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File: examples/serverside.php

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  Classes of Barton Phillips   MySQL Slideshow   examples/serverside.php   Download  
File: examples/serverside.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: MySQL Slideshow
Present slideshow from images listed in a database
Author: By
Last change: This is a new version of mysqlslideshow. I have removed all of the class/ stuff and included it in the single file examples/mysqlslidehow.class.php.
The class file now has all of the mysqli logic in the class. It also has what was the mysqlslideshow.php logic after the class.
The other file have been modified to work better.
deleted: class/Error.class.php
deleted: class/SqlException.class.php
deleted: class/dbAbstract.class.php
deleted: class/dbMysqli.class.php
deleted: class/helper-functions.php
deleted: class/mysqlslideshow.class.php
modified: composer.json
deleted: examples/ERROR.log
new file: examples/Pictures/P1010001.JPG
new file: examples/Pictures/P1010002.JPG
new file: examples/Pictures/P1010003.JPG
modified: examples/addimages.php
modified: examples/addupdateimage.php
modified: examples/browserside.html
modified: examples/dbclass.connectinfo.i.php
modified: examples/ie.html
modified: examples/mktable.sql
new file: examples/mysqlslideshow.class.php
deleted: examples/mysqlslideshow.php
modified: examples/serverside.php
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 4,177 bytes



Class file image Download
// This is a server side example

// Start a PHP Session


// This file has the MySqlSlideshow class

require_once("mysqlslideshow.class.php"); // This instantiates $ss

// for use in <form action="$self" tags.

$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

// Check for Microsoft Internet Explorer -- because everything Microsoft makes is broken!

$isIe = preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
//$isIe = true;
$ieMsg = $isIe ? '<p style="color: red">Microsoft Internet Explorer Version, because Microsoft can not do it like anyone else!</p>' : "";

// This file should not be in the Apache path for security reasons
// Start of Slide Show Logic

// NOTE THE ORDER. STOP must be before START and session checking.
// One could of course design this section differently so the
// order was not important but this is only an example of using the CLASS.

if($_POST['stop']) {
  echo <<<EOF
  <title>Slideshow Example: Server Side Version</title>
<h1>Slide Show Example: Server Side Version</h1>
<form action="
$self" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="start" value="Start"/>

$_POST['start']) {
$_SESSION['next'] = "next";

$_SESSION['next'] == "next") {
$inx = $_SESSION['index'];
$ids = $_SESSION['ids'];

// Microsoft test
if(!$isIe) {
$images = $_SESSION['images'];
// getImage() returns an assoc array ['data'], ['mime']
    // ['data'] is base64 by default. If a second argument is provided as 'raw' then the data is the raw image data.

$info = $ss->getInfo($ids[$inx]);
$subject = $info['subject'];
$desc = $info['description'];

$data = $images[$inx++];
$_SESSION['index'] = ($inx > count($ids)-1) ? 0 : $inx;
$image = $data['data']; // image in base64
$mime = $data['mime']; // mime type like "image/gif" etc.
} else {
// Handle BROKEN Browser!
$image = $ss->getImage($ids[$inx], 'data', '')['data']; //"mysqlslideshow.php?image=$ids[$inx]&israw=1";
$info = $ss->getInfo($ids[$inx++]);
$_SESSION['index'] = ($inx > count($ids)-1) ? 0 : $inx;
$subject = $info['subject'];
$desc = $info['description'];
  echo <<<EOF
  <title>Slideshow Example: Server Side Version</title>
  <!-- Set Refresh for every 5 seconds -->
  <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5"; url="http://localhost/test.php" />
<h1>Slide Show Example: Server Side Version</h1>
<form action="
$self" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="stop" value="Stop"/>
<img src="
$image" alt="" width="500" /><br>
$subject, Description: $desc</p>


// First Page

// Get a list of id's.
// This function takes one optional arguments:
// $where: defaults to "", the where conditions of the query.
// You can add where conditions like this for example: "type = 'link' && data like('%bill%.jpg')" then you
// would only get link type rather than data type entries and only links with the name bill and jpegs.

$ids = $ss->getImageIds();

// Set the session up.

$_SESSION['ids'] = $ids;
$_SESSION['index'] = 0; // Start at the beginning

// Get all the images
// For NON IE browsers we can cache the images.

if(!$isIe) {
$images = Array();

$i=0; $i < count($ids); ++$i) {
$images[$i] = $ss->getImage($ids[$i], 'link');
$_SESSION['images'] = $images;

// Here is the example of a slide show.
// We have two buttons "Start" and "Stop"
// and the table with the slideshow mysqlslideshow table displayed (not everything just some).
// The style is to add borders and padding to the table.

$display = $ss->displayAllImageInfo();

echo <<<EOF
<style type="text/css">
#displayAllImageInfo * {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 0 10px;

<h1 id="maintitle">Slide Show Example: Server Side Version</h1>
<div id="startstop">
<form action="
$self" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="start" value="Start"/>