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  Classes of Emmanuel Antico   Injector   Download  
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Class: Injector
Inject dependencies defined in annotation comments
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Injector ======== A dependency injection class based on Pimple 2 **Author**: Emmanuel Antico<br/> **Last Modification**: 2014/07/02<br/> **Version**: 3.1.0 <br/> Installation ------------ <br/> Installation is made via composer. Add the following lines to the composer.json file in your project. <br/> **Composer** ```json { "require": { "injector/injector": "~3.0" } } ``` <br/> Dependecies ------------ <br/> Injector requires the following packages to be installed: * [Pimple 2.1]( "") * [Minime\Annotations 1.13]( "") <br/> How to use ------------ <br/> Injector is a dependency injection library that uses the *Pimple\Container* class to initialize a set of properties within an instance. This is done by adding the appropiate annotations to the class declaration. <br/> >Step 1: Create a Provider A provider is a class that implements the *Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface* interface. This class sets a number of services (and parameters) inside a container. ```php <?php namespace Acme\Providers; use Pimple\Container; use Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface; use Acme\Services\Logger; use Acme\Services\MySQLConnection; class MainProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface { public function register(Container $container) { //add some services $container['logger'] = function ($c) { return new Logger(); }; $container['conn'] = function ($c) { return new MySQLConnection('usr', 'psw'); }; $container['environment'] = 'development'; } } ``` <br/> >Step 2: Configure your class In order to indicate a class provider we add the @inject.provider annotation followed by the provider class name. Dependencies can now be injected through the @inject.service and @inject.param annotations. ```php <?php namespace Acme\Components; /** * @inject.provider Acme\Providers\MainProvider */ class MyComponent { private $name; private $env; /** * @inject.service logger */ private $logger; /** * @inject.service conn */ private $connection; /** * @inject.param $env environment */ public function __construct($name, $env) { $this->name = $name; $this->env = $env; } public function getEnvironment() { return $this->env; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } public function getConnection() { return $this->connection; } } ``` <br/> >Step 3: Create an instance Instances are created through the *create* static method in the *Injector\Injector* class. Additional arguments could be added as an array. ```php <?php use Injector\Injector; use Acme\Services\SQLiteConnection; $component = Injector::create('Acme\Components\MyComponent', ['My Component']); $component->getEnvironment(); //returns 'development' $component->getName(); //returns 'My Component' $component->getLogger()->debug('Component initialized'); //overriding a constructor parameter $component = Injector::create('Acme\Components\MyComponent', ['My Component', 'production']); $component->getEnvironment(); //returns 'production' //filtering dependencies $component = Injector::create('Acme\Components\MyComponent', ['My Component'], ['logger']); $component->getLogger(); //Logger $component->getConnection(); // NULL //overriding dependencies $component = Injector::create('Acme\Components\MyComponent', ['My Component'], null, ['conn' => new SQLiteConnection('file.db')]); $component->getConnection(); // SQLiteConnection ``` <br/> >Step 3 (alt): Inject dependencies You could also inject dependencies directly through the *inject* method using a custom made container. ```php <?php use Injector\Injector; //create container $container = new Pimple\Container; $provider = new Acme\Providers\MainProvider(); $provider->register($container); //inject dependencies $component = new CustomComponent(); Injector::inject($component, $container); //... $component->getLogger()->debug('Component initialized'); ``` <br/> License ------- <br/> This code is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license.