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File: classes/text/text-helper.php

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File: classes/text/text-helper.php
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 * This file is part of Soloproyectos common library.
 * @author Gonzalo Chumillas <>
 * @license BSD 2-Clause License
 * @link
namespace com\soloproyectos\common\text;

 * Class TextHelper.
 * @package Text
 * @author Gonzalo Chumillas <>
 * @license BSD 2-Clause License
 * @link
class TextHelper
     * Is the string empty?
     * This function checks if a given variable is an empty string.
     * For example:
     * ```php
     * // empty string examples
     * TextHelper::isEmpty(''); // returns true
     * TextHelper::isEmpty(null); // returns true
     * TextHelper::isEmpty('testing'); // returns false
     * TextHelper::isEmpty(0); // returns false (as 0 is not a string)
     * ```
     * @param string $str A string
     * @return boolean
public static function isEmpty($str)
$str === null || is_string($str) && strlen($str) == 0;

     * Returns $def if $str is empty.
     * @param string $str A string
     * @param mixed $def Default value
     * @return mixed
public static function ifEmpty($str, $def)
TextHelper::isEmpty($str)? $def : $str;

     * Concatenates strings.
     * This function concatenates several strings into a new one, using the
     * $glue parameter. It ignores empty strings.
     * For example:
     * ```php
     * // prints 'John, Maria, Mohamad'
     * echo TextHelper::concat(', ', 'John', '', 'Maria', null, 'Mohamad');
     * // prints 'John'
     * echo TextHelper::concat(', ', 'John');
     * // in this case we are using an array as second argument
     * echo TextHelper::concat('|', array('one', 'two', 'three'));
     * ```
     * @param string $glue Separator
     * @return string
public static function concat($glue)
$ret = "";
$args = array();
$len = func_num_args();

        for (
$i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) {
$value = func_get_arg($i);
$values = is_array($value)? array_values($value) : array($value);
$args = array_merge($args, $values);

        foreach (
$args as $arg) {
            if (
TextHelper::isempty($arg)) {

            if (
strlen($ret) > 0) {
$ret .= $glue;

$ret .= $arg;


     * Replaces arguments in a string.
     * Example 1:
     * ```php
     * echo TextHelper::replaceArgs(
     * "Hello {name}, how are you? I'm {state} thanks\n", array("Antonio", "fine")
     * );
     * ```
     * Example 2: use a function name
     * ```php
     * echo TextHelper::replaceArgs(
     * "Hello {name}, how are you? I'm {state} thanks\n", array(" Antonio ", " fine "), "trim"
     * );
     * ```
     * Example 3: use a closure
     * ```php
     * echo TextHelper::replaceArgs(
     * "Hello {name}, how are you? I'm {state} thanks\n", array("Antonio", "fine"), function ($x) {
     * return "'$x'";
     * }
     * );
     * ```
     * Example 3: use a method
     * ```php
     * echo TextHelper::replaceArgs(
     * "Hello {name}, how are you? I'm {state} thanks\n",
     * array("Antonio", "fine"),
     * array($obj, "method")
     * );
     * ```
     * @param string $str String
     * @param array $args Parameters
     * @param callable $escapeFunc Escape function (not required)
     * @return string
public static function replaceArgs($str, $args, $escapeFunc = null)
        if (
$escapeFunc === null) {
$escapeFunc = function ($x) {

        if (!
is_callable($escapeFunc)) {
            throw new
TextException("Escape function is not callable");

            function (
$match) use (&$args, $escapeFunc) {
$match[1] . call_user_func(
$escapeFunc, (count($args) > 0? array_shift($args) : $match[0])

     * Removes left spaces from a multiline string.
     * <p>This function removes left spaces from a multiline string, so the first line
     * starts at the first column. It would be the equivalent to 'align to left' in
     * a text editor.</p>
     * @param string $str Multiline string
     * @return string
public static function trimText($str)
$ret = "";
$str = preg_replace("/\t/", " ", $str);
$lines = explode("\n", $str);
$len = count($lines);

// start index.
        // ignores initial empty lines.
$i0 = 0;
        for (
$i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
$trimLine = trim($line);
            if (
strlen($trimLine) > 0) {
$i0 = $i;

// final index.
        // ignores final empty lines.
$i1 = count($lines) - 1;
        for (
$i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$line = $lines[$i];
$trimLine = trim($line);
            if (
strlen($trimLine) > 0) {
$i1 = $i;

// calculates spaces to remove
$spaces = PHP_INT_MAX;
        for (
$i = $i0; $i <= $i1; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
$leftTrimLine = ltrim($line);
$spaces = min($spaces, strlen($line) - strlen($leftTrimLine));

// removes left spaces
for ($i = $i0; $i <= $i1; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
$ret = TextHelper::concat("\n", $ret, substr($line, $spaces));
