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File: simplesql.class.php

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File: simplesql.class.php
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Description: Main file
Class: Simple SQL
MySQL wrapper to shortcut common tasks execution
Author: By
Last change: Constructor class added
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 25,988 bytes



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<?php /*======================================================================*\ SimpleSQL - The simple way to query Author: Paul Williamson <[email protected]> Copyright: (C) 2004 Protonage.Net Productions (Paul Williamson), all rights reserved. Version: 1.00 Summery: This class is meant to shortcut common MySQL database access tasks. Author Comments: This is my first complete class file and I'm quite pleased about how it turned out. The script works perfectly on PHP > 4, hasn't been tested on any versions < PHP 4. As for mysql I havn't tested it on anything < API 3. All programming and testing ran on a 600mhz iBook with PHP 4.3.2 and MySQL API 3.23.49. This class file is currently running two large database applications on two different servers; so far it is flawless. If any bugs are found or comments, please e-mail me. I'm really bad at comming up with argument names for paramaters, but it shouldn't be very hard to figure it out. Also, please excuse my horriable spelling mistakes throughout the code. Everything should be pretty self- explanitory if your good at PHP/MySQL. And if your not then your not alone, only like .001% of the world's population knows what PHP is, so yeah... your pretty good if you are this far. Maybe I'll get around to writing a well developed readme/example document, but for now, I like being lazy... and eating cheese. If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to contact me via e-mail or website (info at top). Other than that, have a great day and enjoy coding the easy way! Legal: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA \*======================================================================*/ class SimpleSQL { /**** Public Variables ****/ /* Default Constructor Vars */ var $db_server = "localhost"; //the server to connect to var $db_username = "root"; //username to authincate var $db_password = ""; //password to authincate var $db_name = "db_name"; //database name to connect to /* Dynamic Vars */ var $db_table = "table"; //table being queried, it can //be changed in function arguments var $result = ""; //result from the query var $error = ""; //error or warning message stored here var $errmsgs = true; //print detailed errors var $debug = false; //print complete tracks of the functions (debugging) /**** Private Variables ****/ var $_connected = false; //connected or not? var $_link = NULL; //contains the mysql resource in use var $_select_link = NULL; //contains the last select resource //(for num_rows use) /* Regular Expressions */ //Modify if needed, POSIX type var $_reg_where = "((WHERE)? \w*='\w*'( AND|OR )?)*"; //Next one is a Pearl type, so be careful var $_reg_break = "/^((`|')(.*?)((`|'),(`|')|(`|')\$))(.*)\$/si"; //If modified, make sure the backref //is ok with the rest of the function /*======================================================================*\ Constructor function Note: I made the db_name first because users can change the constructor vars up top and not have to worry with providing connection info, just the database that the script will be connecting to. \*======================================================================*/ function SimpleSQL($db_name="",$db_server="",$db_username="",$db_password="") { $this->db_name=(empty($db_name))?$this->db_name:$db_name; $this->db_server=(empty($db_server))?$this->db_server:$db_server; $this->db_username=(empty($db_username))?$this->db_username:$db_username; $this->db_password=(empty($db_password))?$this->db_password:$db_password; } /*======================================================================*\ Public functions \*======================================================================*/ /*======================================================================*\ Function: get_content Purpose: go into the database and grab the content in the supplied field(s) and/or row(s) Input: optional arguments $DB_TABLE, $DB_WHERE for $DB_WHERE, match $this->_reg_where Output: returns true if ok and sets $this->result as an array of keys and values from the table \*======================================================================*/ function get_content ($db_table="",$db_where="",$db_order="",$db_limit="") { /* Make sure the connection is still live */ if (!$this->_connect(true)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } /**** Error checking ****/ $db_table=(!empty($db_table))?$db_table:$this->db_table; //Make sure an argument was supplied $this->db_table=$db_table; //Store it for($j=0;$j<2;$j++): //Add correct mysql syntax to beginning $a=($j)?"db_order":"db_limit"; //for the order and limit arguments $b=($j)?"ORDER BY":"LIMIT"; $$a=(empty($$a))?"":$this->_fix_sql($b,$$a); //fix the syntax (spacing and all) endfor; if (!eregi($this->_reg_where,$db_where)) //Check to see if the where clause { //followed the regular expression echo ($this->errmsgs)?"<pre>Invalid WHERE clause," .$this->_reg_where." does not match ".$db_where."":""; return false; } /* Sets important stuff if it's a where clause (see _fix_sql function) */ $db_where=$this->_fix_sql("WHERE",$db_where); /**** Start the MySQL query ****/ if (($this->_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_table.$db_where.$db_order.$db_limit.";")) === FALSE) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } /* Fetch the array from the database */ for ($i=0;$row=mysql_fetch_array($this->_link,MYSQL_ASSOC);$i++) { foreach($row as $key => $value) $result[$i][$key]=$value; //Return a nice array with field values } if (count($result) > 1) //Is a multi dim array really needed? $this->result=$result; //Store result and return true elseif (empty($i)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?"<pre>SQL query: <b>" //If nothing was found in the DB .$select_clause."</b>"." returned false.":""; return false; }else $this->result=$result[0]; return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: insert Purpose: put an array of data into a respected table Input: Supply an ordered quoted rows and cols group matching in size, a closer look of the syntax follows: `field1`,`field2`,`field3` etc.. or ' this follows for the first 2 arguments $DB_TABLE is optional Output: returns true if ok and false if not if false, $this->error will be filled \*======================================================================*/ function insert($db_cols,$db_rows,$db_table="") { /* Make sure the connection is still live */ if (!$this->_connect(true)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } /**** Error checking ****/ $db_table=(!empty($db_table))?$db_table:$this->db_table; //Make sure an argument was supplied $this->db_table=$db_table; //Store it if (empty($db_rows) || empty($db_cols)) //If no argument supplied, die with error { echo ($this->errmsgs)?"Missing arguments in function " ."<b>insert</b>.":""; //Show error and return false return false; } $db_rows_arr=$this->_break($db_rows); //Send arguments over to _break function $db_cols_arr=$this->_break($db_cols); //so it is safely in an array if (!$db_rows_arr || !$db_cols_arr) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } if (count($db_rows_arr) != count($db_cols_arr)) //Make sure they have the { //same number of elements echo ($this->errmsgs)?"Arrays do not match in size. " ."<br />\n<br />\n<b>".$db_rows ."</b><br />^ Has ".count($db_rows)." elements, while:" //Show error and return false ."<br />\n".$db_rows."<br />\n^ Has only " .count($db_rows)."\n":""; return false; } if (!$this->_field_exists($db_cols_arr)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?"The provided fields were not " ."found in the database.":""; return false; } /* Reassemble the arrays into strings following the proper MySQL syntax */ for ($j=0;$j<=1;$j++): //Tells which variable the loop is on unset(${(empty($j))?"db_cols":"db_rows"}); for ($i=0;$i<count($db_cols_arr);$i++): //Pretty hard to explain code $c=(empty($j))?$db_cols_arr:$db_rows_arr; //Basicly just reassembles the array $q=(empty($j))?"`":"'"; //into proper MySQL syntax $n=($i==0)?$q.$c[$i].$q.",":(($i==count($c)-1)?$q.$c[$i].$q:$q.$c[$i].$q.","); ${(empty($j))?"db_cols":"db_rows"}.=$n; //Reassign to the right variable endfor; endfor; /**** Start the Query ****/ if ($this->_query("INSERT INTO `".$db_table."` (".$db_cols.") VALUES (".$db_rows.");")===false) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: update Purpose: update content in a database Input: Arguments are as follows: $DB_FIELD - Field being modified $DB_VALUE - New value of field $DB_TABLE - [optional] $DB_WHERE - [optional] $DB_LIMIT - [optional] (Default blank) Output: returns true if ok and false if not if false, $this->error will be filled \*======================================================================*/ function update($db_field,$db_value,$db_table="",$db_where="",$db_limit="") { /* Make sure the connection is still live */ if (!$this->_connect(true)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } /**** Error Check ****/ $db_table=(!empty($db_table))?$db_table:$this->db_table; //Make sure an argument was supplied $this->db_table=$db_table; //Store it if (empty($db_field) || empty($db_value)) //If no argument supplied, die with error { echo ($this->errmsgs)?"Missing arguments in function " ."<b>update</b>.":""; //Show error and return false return false; } $db_value=eregi_replace("'","\'",$db_value); //Escape small quotes due to sql syntax $db_limit=$this->_fix_sql("LIMIT",$db_limit); //Add correct mysql syntax to beginning if (!eregi($this->_reg_where,$db_where)) //Check to see if the where clause { //followed the regular expression echo ($this->errmsgs)?"<pre>Invalid WHERE clause," .$this->_reg_where." does not match ".$db_where."":""; return false; } /* Sets important stuff if it's a where clause */ $db_where=$this->_fix_sql("WHERE",$db_where); /**** Start the Query ****/ if ($this->_query("UPDATE `".$db_table."` SET `".$db_field."`='".$db_value."'".$db_where.$db_limit.";")===false) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: delete Purpose: delete a row in a database Input: Arguments are as follows: $DB_WHERE $DB_TABLE - [optional] $DB_ORDER - [optional] $DB_LIMIT - [optional] (Default blank) Output: returns true if ok and false if not if false, $this->error will be filled \*======================================================================*/ function delete($db_where,$db_table="",$db_order="",$db_limit="") { /* Make sure the connection is still live */ if (!$this->_connect(true)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } /**** Error Checking ****/ if(empty($db_where)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?"Missing argument <i>db_where</i> in function " ."<b>delete</b>.":""; //Show error and return false return false; } $db_table=(empty($db_table))?$this->db_table:$db_table; //check to see if db talbe exists in args $this->db_table=$db_table; for($j=0;$j<2;$j++): //Add correct mysql syntax to beginning $a=($j)?"db_order":"db_limit"; //for the order and limit arguments $b=($j)?"ORDER BY":"LIMIT"; $$a=(empty($$a))?"":$this->_fix_sql($b,$$a); endfor; if (!eregi($this->_reg_where,$db_where)) //Check to see if the where clause { //followed the regular expression echo ($this->errmsgs)?"<pre>Invalid WHERE clause," .$this->_reg_where." does not match ".$db_where."":""; return false; } /* Sets important stuff if it's a where clause */ $db_where=$this->_fix_sql("WHERE",$db_where); /**** Start the Query ****/ $msg="<table>" //fill out debug message ."<tr><td width=250>\$db_where:</td><td>$db_where</td></tr>" ."<tr><td width=250>\$db_table:</td><td>$db_table</td></tr>" ."<tr><td width=250>\$db_order:</td><td>$db_order</td></tr>" ."<tr><td width=250>\$db_limit:</td><td>$db_limit</td></tr>" ."</table>"; if ($this->_query("DELETE FROM `".$db_table."`".$db_where.$db_order.$db_limit.";")===false) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; $this->_print_debug("delete",$msg,false); return false; } $this->_print_debug("delete",$msg,true); //call debug function return true; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: num_rows Purpose: return an integer of the number of rows in a query. If no arguments are provided, this function will return the num_rows of the last query Input: Arguments are as follows: $DB_TABLE - [optional] $DB_WHERE - [optional] $DB_ORDER - [optional] $DB_LIMIT - [optional] (Default blank) Output: return an integer of the number of rows in a query. \*======================================================================*/ function num_rows($db_table="",$db_where="",$db_order="",$db_limit="") { /* Make sure the connection is still live */ if (!$this->_connect(true)) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; return false; } $args[]=$db_table; //put arguments into an array $args[]=$db_where; $args[]=$db_order; $args[]=$db_limit; $keep=false; for($i=0;$i<count($args);$i++): //go through each to see if it's set if(!empty($args[$i])): $keep=true; break; //if it is then set keep to true endif; endfor; if(!$keep) //if no arguments, go ahead and get return @mysql_num_rows($this->_select_link); //num_rows from last query /**** Error Checking ****/ $db_table=(empty($db_table))?$this->db_table:$db_table; //check to see if db talbe exists in args $this->db_table=$db_table; for($j=0;$j<2;$j++): //Add correct mysql syntax to beginning $a=($j)?"db_order":"db_limit"; //for the order and limit arguments $b=($j)?"ORDER BY":"LIMIT"; $$a=(empty($$a))?"":$this->_fix_sql($b,$$a); endfor; if (!eregi($this->_reg_where,$db_where)) //Check to see if the where clause { //followed the regular expression echo ($this->errmsgs)?"<pre>Invalid WHERE clause," .$this->_reg_where." does not match ".$db_where."":""; return false; } /* Sets important stuff if it's a where clause */ $db_where=$this->_fix_sql("WHERE",$db_where); /**** Start the Query ****/ $msg.="<table>"; //for debugging, print if arguments present $msg.=(!empty($db_where))?"<tr><td width=250>\$db_where:</td><td>$db_where</td></tr>":""; $msg.=(!empty($db_table))?"<tr><td width=250>\$db_table:</td><td>$db_table</td></tr>":""; $msg.=(!empty($db_order))?"<tr><td width=250>\$db_order:</td><td>$db_order</td></tr>":""; $msg.=(!empty($db_limit))?"<tr><td width=250>\$db_limit:</td><td>$db_limit</td></tr>":""; $msg.="</table>";; /* send query and store into _select_link */ if (($this->_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_table.$db_where.$db_order.$db_limit.";",true)) === FALSE) { echo ($this->errmsgs)?$this->error:""; $this->_print_debug("num_rows",$msg,false); return false; } $return=mysql_num_rows($this->_select_link); //get the resource for num_rows function $this->_print_debug("num_rows",$msg,$return); return $return; //return int } /*======================================================================*\ Private functions \*======================================================================*/ /*======================================================================*\ Function: _connect Purpose: connect to the server provided function will return false if failed and the $error variable will be set Input: $close - optional arg defaulted to false if true, it will reconnect to the server Output: returns true if ok and sets $_connected to true returns false if failed and sets $error \*======================================================================*/ function _connect($reopen=true) { if($this->_connected) { //Incase we're connected, if($reopen) : //close the connection if true @mysql_close($this->_link); //(@ excludes warnings) $this->_connected=false; //false it return $this->_connect(); //reopen it else: return true; endif; }else { /* Open the mysql_connect resource and put to $this->_link, if errors, echo errors */ if (($this->_link=mysql_connect($this->db_server,$this->db_username,$this->db_password)) === false) { $this->error="<pre>Could not connect to server \"" .$this->db_server."\". \nMySQL Says: <b>" //Echo the error found .mysql_error()."</b>\n\n"; $this->_connected=false; return false; } /* Select the database, on error echo it */ if (!mysql_select_db($this->db_name,$this->_link)) { $this->error="<pre>Could not select database \"" .$this->db_name."\". \nMySQL Says: <b>" //Echo the error found .mysql_error()."</b>\n\n"; $this->_connected=false; return false; } $this->_connected=true; //set all to true and continue return true; } } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _query Purpose: Sends the MySQL query and returns result. Main function is to take care of the error messages and reduce the amount of code. Input: $clause - The query string $select - [optional] True if the query is for _select_link only Output: returns status of the query \*======================================================================*/ function _query($clause,$select=false) { $msg="<table>" ."<tr><td width=250>\$clause:</td><td>$clause</td></tr>" ."</table>"; if (($this->{($select)?"_select_link":"_link"}=mysql_query($clause)) === false) { $this->error="<pre>There was an error executing " ."the following query: \"".$clause."" //If there was an error, echo what ."\"\n\nMySQL says: " //the error string was ."<b>".mysql_error()."</b>"; $this->_print_debug("_query",$msg,false); return false; } //Hand down the last select query $this->_select_link=(eregi("^SELECT",$clause))?$this->_link:$this->_select_link; //(for num_rows use) $this->_print_debug("_query",$msg,true); return true; //Should be a successful entry } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _kill Purpose: kill all connections to the sql server \*======================================================================*/ function _kill() { $this->_link=NULL; @mysql_close(); $this->_connected=false; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _field_exists Purpose: This function will search the table and return true if the field was found, false if not Input: $db_field - field name to find in table this can be an array $db_table - optional arg, if not set then it will default to the currently selected table Output: returns true if found, false if not \*======================================================================*/ function _field_exists($db_field,$db_table="") { /* Make sure the connection is still live */ if (!$this->_connect(false)) return false; /* Error checking */ if (empty($db_field)) //Make sure field isn't blank { $this->error="No argument supplied for function _field_exists."; return false; } $db_table=($db_table!="")?$db_table:$this->db_table; //Make sure an argument was supplied $this->db_table=$db_table; //Store it if (($list_fields=mysql_list_fields($this->db_name,$db_table)) === false) { $this->error="There was an error listing the fields in: ".$this->db_name.".".$db_table.""; return false; } if (is_array($db_field)) { $num_found=0; foreach($db_field as $field) : for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($list_fields);$i++) : if($field==mysql_field_name($list_fields,$i)) : $num_found++; //if found add 1 to num_fields break; endif; endfor; endforeach; return ($num_found == count($db_field))?true:false; //make sure all were found }else{ for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($list_fields);$i++) { if($db_field==mysql_field_name($list_fields,$i)) return true; //return if found } return false; } } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _break Purpose: This function will break down a string with the regular expression provided and store it's contents in an array and return the array if the string is not valid, it will return false. The string format follows: 'var1','var2','etc..' Input: $string - the string you wish to break down Output: returns an array of the borken down string returns false if something went wrong \*======================================================================*/ function _break($string) { /* Error Check */ if (empty($string)) { $this->error="No argument supplied for function _break."; return false; } /* Regular Expressions */ $bufstr=$string; //Keep the orginal value of $string do //run once, keep going untill { //the string is empty $return[]=preg_replace($this->_reg_break,"\$3",$bufstr); $bufstr="'".preg_replace($this->_reg_break,"\$8",$bufstr); }while (preg_match($this->_reg_break,$bufstr)); if ((count($return)==1) && empty($return[0])) { $this->error="The supplied argument <b>" .$string."</b> did not match pearl regular " //if for some reason the array ."expression <b>".$this->_reg_break."</b>"; //has only 1 element with no value return false; //then something went wrong with } //the string $msg="<table>" ."<tr><td width=250>\$string:</td><td>$string</td></tr>" //fill the debug string ."</table>"; $this->_print_debug("_break",$msg,$return); return $return; } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _fix_sql Purpose: Simple function that fixes the SQL syntax for many clauses such as WHERE and ORDER BY Input: $type - ie WHERE, ORDER BY $clause - the whole string Output: returns the correct syntax string for the type \*======================================================================*/ function _fix_sql($type, $clause) { if(empty($clause)):return ""; endif; //if clause is empty, no need to resume $type=trim(strtoupper($type)); $return=(!empty($clause))?(!eregi("^".$type,$clause))?" ".$type." ".$clause."":" ".$clause."":""; $msg="<table>" //fill debug string ."<tr><td width=250>\$type:</td><td>$type</td></tr>" ."<tr><td width=250>\$clause:</td><td>$clause</td></tr>" ."</table>"; $this->_print_debug("_fix_sql",$msg,$return); return $return; //return the fixed results } /*======================================================================*\ Function: _print_debug Purpose: Just prints the debug results in a nice easy-to-read HTML format \*======================================================================*/ function _print_debug($function="",$args="",$return="") { $msg="<br /><br /><hr><h4>".$function."</h4>" //put into HTML ."<h5>Arguments</h5>\n<pre>".$args ."\n</pre><h5>Return</h5><pre>" .$return."</pre><hr><br /><br />"; echo($this->debug)?$msg:""; //echo debug message if debugging enabled } } //End SimpleSQL class ?>