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File: example.php

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  Classes of Paul Williamson   Simple SQL   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: examples on how to use this class
Class: Simple SQL
MySQL wrapper to shortcut common tasks execution
Author: By
Last change: content
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 2,213 bytes



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$mysql=new SimpleSQL("test_db"); // most of the connection vars are in the class file
                        // you CAN provide the connection vars, but they are optional
                        // view class file for more info

$mysql->db_table="content"; // assign "content" to the active table
$mysql->debug=true; // enable debug mode (prints out the class file's every move)

The following code assumes your database
is set up like this:
database name: test_db
table name: content
fields: location,content (both type text)

// insert stuff into the database
$mysql->insert("'location','content'","'home','$stuff'","content"); // ("content" is really optional,
                                    // the script already has it stored
                                    // in a public variable (view up top)
                                    // insert function works like this:
                                    // first argument are the fields
                                    // second arguemnt is the data
                                    // third and on are optional (see comments in class file)

$mysql->get_content("content","WHERE location='home'");
"Number of Rows: ".$mysql->num_rows();
print_r($mysql->result); // this will be an array
// optional arguments [db_table],[db_order],[db_limit] for delete
$mysql->delete("WHERE location='home'","","",1); // delete rows and limit to 1

for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) // loop and insert
$mysql->insert("'location','content'","'services','im on the services page'");
// another example of insert function
$mysql->get_content("","WHERE location='services'");
print_r($mysql->result); // this will be an array
// update arguments are: field, newdata, table_name, where, limit
$mysql->update("content","im a newer version of home content","","WHERE location='home'");
// example of the update function

"Number of Rows: ".$mysql->num_rows();
print_r($mysql->result); // this will be an array

$mysql->error; // echo errors if any were filled out
