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File: tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DoctypeRegistry.php

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  Classes of Nicola Covolo   OPBE   tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DoctypeRegistry.php   Download  
File: tests/runnable/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DoctypeRegistry.php
Role: Auxiliary script
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Description: Auxiliary script
Class: OPBE
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class HTMLPurifier_DoctypeRegistry

     * Hash of doctype names to doctype objects
protected $doctypes;

     * Lookup table of aliases to real doctype names
protected $aliases;

     * Registers a doctype to the registry
     * @note Accepts a fully-formed doctype object, or the
     * parameters for constructing a doctype object
     * @param $doctype Name of doctype or literal doctype object
     * @param $modules Modules doctype will load
     * @param $modules_for_modes Modules doctype will load for certain modes
     * @param $aliases Alias names for doctype
     * @return Editable registered doctype
public function register($doctype, $xml = true, $modules = array(),
$tidy_modules = array(), $aliases = array(), $dtd_public = null, $dtd_system = null
) {
        if (!
is_array($modules)) $modules = array($modules);
        if (!
is_array($tidy_modules)) $tidy_modules = array($tidy_modules);
        if (!
is_array($aliases)) $aliases = array($aliases);
        if (!
is_object($doctype)) {
$doctype = new HTMLPurifier_Doctype(
$doctype, $xml, $modules, $tidy_modules, $aliases, $dtd_public, $dtd_system
$this->doctypes[$doctype->name] = $doctype;
$name = $doctype->name;
// hookup aliases
foreach ($doctype->aliases as $alias) {
            if (isset(
$this->doctypes[$alias])) continue;
$this->aliases[$alias] = $name;
// remove old aliases
if (isset($this->aliases[$name])) unset($this->aliases[$name]);

     * Retrieves reference to a doctype of a certain name
     * @note This function resolves aliases
     * @note When possible, use the more fully-featured make()
     * @param $doctype Name of doctype
     * @return Editable doctype object
public function get($doctype) {
        if (isset(
$this->aliases[$doctype])) $doctype = $this->aliases[$doctype];
        if (!isset(
$this->doctypes[$doctype])) {
trigger_error('Doctype ' . htmlspecialchars($doctype) . ' does not exist', E_USER_ERROR);
$anon = new HTMLPurifier_Doctype($doctype);

     * Creates a doctype based on a configuration object,
     * will perform initialization on the doctype
     * @note Use this function to get a copy of doctype that config
     * can hold on to (this is necessary in order to tell
     * Generator whether or not the current document is XML
     * based or not).
public function make($config) {
        return clone

     * Retrieves the doctype from the configuration object
public function getDoctypeFromConfig($config) {
// recommended test
$doctype = $config->get('HTML.Doctype');
        if (!empty(
$doctype)) return $doctype;
$doctype = $config->get('HTML.CustomDoctype');
        if (!empty(
$doctype)) return $doctype;
// backwards-compatibility
if ($config->get('HTML.XHTML')) {
$doctype = 'XHTML 1.0';
        } else {
$doctype = 'HTML 4.01';
        if (
$config->get('HTML.Strict')) {
$doctype .= ' Strict';
        } else {
$doctype .= ' Transitional';


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