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File: tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php

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File: tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php
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 * Configuration definition, defines directives and their defaults.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema {

     * Defaults of the directives and namespaces.
     * @note This shares the exact same structure as HTMLPurifier_Config::$conf
public $defaults = array();

     * The default property list. Do not edit this property list.
public $defaultPlist;

     * Definition of the directives. The structure of this is:
     * array(
     * 'Namespace' => array(
     * 'Directive' => new stdclass(),
     * )
     * )
     * The stdclass may have the following properties:
     * - If isAlias isn't set:
     * - type: Integer type of directive, see HTMLPurifier_VarParser for definitions
     * - allow_null: If set, this directive allows null values
     * - aliases: If set, an associative array of value aliases to real values
     * - allowed: If set, a lookup array of allowed (string) values
     * - If isAlias is set:
     * - namespace: Namespace this directive aliases to
     * - name: Directive name this directive aliases to
     * In certain degenerate cases, stdclass will actually be an integer. In
     * that case, the value is equivalent to an stdclass with the type
     * property set to the integer. If the integer is negative, type is
     * equal to the absolute value of integer, and allow_null is true.
     * This class is friendly with HTMLPurifier_Config. If you need introspection
     * about the schema, you're better of using the ConfigSchema_Interchange,
     * which uses more memory but has much richer information.
public $info = array();

     * Application-wide singleton
static protected $singleton;

    public function
__construct() {
$this->defaultPlist = new HTMLPurifier_PropertyList();

     * Unserializes the default ConfigSchema.
public static function makeFromSerial() {
$contents = file_get_contents(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema.ser');
$r = unserialize($contents);
        if (!
$r) {
$hash = sha1($contents);
trigger_error("Unserialization of configuration schema failed, sha1 of file was $hash", E_USER_ERROR);

     * Retrieves an instance of the application-wide configuration definition.
public static function instance($prototype = null) {
        if (
$prototype !== null) {
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton = $prototype;
        } elseif (
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton === null || $prototype === true) {
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::makeFromSerial();

     * Defines a directive for configuration
     * @warning Will fail of directive's namespace is defined.
     * @warning This method's signature is slightly different from the legacy
     * define() static method! Beware!
     * @param $namespace Namespace the directive is in
     * @param $name Key of directive
     * @param $default Default value of directive
     * @param $type Allowed type of the directive. See
     * HTMLPurifier_DirectiveDef::$type for allowed values
     * @param $allow_null Whether or not to allow null values
public function add($key, $default, $type, $allow_null) {
$obj = new stdclass();
$obj->type = is_int($type) ? $type : HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$types[$type];
        if (
$allow_null) $obj->allow_null = true;
$this->info[$key] = $obj;
$this->defaults[$key] = $default;
$this->defaultPlist->set($key, $default);

     * Defines a directive value alias.
     * Directive value aliases are convenient for developers because it lets
     * them set a directive to several values and get the same result.
     * @param $namespace Directive's namespace
     * @param $name Name of Directive
     * @param $aliases Hash of aliased values to the real alias
public function addValueAliases($key, $aliases) {
        if (!isset(
$this->info[$key]->aliases)) {
$this->info[$key]->aliases = array();
        foreach (
$aliases as $alias => $real) {
$this->info[$key]->aliases[$alias] = $real;

     * Defines a set of allowed values for a directive.
     * @warning This is slightly different from the corresponding static
     * method definition.
     * @param $namespace Namespace of directive
     * @param $name Name of directive
     * @param $allowed Lookup array of allowed values
public function addAllowedValues($key, $allowed) {
$this->info[$key]->allowed = $allowed;

     * Defines a directive alias for backwards compatibility
     * @param $namespace
     * @param $name Directive that will be aliased
     * @param $new_namespace
     * @param $new_name Directive that the alias will be to
public function addAlias($key, $new_key) {
$obj = new stdclass;
$obj->key = $new_key;
$obj->isAlias = true;
$this->info[$key] = $obj;

     * Replaces any stdclass that only has the type property with type integer.
public function postProcess() {
        foreach (
$this->info as $key => $v) {
            if (
count((array) $v) == 1) {
$this->info[$key] = $v->type;
            } elseif (
count((array) $v) == 2 && isset($v->allow_null)) {
$this->info[$key] = -$v->type;


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