** new: 10/19/2013
add a writeable directory called [area_edit_cache] in the same directory as area_edit.php
-- this should result in around a 40x speed improvement in room->area lookup.
-- look at function draw_rooms() in class.weller.mud.render.php
-- you can also activate the benchmark just before the return of that function.
Can load and integrate change files to an area. This allows for non-destructive area editing. You can do this by making a changes file in the area's directory that you wish to change/add data too. eg) wellermud.changes.rooms.php would be where you would add/change rooms; wellermud.changes.mobs.php would be where you would add/change mobs; etc...
I recommend putting new data in the changes file, so that if you regenerate the area with say a more recent parser, your changes won't be wiped out. I'm also working on a history system for the changes files, so occasionally you can archive the past changes and remove redundancy.
Example [wellermud.changes.resets.php]
$area["chapel.are"]["resets"][] =
array (
'comment' => 'the priest',
'command' => 'load mobile room',
'vnum' =>
array (
'mob' => '3405',
'room' => '3405',
'data' => 'M 0 3405 1 3405 1'
// leave end of php open so that data can keep being appended to the change file.
// it won't mess anything up l
You can generate a world from a stock ROM MUD install using [class.load.rom.area.php] @ http://www.phpclasses.org/package/8282-PHP-Load-ROM-MUD-area-map-files-into-arrays.html
Basic Usage:
$wmud = new weller_mud_world('test_world/'); // make object and set world data directory
$area_list = $wmud->get_area_list(); // loads the area list into an array in $area_list
$wmud->load_area('midgaard.are'); // load some area
$wmud->load_area('midennir.are'); // load some more areas
$wmud->process_area_resets('midgaard.are'); // load objects, mobs, doors into their places in the area
// you can also fetch data individually like so...
$aroom = $wmud->get_room(3001); // load midgaard.are for this # fetch a single room
$aobject = $wmud->get_object(3000); // load midgaard.are for this # fetch a single object
$amob = $wmud->get_mob(3000); // load midgaard.are for this # fetch a single mob
Basic Usage:
// the render engine is a simpler way of parsing the output for multiple devices
// eg) mobile, web browser, etc
// if you look at the above example for [class.weller.mud.php] you will see how their fates are intertwined
$wmud->load_render_engine($wmud); // add the render engine to the area reader. Pass the parent object while we are at it.
// then you can access it's special little functions like:
$wmud->render->drop_down('area_list','myAreaList','[ areas ]');
// this should make it easy to make editors, game engines off of...
// check out area_edit.php for an example editor using these two classes.