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File: README.txt

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  Classes of Alex F. Bustos   SI Prefix Converter   README.txt   Download  
File: README.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Brief of how to use the class
Class: SI Prefix Converter
Convert a number to a string appending a prefix
Author: By
Last change: Update of README.txt
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,928 bytes


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File: readme.txt Created by: Alex Bustos - @alexfbp At first, Thanks for downloading and testing it. This file is a little resume and explanation on how to use this class. For specific details, see the class and demo files. ======================================= INITIALIZATION STEPS 1. Include, instantiate and (opt) set the numeric and list limitations include(''); //Maybe you want to change some default values include('sci.class.php'); $sci=new sci('LOP'[,- more options-]); //See the __construct() function for details. If the first argument of the construct is a variable, you must be sure that this variable is sanitized, has not forbidden expressions such as "..", "/", etc... The 'LOP' (List Of Prefixes) are the DESIRED list, not the used list which are generated internally through a call to the start() function (step 4) 2. (opt) Set the numeric out format. By decimal places or significant digits $sci->set_round_params(); 3. (opt) Insert Additive Rules $sci->set_single_rule(); $sci->set_scale_rule(); $sci->set_all_rule(); 4. $sci->start(); //the object. Else, the main functions will return the unmodified value ======================================= MAIN FUNCTIONS: mixed get_prefixed(mixed $value,bool $array=false): Returns a string like $number.$join.$prefix. based on a previously choosen List of Prefixes. The $join value was previously defined when instantiating the object. Or, if you want to format the prefix as you want, you can set $array=true, and the function will return an array($number,$prefix); mixed get_number(string $string, bool $entities=true, $flags=ENT_COMPAT) If you want to do the inverse process, here comes that function. May return a float or a int. Prior to use this function, you should configure the charset. ======================================= CONFIGURATION FUNCTIONS: sci::valid_list($LOP) - Basic validation if a List of Prefixes $LOP are in the allowed format. set_round_params() - Rounding Configuration. See the class and then set_charset($charset) - Valid Charset. See the $encoding arg of ======================================= RULE FUNCTIONS: Add to the ALLOWED list, from the DESIRED list (and if the exponent are valid in the specified range): set_single_rule($exponent); //a prefix of the same exponent set_scale_rule($scale); //each prefix multiple of $scale Omitting the limits, ej: with 3, allowed exps will have too {...,-9,-6,-3,0,3,6,9,...} with 2, allowed exps will have too {...,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,...} and so... set_all_rule(); //All of the prefixes If needed, to understand the differences between the allowed and desired lists, var_dump an sci object, before and after to the call to start(): $sci=new sci(); var_dump($sci); ... //Maybe you wish to add some rules $sci->start(); var_dump($sci);