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File: src/test.php

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  Classes of Samuel Adeshina   PHP Sentiment Analyzer   src/test.php   Download  
File: src/test.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Sentiment Analyzer
Determine the type of sentiments in a given text
Author: By
Last change: Mistyped Variables.
Thanks to Paulo Ows (

Thanks a lot to Paulo Ows of the PHPClasses: who find out about this error and pointed it out.
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,915 bytes



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        We instantiate the SentimentAnalyzerTest class below by passing in the SentimentAnalyzer object (class)
        found in the file: 'SentimentAnalyzer.class.php'.

        This class must be injected as a dependency into the constructor as shown below

$sat = new SentimentAnalyzerTest(new SentimentAnalyzer());

        Training The Sentiment Analysis Algorithm with words found in the trainingSet directory

        The File 'data.neg' contains a list of sentences that's been marked 'Negative'.
        We use the words in this file to train the algorithm on how a negative sentence/sentiment might
        be structured.

        Likewise, the file 'data.pos' contains a list of 'Positive' sentences and the words are also
        used to train the algorithm on how to score a sentence or document as 'Positive'.

        The trainAnalyzer method below accepts three parameters:
            * param 1: The Location of the file where the training data are located
            * param 2: Used to describe the 'type' of file [param 1] is; used to indicate
                       whether the supplied file contians positive words or not
            * param 3: Enter a less than or equal to 0 here if you want all lines in the
                       file to be used as a training set. Enter any other number if you want to
                       use exactly those number of lines to train the algorithm


$sat->trainAnalyzer('../trainingSet/data.neg', 'negative', 5000); //training with negative data
$sat->trainAnalyzer('../trainingSet/data.pos', 'positive', 5000); //trainign with positive data

        The analyzeSentence method accepts as a sentence as parameter and score it as a positive,
        negative or neutral sentiment. it returns an array that looks like this:

            'sentiment' => '[the sentiment value returned]',
            'accuracy' => array
                                'positivity'=> 'A floating point number showing us the probability of the sentence being positive',
                                'negativity' => 'A floating point number showing us the probability of the sentence being negative',

        An example is shown below:

$sentence1 = 'while the performances are often engaging , this loose collection of largely improvised numbers would probably have worked better as a one-hour tv documentary . ';
$sentence2 = 'edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , making it rousing , invigorating fun lacking any mtv puffery .

$sentimentAnalysisOfSentence1 = $sat->analyzeSentence($sentence1);

$resultofAnalyzingSentence1 = $sentimentAnalysisOfSentence1['sentiment'];
$probabilityofSentence1BeingPositive = $sentimentAnalysisOfSentence1['accuracy']['positivity'];
$probabilityofSentence1BeingNegative = $sentimentAnalysisOfSentence1['accuracy']['negativity'];

$sentimentAnalysisOfSentence2 = $sat->analyzeSentence($sentence2);

$resultofAnalyzingSentence2 = $sentimentAnalysisOfSentence2['sentiment'];
$probabilityofSentence2BeingPositive = $sentimentAnalysisOfSentence2['accuracy']['positivity'];
$probabilityofSentence2BeingNegative = $sentimentAnalysisOfSentence2['accuracy']['negativity'];


        The AnalyzeDocument method accepts the path to a text file as parameter.
        It analyzes the file and scores it as either a positive or a negative sentiment. It also
        returns an array with the same keys as the analyzeSentence method.

        An example is demonstrated below


$documentLocation = '../trainingSet/review.txt';
$sentimentAnalysisOfDocument = $sat->analyzeDocument($documentLocation);
$resultofAnalyzingDocument = $sentimentAnalysisOfDocument['sentiment'];
$probabilityofDocumentBeingPositive = $sentimentAnalysisOfDocument['accuracy']['positivity'];
$probabilityofDocumentBeingNegative = $sentimentAnalysisOfDocument['accuracy']['negativity'];
