($db, 'mysql'); } /** * Add records to Db * * @param resource $db Db Handler * @param enum ('lite', 'mysql') $type Db Type * * @return void */ public function addRecords($db, $type = 'lite') { // Country code to Id mapping $countryMapping = array(); // Insert countries echo 'Starting countries' . PHP_EOL; $countries = file_get_contents($this->base . 'countries.txt'); $countries = explode(PHP_EOL, $countries); // Foreach country foreach ($countries as $country) { // Check for empty lines $country = trim($country); if (empty($country)) { continue; } // Construct SQL list($countryCode, $countryName) = explode(',', $country); $countryName = $this->escape(trim($countryName, '"')); $sql = "INSERT INTO countries (country_code, country_name) VALUES ('$countryCode', '$countryName')"; // Add to Db $db->exec($sql); $lastId = $db->lastInsertId(); $countryMapping[$countryCode] = $lastId; } echo 'Finished countries' . PHP_EOL; // Insert regions echo 'Starting regions' . PHP_EOL; $regions = file_get_contents($this->base . 'regions.txt'); $regions = explode(PHP_EOL, $regions); // Foreach region foreach ($regions as $region) { // Check for empty lines $region = trim($region); if (empty($region)) { continue; } // Construct SQL list($countryCode, $regionId, $regionName) = explode(',', $region); $regionName = $this->escape(trim($regionName, '"')); // Get country Id based on mapping $countryCode = $countryMapping[$countryCode]; $sql = "INSERT INTO regions (region_id, country_id, region_name) VALUES ('$regionId', '$countryCode', '$regionName')"; // Add to Db $db->exec($sql); } echo 'Finished regions' . PHP_EOL; // Insert cities (takes longest) echo 'Starting cities' . PHP_EOL; $file = fopen($this->base . 'cities.txt', 'r'); // Skip first line fgets($file, 4096); // Keep track of completed Ids $doneCities = array(); $lastCountry = false; $skipped = array(); // Foreach city while (($line = fgets($file, 4096)) !== false) { // Construct SQL list($countryCode, $asciiName, $cityName, $regionCode, $pop, $lat, $long) = explode(',', $line); $asciiName = $this->escape($asciiName); $cityName = $this->escape($cityName); $regionCode = $this->escape($regionCode); $countryCode = strtoupper($countryCode); // Get country Id based on mapping if (!isset($countryMapping[strtoupper($countryCode)])) { if (!isset($skipped[$countryCode])) { echo 'Skipping cities in country: ' . $countryCode . '. Not a valid country code' . PHP_EOL; $skipped[$countryCode] = true; } continue; } $countryCode = $countryMapping[strtoupper($countryCode)]; // Let's reset done cities so it does not grow out of proportion if ($lastCountry == false || $lastCountry != $countryCode){ $doneCities = array(); $lastCountry = $countryCode; } $sql = "INSERT INTO cities (country_id, ascii_name, city_name, region_id) VALUES ('$countryCode', '$asciiName', '$cityName', '$regionCode')"; /* * If latitude/longitude already processed, do not add it again * The issue with maxmind that it stores multiple variation of the same location */ $key = md5($lat . $long); if (isset($doneCities[$key])) { continue; } $doneCities[$key] = true; // Add to Db $db->exec($sql); } fclose($file); echo 'Finished cities' . PHP_EOL; // Close connections if (stripos(get_resource_type($db), 'mysql') !== false) { mysql_close($db); return; } // Close Db connection $db = null; return; } /** * Escape Db Argument * * @param string $argument * * @return string */ public function escape($argument) { $searches = array('\\', "\0", "\n", "\r", "'", '"', "\x1a"); $replaces = array('\\\\', '\\0', '\\n', '\\r', "\\'", '\\"', '\\Z'); return str_replace($searches, $replaces, $argument); } } $process = new processCities(); $process->process();