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File: libs/functions.display.php

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File: libs/functions.display.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: base class
Class: PHP Check Resource Usage
Retrieve the usage of machine resources
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Date: 10 years ago
Size: 37,867 bytes



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<?php /** * This file is part of Linfo (c) 2010 Joseph Gillotti. * * Linfo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Linfo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Linfo. If not, see <>. * */ /** * Keep out hackers... */ // /** * Show it all... in very minimal HTML * @param array $info the system information * @param array $settings linfo settings */ function showInfoHTML($info, $settings) { // Gain access to language array global $lang; // Fun icons $show_icons = array_key_exists('icons', $settings) ? !empty($settings['icons']) : true; $os_icon = defined('IS_WINDOWS') ? 'windows' : strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', current(explode('(', $info['OS'])))); $distro_icon = $info['OS'] == 'Linux' && is_array($info['Distro']) && $info['Distro']['name'] ? strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $info['Distro']['name'])) : false; // Start compressed output buffering if (!isset($settings['compress_content']) || $settings['compress_content']) ob_start(function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null); // Proceed to letting it all out echo '<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>'.AppName.' - '.$info['HostName'].'</title> <link href="'.WEB_PATH.'layout/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" rel="shortcut icon"> <link href="'.WEB_PATH.'layout/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">'.( $show_icons ? ' <link href="'.WEB_PATH.'layout/icons.css" rel="stylesheet">' : '' ).' <script src="'.WEB_PATH.'layout/scripts.min.js"></script> <meta name="generator" content="'.AppName.' ('.VERSION.')"> <meta name="author" content="Joseph Gillotti &amp; friends"> <!--[if lt IE 8]> <link href="'.WEB_PATH.'layout/old_ie.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <![endif]--> </head> <body id="info"> <div id="header"> <h1>'.$info['HostName'].'</h1> <div class="subtitle">'.$lang['header'].'</div> </div> <div class="col2"> <div class="col"> <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['core'].'</h2> <table>'; // Linfo Core. Decide what to show. $core = array(); // OS? (with icon, if we have it) if (!empty($settings['show']['os'])) $core[] = array($lang['os'], ($show_icons && (file_exists(LOCAL_PATH . 'layout/icons/os_'.$os_icon.'.gif') || file_exists(LOCAL_PATH . 'layout/icons/os_'.$os_icon.'.png')) ? '<span class="icon icon_os_'.$os_icon.'"></span>' : '') . $info['OS']); // Distribution? (with icon, if we have it) if (!empty($settings['show']['distro']) && array_key_exists('Distro', $info) && is_array($info['Distro'])) $core[] = array($lang['distro'], ($show_icons && $distro_icon && (file_exists(LOCAL_PATH . 'layout/icons/distro_'.$distro_icon.'.gif') || file_exists(LOCAL_PATH . 'layout/icons/distro_'.$distro_icon.'.png')) ? '<span class="icon icon_distro_'.$distro_icon.'"></span>' : '') . $info['Distro']['name'] . ($info['Distro']['version'] ? ' - '.$info['Distro']['version'] : '')); // Kernel if (!empty($settings['show']['kernel'])) $core[] = array($lang['kernel'], $info['Kernel']); // Model? if (!empty($settings['show']['model']) && array_key_exists('Model', $info) && !empty($info['Model'])) $core[] = array($lang['model'], $info['Model']); // IP $core[] = array($lang['accessed_ip'], isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : 'Unknown'); // Uptime if (!empty($settings['show']['uptime'])) $core[] = array($lang['uptime'], $info['UpTime']); // Hostname if (!empty($settings['show']['hostname'])) $core[] = array($lang['hostname'], $info['HostName']); // The CPUs if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu'])) { $cpus = ''; foreach ((array) $info['CPU'] as $cpu) $cpus .= (array_key_exists('Vendor', $cpu) && !empty($cpu['Vendor']) ? $cpu['Vendor'] . ' - ' : '') . $cpu['Model'] . (array_key_exists('MHz', $cpu) ? ($cpu['MHz'] < 1000 ? ' ('.$cpu['MHz'].' MHz)' : ' ('.round($cpu['MHz'] / 1000, 3).' GHz)') : '') . '<br />'; $core[] = array('CPUs ('.count($info['CPU']).')', $cpus); } // CPU architecture. Permissions goes hand in hand with normal CPU if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu']) && array_key_exists('CPUArchitecture', $info)) $core[] = array($lang['cpu_arch'], $info['CPUArchitecture']); // System Load if (!empty($settings['show']['load'])) $core[] = array($lang['load'], implode(' ', (array) $info['Load'])); // We very well may not have process stats if (!empty($settings['show']['process_stats']) && $info['processStats']['exists']) { // Different os' have different keys of shit $proc_stats = array(); // Load the keys if (array_key_exists('totals', $info['processStats']) && is_array($info['processStats']['totals'])) foreach ($info['processStats']['totals'] as $k => $v) $proc_stats[] = $k . ': ' . number_format($v); // Total as well $proc_stats[] = 'total: ' . number_format($info['processStats']['proc_total']); // Show them $core[] = array($lang['processes'], implode('; ', $proc_stats)); // We might not have threads if ($info['processStats']['threads'] !== false) $core[] = array($lang['threads'], number_format($info['processStats']['threads'])); } // Users with active shells if (!empty($settings['show']['numLoggedIn']) && array_key_exists('numLoggedIn', $info)) $core[] = array($lang['numLoggedIn'], $info['numLoggedIn']); // Show for ($i = 0, $core_num = count($core); $i < $core_num; $i++) { echo ' <tr> <th>'.$core[$i][0].'</th> <td>'.$core[$i][1].'</td> </tr> '; } echo ' </table> </div>'; // Show memory? if (!empty($settings['show']['ram'])) { echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['memory'].'</h2> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 10%;" /> <col style="width: 30%;" /> <col style="width: 30%;" /> <col style="width: 30%;" /> </colgroup> <tr> <th>'.$lang['type'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['free'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['used'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['size'].'</th> </tr> <tr> <td>'.$info['RAM']['type'].'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($info['RAM']['free']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($info['RAM']['total']).'</td> </tr>'; $have_swap = (isset($info['RAM']['swapFree']) || isset($info['RAM']['swapTotal'])); if ($have_swap) { // Show detailed swap info? $show_detailed_swap = is_array($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) && count($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) > 0; echo' <tr> <td'.($show_detailed_swap ? ' rowspan="2"' : '').'>Swap</td> <td>'.byte_convert(@$info['RAM']['swapFree']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert(@$info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert(@$info['RAM']['swapTotal']).'</td> </tr>'; // As in we have at least one swap device present. Show them. if ($show_detailed_swap) { echo ' <tr> <td colspan="3"> <table class="mini center"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 25%;" /> <col style="width: 25%;" /> <col style="width: 25%;" /> <col style="width: 25%;" /> </colgroup> <tr> <th>'.$lang['device'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['type'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['size'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['used'].'</th> </tr>'; foreach($info['RAM']['swapInfo'] as $swap) echo ' <tr> <td>'.$swap['device'].'</td> <td>'.ucfirst($swap['type']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($swap['size']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($swap['used']).'</td> </tr> '; echo ' </table> </td> </tr>'; } } echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Network Devices? if (!empty($settings['show']['network'])) { $show_type = array_key_exists('nic_type', $info['contains']) ? $info['contains']['nic_type'] : true; echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['network_devices'].'</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['device_name'].'</th>',$show_type ? ' <th>'.$lang['type'].'</th>' : '',' <th>'.$lang['amount_sent'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['amount_received'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['state'].'</th> </tr>'; if (count($info['Network Devices']) > 0) foreach($info['Network Devices'] as $device => $stats) echo ' <tr> <td>'.$device.'</td>', $show_type ? ' <td>'.$stats['type'].'</td>' : '',' <td>'.byte_convert($stats['sent']['bytes']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($stats['recieved']['bytes']).'</td> <td class="net_'.$stats['state'].'">'.ucfirst($stats['state']).'</td> </tr>'; else echo '<tr><td colspan="5" class="none">'.$lang['none_found'].'</td></tr>'; echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Show temps? if (!empty($settings['show']['temps']) && count($info['Temps']) > 0) { echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['temps_voltages'].'</h2> <table> <tr><th>'.$lang['path'].'</th><th>'.$lang['device'].'</th><th>'.$lang['value'].'</th></tr> '; $num_temps = count($info['Temps']); if ($num_temps > 0) { for($i = 0; $i < $num_temps; $i++) { $stat = $info['Temps'][$i]; echo ' <tr> <td>'.$stat['path'].'</td> <td>'.$stat['name'].'</td> <td>'.( array_key_exists('bar', $stat) && $stat['bar'] && $stat['unit'] == '%' ? '<div class="bar_chart"> <div class="bar_inner" style="width: '.$stat['temp'].'%;"> <div class="bar_text"> '.($stat['temp'] > -1 ? $stat['temp']: '?').'% </div> </div> </div> ': $stat['temp'].' '.$stat['unit']).'</td> </tr> '; } } else echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="none">'.$lang['none_found'].'</td></tr>'; echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Show battery? if (!empty($settings['show']['battery']) && count($info['Battery']) > 0) { echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['batteries'].'</h2> <table> <tr><th>'.$lang['device'].'</th><th>'.$lang['state'].'</th><th>'.$lang['charge'].' %</th></tr> '; foreach ($info['Battery'] as $bat) echo ' <tr> <td>'.$bat['device'].'</td> <td>'.$bat['state'].'</td> <td> <div class="bar_chart"> <div class="bar_inner" style="width: '.(int) $bat['percentage'].'%;"> <div class="bar_text"> '.($bat['percentage'] > -1 ? $bat['percentage']: '?').' </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> '; echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Show services? if (!empty($settings['show']['services']) && count($info['services']) > 0) { echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['services'].'</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['service'].'</th><th>'.$lang['state'].'</th><th>'.$lang['pid'].'</th><th>Threads</th><th>'.$lang['memory_usage'].'</th> </tr> '; // Show them foreach ($info['services'] as $service => $state) { $state_parts = explode(' ', $state['state'], 2); echo ' <tr> <td>'.$service.'</td> <td> <span class="service_'.strtolower($state_parts[0]).'">'.$state_parts[0].'</span> '.(array_key_exists(1, $state_parts) ? '<span class="faded">'.$state_parts[1].'</span>' : '').'</td> <td>'.$state['pid'].'</td> <td>',$state['threads'] ? $state['threads'] : '?','</td> <td>',$state['memory_usage'] ? byte_convert($state['memory_usage']) : '?','</td> </tr> '; } echo ' </table> </div>'; } echo ' </div> <div class="col">'; // Show hardware? if (!empty($settings['show']['devices'])) { // Don't show vendor? $show_vendor = array_key_exists('hw_vendor', $info['contains']) ? ($info['contains']['hw_vendor'] === false ? false : true) : true; echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['hardware'].'</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['type'].'</th> ',($show_vendor ? '<th>'.$lang['vendor'].'</th>' : ''),' <th>'.$lang['device'].'</th> </tr> '; $num_devs = count($info['Devices']); if ($num_devs > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_devs; $i++) { echo ' <tr> <td class="center">'.$info['Devices'][$i]['type'].'</td> ',$show_vendor ? '<td>'.($info['Devices'][$i]['vendor'] ? $info['Devices'][$i]['vendor'] : 'Unknown').'</td>' : '',' <td>'.$info['Devices'][$i]['device'].'</td> </tr>'; } } else echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="none">'.$lang['none_found'].'</td></tr>'; echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Show drives? if (!empty($settings['show']['hd'])) { // Should we not show the Reads and Writes columns? $show_stats = array_key_exists('drives_rw_stats', $info['contains']) ? ($info['contains']['drives_rw_stats'] === false ? false : true) : true; // Or vendor columns? $show_vendor = array_key_exists('drives_vendor', $info['contains']) ? ($info['contains']['drives_vendor'] === false ? false : true) : true; echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>Drives</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['path'].'</th> ',$show_vendor ? '<th>'.$lang['vendor'] : '','</th> <th>'.$lang['name'].'</th> ',$show_stats ? '<th>'.$lang['reads'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['writes'].'</th>' : '',' <th>'.$lang['size'].'</th> </tr>'; if (count($info['HD']) > 0) foreach($info['HD'] as $drive) { echo ' <tr> <td>'.$drive['device'].'</td> ',$show_vendor ? '<td>'.($drive['vendor'] ? $drive['vendor'] : $lang['unknown']).'</td>' : '',' <td>',$drive['name'] ? $drive['name'] : $lang['unknown'],'</td> ', $show_stats ? '<td>'.($drive['reads'] !== false ? number_format($drive['reads']) : $lang['unknown']).'</td> <td>'.($drive['writes'] !== false ? number_format($drive['writes']) : $lang['unknown']).'</td>' : '',' <td>',$drive['size'] ? byte_convert($drive['size']) : $lang['unknown'],'</td> </tr>'; // If we've got partitions for this drive, show them too if (array_key_exists('partitions', $drive) && is_array($drive['partitions']) && count($drive['partitions']) > 0) { echo ' <tr> <td colspan="6">'; // Each foreach ($drive['partitions'] as $partition) echo ' &#9492; '. (isset($partition['number']) ? $drive['device'].$partition['number'] : $partition['name']) .' - '.byte_convert($partition['size']).'<br />'; echo ' </td> </tr> '; } } else echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="none">'.$lang['none_found'].'</td></tr>'; echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Show sound card stuff? if (!empty($settings['show']['sound']) && count($info['SoundCards']) > 0) { echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['sound_cards'].'</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['number'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['vendor'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['card'].'</th> </tr>'; foreach ($info['SoundCards'] as $card) { if (empty($card['vendor'])) $card['vendor'] = 'Unknown'; echo ' <tr> <td>'.$card['number'].'</td> <td>'.$card['vendor'].'</td> <td>'.$card['card'].'</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </table> </div> '; } echo ' </div> </div>'; // Show file system mounts? if (!empty($settings['show']['mounts'])) { $has_devices = false; $has_labels = false; $has_types = false; foreach($info['Mounts'] as $mount) { if (!empty($mount['device'])) { $has_devices = true; } if (!empty($mount['label'])) { $has_labels = true; } if (!empty($mount['devtype'])) { $has_types = true; } } $addcolumns = 0; if ($settings['show']['mounts_options']) $addcolumns++; if ($has_devices) $addcolumns++; if ($has_labels) $addcolumns++; if ($has_types) $addcolumns++; echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['filesystem_mounts'].'</h2> <table> <tr>'; if ($has_types) { echo '<th>'.$lang['type'].'</th>'; } if ($has_devices) { echo '<th>'.$lang['device'].'</th>'; } echo '<th>'.$lang['mount_point'].'</th>'; if ($has_labels) { echo '<th>'.$lang['label'].'</th>'; } echo' <th>'.$lang['filesystem'].'</th>',$settings['show']['mounts_options'] ? ' <th>'.$lang['mount_options'].'</th>' : '',' <th>'.$lang['size'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['used'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['free'].'</th> <th style="width: 12%;">'.$lang['percent_used'].'</th> </tr> '; // Calc totals $total_size = 0; $total_used = 0; $total_free = 0; // Don't add totals for duplicates. (same filesystem mount twice in different places) $done_devices = array(); // Are there any? if (count($info['Mounts']) > 0) // Go through each foreach($info['Mounts'] as $mount) { // Only add totals for this device if we haven't already if (!in_array($mount['device'], $done_devices)) { $total_size += $mount['size']; $total_used += $mount['used']; $total_free += $mount['free']; if (!empty($mount['device'])) $done_devices[] = $mount['device']; } // Possibly don't show this twice else if (array_key_exists('duplicate_mounts', $settings['show']) && empty($settings['show']['duplicate_mounts'])) continue; // If it's an NFS mount it's likely in the form of server:path (without a trailing slash), // but if the path is just / it likely just shows up as server:, // which is vague. If there isn't a /, add one if (preg_match('/^.+:$/', $mount['device']) == 1) $mount['device'] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; echo '<tr>'; if ($has_types) { echo '<td>'.$mount['devtype'].'</td>'; } if ($has_devices) { echo '<td>'.$mount['device'].'</td>'; } echo '<td>'.$mount['mount'].'</td>'; if ($has_labels) { echo '<td>'.$mount['label'].'</td>'; } echo' <td>'.$mount['type'].'</td>', $settings['show']['mounts_options'] ? ' <td>'.(empty($mount['options']) ? '<em>unknown</em>' : '<ul><li>'.implode('</li><li>', $mount['options']).'</li></ul>').'</td>' : '',' <td>'.byte_convert($mount['size']).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($mount['used']). ' <span class="perc">('.($mount['used_percent'] !== false ? $mount['used_percent'] : 'N/A').'%)</span></td> <td>'.byte_convert($mount['free']). ' <span class="perc">('.($mount['free_percent'] !== false ? $mount['free_percent'] : 'N/A').'%)</span></td> <td> <div class="bar_chart"> <div class="bar_inner" style="width: '.(int) $mount['used_percent'].'%;"> <div class="bar_text"> '.($mount['used_percent'] ? $mount['used_percent'].'%' : 'N/A').' </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td colspan="',6 + $addcolumns,'" class="none">None found</td></tr>'; } // Show totals and finish table $total_used_perc = $total_size > 0 && $total_used > 0 ? round($total_used / $total_size, 2) * 100 : 0; echo ' <tr class="alt"> <td colspan="',2 + $addcolumns,'">Totals: </td> <td>'.byte_convert($total_size).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($total_used).'</td> <td>'.byte_convert($total_free).'</td> <td> <div class="bar_chart"> <div class="bar_inner" style="width: '.$total_used_perc.'%;"> <div class="bar_text"> '.$total_used_perc.'% </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'; } // Show RAID Arrays? if (!empty($settings['show']['raid']) && count($info['Raid']) > 0) { echo ' <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['raid_arrays'].'</h2> <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 10%;" /> <col style="width: 30%;" /> <col style="width: 10%;" /> <col style="width: 10%;" /> <col style="width: 30%;" /> <col style="width: 10%;" /> </colgroup> <tr> <th>'.$lang['name'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['level'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['status'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['size'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['devices'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['active'].'</th> </tr> '; if (count($info['Raid']) > 0) foreach ($info['Raid'] as $raid) { $active = explode('/', $raid['count']); // switch ($raid['level']) { case 0: $type = 'Stripe'; break; case 1: $type = 'Mirror'; break; case 5: case 6: $type = 'Distributed Parity Block-Level Striping'; break; default: $type = false; break; } echo ' <tr> <td>'.$raid['device'].'</td> <td>'.$raid['level'].($type ? ' <span class="caption">('.$type.')</span>' : '').'</td> <td>'.ucfirst($raid['status']).'</td> <td>'.$raid['size'].'</td> <td><table class="mini center margin_auto"><tr><th>'.$lang['device'].'</th><th>'.$lang['state'].'</th></tr>'; foreach ($raid['drives'] as $drive) echo '<tr><td>'.$drive['drive'].'</td><td class="raid_'.$drive['state'].'">'.ucfirst($drive['state']).'</td></tr>'; echo '</table></td> <td>'.$active[1].'/'.$active[0].'</td> </tr> '; } else echo '<tr><td colspan="6" class="none">'.$lang['none_found'].'</td></tr>'; echo ' </table> </div>'; } // Feel like showing errors? Are there any even? if (!empty($settings['show_errors']) && LinfoError::Fledging()->num() > 0) { echo ' <div id="errorList" class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['error_head'].'</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['from_where'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['message'].'</th> </tr>'; foreach (LinfoError::Fledging()->show() as $error) { echo ' <tr> <td>'.$error[0].'</td> <td>'.$error[1].'</td> </tr> '; } echo ' </table> </div> '; } // Additional extensions if (count($info['extensions']) > 0) { foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) if (is_array($ext) && count($ext) > 0) { // Decide how to show something extra switch (array_key_exists('extra_type', $ext) && !empty($ext['extra_vals']) ? $ext['extra_type'] : false) { // Table with a key->value table to the right of it // Useful for stats or other stuff pertaining to // the main info to the left case 'k->v': echo ' <div class="col2_side"> <div class="col2_side_left"> '.create_table($ext).' </div> <div class="col2_side_right"> <div class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$ext['extra_vals']['title'].'</h2> <table>'; // Give each value foreach(array_filter($ext['extra_vals']['values']) as $v) echo ' <tr> <th>'.$v[0].'</th> <td>'.$v[1].'</td> </tr>'; echo' </table> </div> </div> </div> '; break; // Nothing extra; just the table default: echo create_table($ext); break; } } } // Feel like showing timed results? if (!empty($settings['timer'])) { echo ' <div id="timerList" class="infoTable"> <h2>'.$lang['timer'].'</h2> <table> <tr> <th>'.$lang['area'].'</th> <th>'.$lang['time_taken'].'</th> </tr>'; foreach (LinfoTimer::Fledging()->getResults() as $result) { echo ' <tr> <td>'.$result[0].'</td> <td>'.round($result[1], 3).' '.$lang['seconds'].'</td> </tr> '; } echo ' </table> </div> '; } echo ' <div id="foot"> '.sprintf($lang['footer_app'], '<a href=""><em>'.AppName.' ('.VERSION.')</em></a>', round(microtime(true) - TIME_START,2)).'<br> <em>'.AppName.'</em> &copy; 2010 &ndash; '.(date('Y') > 2011 ? date('Y') : 2011).' Joseph Gillotti '.(date('m/d') == '06/03' ? ' (who turns '.(date('Y') - 1993).' today!)' : '').'&amp; friends. Source code licensed under GPL. </div> <div id="foot_time"> <br /> Generated on '.date($settings['dates']).' </div> <script>Linfo.init()</script> </body> </html>'; // End output buffering if (!isset($settings['compress_content']) || $settings['compress_content']) ob_end_flush(); } /** * Show it all... in simplexml * @param array $info the system information * @param array $settings linfo settings */ function showInfoSimpleXML($info, $settings) { global $lang; try { // Start it up $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><linfo></linfo>'); // Deal with core stuff $core_elem = $xml->addChild('core'); $core = array(); if (!empty($settings['show']['os'])) $core[] = array('os', $info['OS']); if (!empty($settings['show']['distro']) && is_array($info['Distro'])) $core[] = array($lang['distro'], $info['Distro']['name'] . ($info['Distro']['version'] ? ' - '.$info['Distro']['version'] : '')); if (!empty($settings['show']['kernel'])) $core[] = array('kernel', $info['Kernel']); $core[] = array('accessed_ip', (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : 'Unknown')); if (!empty($settings['show']['uptime'])) $core[] = array('uptime', $info['UpTime']); if (!empty($settings['show']['hostname'])) $core[] = array('hostname', $info['HostName']); if (!empty($settings['show']['cpu'])) { $cpus = ''; foreach ((array) $info['CPU'] as $cpu) $cpus .= (array_key_exists('Vendor', $cpu) && empty($cpu['Vendor']) ? $cpu['Vendor'] . ' - ' : '') . $cpu['Model'] . (array_key_exists('MHz', $cpu) ? ($cpu['MHz'] < 1000 ? ' ('.$cpu['MHz'].' MHz)' : ' ('.round($cpu['MHz'] / 1000, 3).' GHz)') : '') . '<br />'; $core[] = array('CPU', $cpus); } if (!empty($settings['show']['model']) && array_key_exists('Model', $info) && !empty($info['Model'])) $core[] = array($lang['model'], $info['Model']); if (!empty($settings['show']['load'])) $core[] = array('load', implode(' ', (array) $info['Load'])); if (!empty($settings['show']['process_stats']) && $info['processStats']['exists']) { $proc_stats = array(); if (array_key_exists('totals', $info['processStats']) && is_array($info['processStats']['totals'])) foreach ($info['processStats']['totals'] as $k => $v) $proc_stats[] = $k . ': ' . number_format($v); $proc_stats[] = 'total: ' . number_format($info['processStats']['proc_total']); $core[] = array('processes', implode('; ', $proc_stats)); if ($info['processStats']['threads'] !== false) $core[] = array('threads', number_format($info['processStats']['threads'])); } for ($i = 0, $core_num = count($core); $i < $core_num; $i++) $core_elem->addChild($core[$i][0], $core[$i][1]); // RAM if (!empty($settings['show']['ram'])) { $mem = $xml->addChild('memory'); $core_mem = $mem->addChild($info['RAM']['type']); $core_mem->addChild('free', $info['RAM']['free']); $core_mem->addChild('total', $info['RAM']['total']); $core_mem->addChild('used', $info['RAM']['total'] - $info['RAM']['free']); if (isset($info['RAM']['swapFree']) || isset($info['RAM']['swapTotal'])){ $swap = $mem->addChild('swap'); $swap_core = $swap->addChild('core'); $swap_core->addChild('free', $info['RAM']['swapFree']); $swap_core->addChild('total', $info['RAM']['swapTotal']); $swap_core->addChild('used', $info['RAM']['swapTotal'] - $info['RAM']['swapFree']); if (is_array($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) && count($info['RAM']['swapInfo']) > 0) { $swap_devices = $swap->addChild('devices'); foreach($info['RAM']['swapInfo'] as $swap_dev) { $swap_dev_elem = $swap_devices->addChild('device'); $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('device', $swap_dev['device']); $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('type', $swap_dev['type']); $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('size', $swap_dev['size']); $swap_dev_elem->addAttribute('used', $swap_dev['used']); } } } } // NET if (!empty($settings['show']['network'])) { $net = $xml->addChild('net'); foreach ($info['Network Devices'] as $device => $stats) { $nic = $net->addChild('interface'); $nic->addAttribute('device', $device); $nic->addAttribute('type', $stats['type']); $nic->addAttribute('sent', $stats['sent']['bytes']); $nic->addAttribute('recieved', $stats['recieved']['bytes']); } } // TEMPS if (!empty($settings['show']['temps']) && count($info['Temps']) > 0) { $temps = $xml->addChild('temps'); for($i = 0, $num_temps = count($info['Temps']); $i < $num_temps; $i++) { $temp = $temps->addChild('temp'); $temp->addAttribute('path', $info['Temps'][$i]['path']); $temp->addAttribute('name', $info['Temps'][$i]['name']); $temp->addAttribute('temp', $info['Temps'][$i]['temp'].' '.$info['Temps'][$i]['unit']); } } // Batteries if (!empty($settings['show']['battery']) && count($info['Battery']) > 0) { $bats = $xml->addChild('batteries'); foreach ($info['Battery'] as $bat) { $bat = $bats->addChild('battery'); $bat->addAttribute('device', $bat['device']); $bat->addAttribute('state', $bat['state']); $bat->addAttribute('percentage', $bat['percentage']); } } // SERVICES if (!empty($settings['show']['services']) && count($info['services']) > 0) { $services = $xml->addChild('services'); foreach ($info['services'] as $service => $state) { $state_parts = explode(' ', $state['state'], 2); $service_elem = $services->addChild('service'); $service_elem->addAttribute('name', $service); $service_elem->addAttribute('state', $state_parts[0] . (array_key_exists(1, $state_parts) ? ' '.$state_parts[1] : '')); $service_elem->addAttribute('pid', $state['pid']); $service_elem->addAttribute('threads', $state['threads'] ? $state['threads'] : '?'); $service_elem->addAttribute('mem_usage', $state['memory_usage'] ? $state['memory_usage'] : '?'); } } // DEVICES if (!empty($settings['show']['devices'])) { $show_vendor = array_key_exists('hw_vendor', $info['contains']) ? ($info['contains']['hw_vendor'] === false ? false : true) : true; $devices = $xml->addChild('devices'); for ($i = 0, $num_devs = count($info['Devices']); $i < $num_devs; $i++) { $device = $devices->addChild('device'); $device->addAttribute('type', $info['Devices'][$i]['type']); if ($show_vendor) $device->addAttribute('vendor', $info['Devices'][$i]['vendor']); $device->addAttribute('name', $info['Devices'][$i]['device']); } } // DRIVES if (!empty($settings['show']['hd'])) { $show_stats = array_key_exists('drives_rw_stats', $info['contains']) ? ($info['contains']['drives_rw_stats'] === false ? false : true) : true; $drives = $xml->addChild('drives'); foreach($info['HD'] as $drive) { $drive_elem = $drives->addChild('drive'); $drive_elem->addAttribute('device', $drive['device']); $drive_elem->addAttribute('vendor', $drive['vendor'] ? $drive['vendor'] : $lang['unknown']); $drive_elem->addAttribute('name', $drive['name']); if ($show_stats) { $drive_elem->addAttribute('reads', $drive['reads'] ? $drive['reads'] : 'unknown'); $drive_elem->addAttribute('writes', $drive['writes'] ? $drive['writes'] : 'unknown'); } $drive_elem->addAttribute('size', $drive['size'] ? $drive['size'] : 'unknown'); if (is_array($drive['partitions']) && count($drive['partitions']) > 0) { $partitions = $drive_elem->addChild('partitions'); foreach ($drive['partitions'] as $partition) { $partition_elem = $partitions->addChild('partition'); $partition_elem->addAttribute('name', isset($partition['number']) ? $drive['device'].$partition['number'] : $partition['name']); $partition_elem->addAttribute('size', $partition['size']); } } } } // Sound cards? lol if (!empty($settings['show']['sound']) && count($info['SoundCards']) > 0) { $cards = $xml->addChild('soundcards'); foreach ($info['SoundCards'] as $card) { $card_elem = $cards->addChild('card'); $card_elem->addAttribute('number', $card['number']); $card_elem->addAttribute('vendor', empty($card['vendor']) ? 'unknown' : $card['vendor']); $card_elem->addAttribute('card', $card['card']); } } // File system mounts if (!empty($settings['show']['mounts'])) { $has_devices = false; $has_labels = false; $has_types = false; foreach($info['Mounts'] as $mount) { if (!empty($mount['device'])) { $has_devices = true; } if (!empty($mount['label'])) { $has_labels = true; } if (!empty($mount['devtype'])) { $has_types = true; } } $mounts = $xml->addChild('mounts'); foreach ($info['Mounts'] as $mount) { $mount_elem = $mounts->addChild('mount'); if (preg_match('/^.+:$/', $mount['device']) == 1) $mount['device'] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ($has_types) $mount_elem->addAttribute('type', $mount['devtype']); if ($has_devices) $mount_elem->addAttribute('device', $mount['device']); $mount_elem->addAttribute('mountpoint', $mount['mount']); if ($has_labels) $mount_elem->addAttribute('label', $mount['label']); $mount_elem->addAttribute('fstype', $mount['type']); if ($settings['show']['mounts_options'] && !empty($mount['options'])) { $options_elem = $mount_elem->addChild('mount_options'); foreach ($mount['options'] as $option) $options_elem->addChild($option); } $mount_elem->addAttribute('size', $mount['size']); $mount_elem->addAttribute('used', $mount['used']); $mount_elem->addAttribute('free', $mount['free']); } } // RAID arrays if (!empty($settings['show']['raid']) && count($info['Raid']) > 0) { $raid_elem = $xml->addChild('raid'); foreach ($info['Raid'] as $raid) { $array = $raid_elem->addChild('array'); $active = explode('/', $raid['count']); $array->addAttribute('device', $raid['device']); $array->addAttribute('level', $raid['level']); $array->addAttribute('status', $raid['status']); $array->addAttribute('size', $raid['size']); $array->addAttribute('active', $active[1].'/'.$active[0]); $drives = $array->addChild('drives'); foreach ($raid['drives'] as $drive) { $drive_elem = $drives->addChild('drive'); $drive_elem->addAttribute('drive', $drive['drive']); $drive_elem->addAttribute('state', $drive['state']); } } } // Timestamp $xml->addChild('timestamp', $info['timestamp']); // Extensions if (count($info['extensions']) > 0) { $extensions = $xml->addChild('extensions'); foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) { $header = false; if (is_array($ext) && count($ext) > 0) { $this_ext = $extensions->addChild(string_xml_tag_unfuck($ext['root_title'])); foreach ((array) $ext['rows'] as $i => $row) { if ($row['type'] == 'header') { $header = $i; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'values') { $this_row = $this_ext->addChild('row'); if ($header !== false && array_key_exists($header, $ext['rows'])) { foreach ($ext['rows'][$header]['columns'] as $ri => $rc) { $this_row->addChild( string_xml_tag_unfuck($rc), $ext['rows'][$i]['columns'][$ri] ); } } } } } } } // Out it header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); // Comment which has stats and generator echo '<!-- Generated in '.round(microtime(true) - TIME_START,2).' seconds by '.AppName.' ('.VERSION.')-->'; } catch (Exception $e) { exit('Creation of XML error: '.$e->getMessage()); } } /** * Show it all... in XMLWriter * @param array $info the system information * @param array $settings linfo settings */ function showInfoXMLWriter($info, $settings) { exit ('So far only php\'s simple xml library is supported for XML output. Sorry!'); } /** * Show it all... in JSON * @param array $info the system information * @param array $settings linfo settings */ function showInfoJSON($info, $settings) { // Make sure we have JSON if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { exit('{error:\'JSON extension not loaded\'}'); return; } header('Content-Type: application/json'); // Output buffering, along with compression (if supported) if (!isset($settings['compress_content']) || $settings['compress_content']) ob_start(function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null); // Give it. Support JSON-P like functionality if the ?callback param looks like a valid javascript // function name, including object traversal. echo array_key_exists('callback', $_GET) && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\_\.]+$/i', $_GET['callback']) ? $_GET['callback'].'('.json_encode($info).')' : json_encode($info); // Send it all out if (!isset($settings['compress_content']) || $settings['compress_content']) ob_end_flush(); }