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File: implementations/2Moons/1_6_1_injectionmode/calculateAttack.php

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  Classes of Nicola Covolo   OPBE   implementations/2Moons/1_6_1_injectionmode/calculateAttack.php   Download  
File: implementations/2Moons/1_6_1_injectionmode/calculateAttack.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: OPBE
Ogame probabilistic battle engine
Author: By
Last change: fixed 2moons
fixed function call
replaced the "false" return with an error in case of bugs.
delete double code in battlereport
added debug system to all implementations
Added Battle class String rappresentation by template.-
Fixed ships no destroyed.-
Added the ability to create report using external lang.-
Cleaned some code.-
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 12,305 bytes



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<?php /** * OPBE * Copyright (C) 2013 Jstar * * This file is part of OPBE. * * OPBE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OPBE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with OPBE. If not, see <>. * * @package OPBE * @author Jstar <[email protected]> * @copyright 2013 Jstar <[email protected]> * @license GNU AGPLv3 License * @version beta(26-10-2013) * @link */ $path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__dir__ ))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; require ($path . 'utils' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includer.php'); require ($path . 'implementations' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '2Moons' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '1_6_1_injectionmode' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'LangImplementation.php'); define('ID_MIN_SHIPS', 100); define('ID_MAX_SHIPS', 300); define('HOME_FLEET', 0); define('DEFENDERS_WON', 'r'); define('ATTACKERS_WON', 'a'); define('DRAW', 'w'); define('METAL_ID', 901); define('CRYSTAL_ID', 902); /** * calculateAttack() * Calculate the battle using OPBE. * * OPBE ,to decrease memory usage, don't save both the initial and end state of fleets in a single round: only the end state is saved. * Then OPBE store the first round in BattleReport and don't start it, just to show the fleets before the battle. * Also,cause OPBE start the rounds without saving the initial state, the informations about how many shots were fired etc must be asked to the next round. * Logically, the last round can't ask the next round because there is not. * * @param array &$attackers * @param array &$defenders * @param mixed $FleetTF * @param mixed $DefTF * @return array */ function calculateAttack(&$attackers, &$defenders, $FleetTF, $DefTF) { //null == use default handlers $errorHandler = null; $exceptionHandler = null; $CombatCaps = $GLOBALS['CombatCaps']; $pricelist = $GLOBALS['pricelist']; /********** BUILDINGS MODELS **********/ /** Note: we are transform array of data like * fleetID => infos * into object tree structure like * playerGroup -> player -> fleet -> shipType */ //attackers $attackerGroupObj = new PlayerGroup(); foreach ($attackers as $fleetID => $attacker) { $player = $attacker['user']; //techs + bonus. Note that the bonus is divided by the factor because the result sum will be multiplied by the same inside OPBE $attTech = $player['military_tech'] + $player['factor']['attack'] / WEAPONS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR; $shieldTech = $player['shield_tech'] + $player['factor']['shield'] / SHIELDS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR; $defenceTech = $player['defence_tech'] + $player['factor']['defensive'] / ARMOUR_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR; //-- $attackerPlayerObj = $attackerGroupObj->createPlayerIfNotExist($player['id'], array(), $attTech, $shieldTech, $defenceTech); $attackerFleetObj = new Fleet($fleetID); foreach ($attacker['detail'] as $element => $amount) { if (empty($amount)) continue; $shipType = getShipType($element, $amount); $attackerFleetObj->add($shipType); } $attackerPlayerObj->addFleet($attackerFleetObj); } //defenders $defenderGroupObj = new PlayerGroup(); foreach ($defenders as $fleetID => $defender) { $player = $defender['user']; //techs + bonus. Note that the bonus is divided by the factor because the result sum will be multiplied by the same inside OPBE $attTech = $player['military_tech'] + $player['factor']['attack'] / WEAPONS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR; $shieldTech = $player['shield_tech'] + $player['factor']['shield'] / SHIELDS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR; $defenceTech = $player['defence_tech'] + $player['factor']['defensive'] / ARMOUR_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR; //-- $defenderPlayerObj = $defenderGroupObj->createPlayerIfNotExist($player['id'], array(), $attTech, $shieldTech, $defenceTech); $defenderFleetObj = getFleet($fleetID); foreach ($defender['def'] as $element => $amount) { if (empty($amount)) continue; $shipType = getShipType($element, $amount); $defenderFleetObj->add($shipType); } $defenderPlayerObj->addFleet($defenderFleetObj); } /********** BATTLE ELABORATION **********/ $opbe = new Battle($attackerGroupObj, $defenderGroupObj); $startBattle = DebugManager::runDebugged(array($opbe,'startBattle'),$errorHandler,$exceptionHandler); $startBattle(); $report = $opbe->getReport(); /********** WHO WON **********/ if ($report->defenderHasWin()) { $won = DEFENDERS_WON; } elseif ($report->attackerHasWin()) { $won = ATTACKERS_WON; } elseif ($report->isAdraw()) { $won = DRAW; } else { throw new Exception('problem'); } /********** ROUNDS INFOS **********/ $ROUND = array(); $lastRound = $report->getLastRoundNumber(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $lastRound; $i++) { // in case of last round, ask for rebuilt defenses. to change rebuils prob see constants/battle_constants.php $attackerGroupObj = ($lastRound == $i) ? $report->getAfterBattleAttackers() : $report->getResultAttackersFleetOnRound($i); $defenderGroupObj = ($lastRound == $i) ? $report->getAfterBattleDefenders() : $report->getResultDefendersFleetOnRound($i); $attInfo = updatePlayers($attackerGroupObj, $attackers, "detail"); $defInfo = updatePlayers($defenderGroupObj, $defenders, "def"); $ROUND[$i] = roundInfo($report, $attackers, $defenders, $attackerGroupObj, $defenderGroupObj, $i + 1, $attInfo, $defInfo); } /********** DEBRIS **********/ //attackers $debAtt = $report->getAttackerDebris(); $debAttMet = $debAtt[0]; $debAttCry = $debAtt[1]; //defenders $debDef = $report->getDefenderDebris(); $debDefMet = $debDef[0]; $debDefCry = $debDef[1]; //total $debris = array('att' => array(METAL_ID => $debAttMet, CRYSTAL_ID => $debAttCry), 'deff' => array(METAL_ID => $debDefMet, CRYSTAL_ID => $debDefCry)); /********** LOST UNITS **********/ $totalLost = array('att' => $report->getTotalAttackersLostUnits(), 'def' => $report->getTotalDefendersLostUnits()); /********** RETURNS **********/ return array( 'won' => $won, 'debris' => $debris, 'rw' => $ROUND, 'lost' => $totalLost); } /** * roundInfo() * Return the info required to fill $ROUND * @param BattleReport $report * @param array $attackers * @param array $defenders * @param PlayerGroup $attackerGroupObj * @param PlayerGroup $defenderGroupObj * @param int $i * @return array */ function roundInfo(BattleReport $report, $attackers, $defenders, PlayerGroup $attackerGroupObj, PlayerGroup $defenderGroupObj, $i, $attInfo, $defInfo) { $round = null; // the last round doesn't has next round, so we not ask for fire etc if($i <= $report->getLastRoundNumber()) { $round = $report->getRound($i); } return array( 'attack' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getAttackersFirePower(), 'defense' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getDefendersFirePower(), 'defShield' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getDefendersAssorbedDamage(), 'attackShield' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getAttachersAssorbedDamage(), 'attackers' => $attackers, 'defenders' => $defenders, 'attackA' => $attInfo[1], 'defenseA' => $defInfo[1], 'infoA' => $attInfo[0], 'infoD' => $defInfo[0]); } /** * updatePlayers() * Update players array as default 2moons require. * OPBE keep the internal array data full to decrease memory size, so a PlayerGroup object don't have data about * empty users(an user is empty when fleets are empty and fleet is empty when the ships count is zero) * Instead, the old system require to have also array of zero: to update the array of users, after a round, we must iterate them * and check the corrispective OPBE value if empty. * * @param PlayerGroup $playerGroup * @param array &$players * @return null */ function updatePlayers(PlayerGroup $playerGroup, &$players, $index) { $plyArray = array(); $amountArray = array(); foreach ($players as $idFleet => $info) { foreach ($info[$index] as $idShipType => $amount) { if ($playerGroup->existPlayer($info['user']['id'])) { $player = $playerGroup->getPlayer($info['user']['id']); //used to show techs in the report .Empty player not exist in OPBE's result data $players[$idFleet]['techs'] = array($player->getWeaponsTech(),$player->getArmourTech(),$player->getShieldsTech()); if ($player->existFleet($idFleet)) //if after battle still there are some ship types in this fleet { $fleet = $player->getFleet($idFleet); if ($fleet->existShipType($idShipType)) //if there are some ships of this type { $shipType = $fleet->getShipType($idShipType); //used to show life,power and shield of each ships in the report $plyArray[$idFleet][$idShipType] = array('def' => $shipType->getHull(),'shield' => $shipType->getShield(),'att' => $shipType->getPower()); $players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = $shipType->getCount(); } else //all ships of this type were destroyed { $players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = 0; } } else //the fleet is empty, so all ships of this type were destroyed { $players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = 0; } } else // is empty { $players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = 0; $players[$idFleet]['techs'] = array(0,0,0); } //initialization if (!isset($amountArray[$idFleet])) { $amountArray[$idFleet] = 0; } if (!isset($amountArray['total'])) { $amountArray['total'] = 0; } //increment $currentAmount = $players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType]; $amountArray[$idFleet] = $amountArray[$idFleet] + $currentAmount; $amountArray['total'] = $amountArray['total'] + $currentAmount; } } return array($plyArray, $amountArray); } /** * getShipType() * Choose the correct class type by ID * * @param int $id * @param int $count * @return a Ship or Defense instance */ function getShipType($id, $count) { $CombatCaps = $GLOBALS['CombatCaps']; $pricelist = $GLOBALS['pricelist']; $rf = isset($CombatCaps[$id]['sd']) ? $CombatCaps[$id]['sd'] : 0; $shield = $CombatCaps[$id]['shield']; $cost = array($pricelist[$id]['metal'], $pricelist[$id]['crystal']); $power = $CombatCaps[$id]['attack']; if ($id > ID_MIN_SHIPS && $id < ID_MAX_SHIPS) { return new Ship($id, $count, $rf, $shield, $cost, $power); } return new Defense($id, $count, $rf, $shield, $cost, $power); } /** * getFleet() * Choose the correct class type by ID * * @param int $id * @return a Fleet or HomeFleet instance */ function getFleet($id) { if ($id == HOME_FLEET) { return new HomeFleet(HOME_FLEET); } return new Fleet($id); } ?>