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File: tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/AttrCollections.php

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File: tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/AttrCollections.php
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 * Defines common attribute collections that modules reference

class HTMLPurifier_AttrCollections

     * Associative array of attribute collections, indexed by name
public $info = array();

     * Performs all expansions on internal data for use by other inclusions
     * It also collects all attribute collection extensions from
     * modules
     * @param $attr_types HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes instance
     * @param $modules Hash array of HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule members
public function __construct($attr_types, $modules) {
// load extensions from the modules
foreach ($modules as $module) {
            foreach (
$module->attr_collections as $coll_i => $coll) {
                if (!isset(
$this->info[$coll_i])) {
$this->info[$coll_i] = array();
                foreach (
$coll as $attr_i => $attr) {
                    if (
$attr_i === 0 && isset($this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i])) {
// merge in includes
$this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i] = array_merge(
$this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i], $attr);
$this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i] = $attr;
// perform internal expansions and inclusions
foreach ($this->info as $name => $attr) {
// merge attribute collections that include others
// replace string identifiers with actual attribute objects
$this->expandIdentifiers($this->info[$name], $attr_types);

     * Takes a reference to an attribute associative array and performs
     * all inclusions specified by the zero index.
     * @param &$attr Reference to attribute array
public function performInclusions(&$attr) {
        if (!isset(
$attr[0])) return;
$merge = $attr[0];
$seen = array(); // recursion guard
        // loop through all the inclusions
for ($i = 0; isset($merge[$i]); $i++) {
            if (isset(
$seen[$merge[$i]])) continue;
$seen[$merge[$i]] = true;
// foreach attribute of the inclusion, copy it over
if (!isset($this->info[$merge[$i]])) continue;
            foreach (
$this->info[$merge[$i]] as $key => $value) {
                if (isset(
$attr[$key])) continue; // also catches more inclusions
$attr[$key] = $value;
            if (isset(
$this->info[$merge[$i]][0])) {
// recursion
$merge = array_merge($merge, $this->info[$merge[$i]][0]);

     * Expands all string identifiers in an attribute array by replacing
     * them with the appropriate values inside HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes
     * @param &$attr Reference to attribute array
     * @param $attr_types HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes instance
public function expandIdentifiers(&$attr, $attr_types) {

// because foreach will process new elements we add, make sure we
        // skip duplicates
$processed = array();

        foreach (
$attr as $def_i => $def) {
// skip inclusions
if ($def_i === 0) continue;

            if (isset(
$processed[$def_i])) continue;

// determine whether or not attribute is required
if ($required = (strpos($def_i, '*') !== false)) {
// rename the definition
$def_i = trim($def_i, '*');
$attr[$def_i] = $def;

$processed[$def_i] = true;

// if we've already got a literal object, move on
if (is_object($def)) {
// preserve previous required
$attr[$def_i]->required = ($required || $attr[$def_i]->required);

            if (
$def === false) {

            if (
$t = $attr_types->get($def)) {
$attr[$def_i] = $t;
$attr[$def_i]->required = $required;
            } else {



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