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File: README.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: details about this class with 9 discriptive examples
Class: Simple SQL
MySQL wrapper to shortcut common tasks execution
Author: By
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Date: 20 years ago
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SYNOPSIS: This class is meant to shortcut common MySQL database access tasks. DESCRIPTION: Simple SQL provides functions to retrieve single fields or rows of a table, insert rows given arrays of column names and values, update single fields of a given table row, delete given table rows and many other common needs. ADVANTAGES: - This PHP class file will eliminate nearly all code from the built in std mysql PHP functions. - Speed, it will dramatically decrease development and execution time. - Extremely easy to use; one hardly has to understand the MySQL syntax. - It automatically determines whether or not there is an open connection to the MySQL server. It will connect and reconnect automatically. - The built in debugging functions make it easy to solve syntax error and logic error. - Supports arrays for arguments and returns ASSOC arrays from the DB with indexes. - Stores resource links and common variables such as the last table used. USE: Simply include the file at the top of any script you wish to use it on. This class is highly customizeable. EXAMPLES: --- Example 1 ----------------------------- (Shows how little line of code is required to simply grab content from a table without using ANY mysql syntax) <? include('SimpleSQL.class.php'); $db=new SimpleSQL("test_db","localhost","root",""); //Select all rows and coloumns of data from table 'tablename' and put into array $db->get_content("tablename"); print_r($db->result); //echo one cell from the result echo $db->result[4]["active"]; --- Example 2 ----------------------------- (grab one row from a table) //Get one row from the table "tablename" (note argument for table can be empty because script stores last table used into a public variable) $db->get_content("","WHERE location='home' AND active='1'"); print_r($db->result); //echo the `content` (example) from the result echo $db->result["content"]; --- Example 3 ----------------------------- (shows how to order your results and to limit by 5 //Get all rows where active is =0, order by id DESC, limit to 5 $db->get_content("","WHERE active='0'","id DESC",5); print_r($db->result); --- Example 4 ----------------------------- (shows how simple it is to change the public variables in the script) //Switch on debugging mode $db->debug=true; //Switch on error messaging $db->errmsgs=true; //Switch to another DB and change username and password $db->db_name="AnotherDatabase"; $db->db_username="username"; $db->db_password="password"; --- Example 5 ----------------------------- (insert data into given fields) //insert data into a database, first list the fields, then the data, use this format: 'filed1','field2','field3' $db->insert("'field1','field2','field3'","'data for field 1','data for field 2','data for field 3'"); //echo errors if any found echo $db->error; --- Example 6 ----------------------------- (update data in any given field) //Following queries: "UPDATE `new_table` SET `field1`='new data here' WHERE id='34' LIMIT 1;" $db->update("field1","new value","new_table","WHERE id='34'",1); --- Example 7 ----------------------------- (delete data) //Following queries: "DELETE FROM `new_table` WHERE active='0' LIMIT 5;" //(note: how the following exempts the 2nd argument which is the table name, table names are stored from the last query) //The third argument is the ORDER BY clause, may be omitted $db->delete("WHERE active='0'","","",5); --- Example 8 ----------------------------- (list the number of rows from last query OR new select statment) //calling the num_rows function will RETURN the integer and not STORE the results into the result public variable //Following code will return the number of rows from the last SELECT statment, if there was no last SELECT statment then it will return NULL $num_rows=$db->num_rows(); //Following exemplifies: mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `new_table` WHERE active='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4;")) $num_rows=$db->num_rows("new_table","WHERE active='1'","id DESC", 4); --- Example 9 ----------------------------- (if there is a need to send your own query then call the private function itself) //A long complicated query, the resourse is stored in $db->_link and if any errors are stored in $db->error $db->_query("CREATE TABLE `new_table` ( `id` INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `active` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE = MYISAM;");