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  Classes of Andre Roque Filipe   oGravatar   Download  
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Class: oGravatar
Get avatar images and the profile of Gravatar user
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oGravatar <a href="" target="__blank" alt="ReiDuKuduro @gittip" ><img alt="ReiDuKuduro @gittip" src="" /></a> ========= Simple class that provides easy gravatar integration #Getting the avatar First you need to create a oGravatar object, see below: $my_gravatar = new oGravatar(''); If you want to use a secure connection, you'll need to pass `true` as second parameter. Now that you have the object created, you can set the some properties like the image size, rating and a default image, in case of a non Gravatar account. ##Image Size Simply use the `setSize` function and use an integer greater than 1 and less than 2048 for the pixel size. $my_gravatar->setSize(200); ##Image Rating The function you need is `setRating` and you can use one of the following constants to simplify your life: - `oGravatar::RATING_G` - `oGravatar::RATING_PG` - `oGravatar::RATING_R` - `oGravatar::RATING_X` Just like this: $my_gravatar->setRating(oGravatar::RATING_X); ##Default Image As you can imagine, my creativity isn't that great, I called this function `setDefault`, you can either set the image path, that you want to define as default, or use one of the following constants: - `oGravatar::DEFAULT_404` - `oGravatar::DEFAULT_MM` - `oGravatar::DEFAULT_IDENTICON` - `oGravatar::DEFAULT_MONSTERID` - `oGravatar::DEFAULT_WAVATAR` Well, you know… $my_gravatar->setDefault(oGravatar::DEFAULT_MONSTERID); ##It's avatar time!! Now that you know how to set some properties, you can get the image, to get the URL. $my_gravatar->getAvatarUrl(); // If you dont want to loose time writing the HTML, you can do it this way: $attributes = array( 'id' => 'my_gravatar_image', 'class' => 'some_random_class or-not', 'style' => 'height: 200px', 'width' => '200px' ); $my_gravatar->getAvatar($attibutes); //<img src="" id="my_gravatar_image" class="some_random_class or-not" style="height: 200px" width="200px" /> #Getting the profile info If you want to request the profile info simply call `$my_gravatar->getProfile();`, once you do that, you can check if they email you are using has a profile by doing something like this: if ($my_gravatar->has_profile) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($my_gravatar); echo '</pre>'; } else { echo "This email doesn't have a gravatar account"; } #But wait there is more… … you can chain the functions, watch it: echo $my_gravatar->setSize(200) ->setRating(oGravatar::RATING_X) ->setDefault(oGravatar::DEFAULT_MONSTERID) ->getAvatar($attributes);