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  Classes of Haseeb Ahmad Basil   PHP Skeleton Framework   A/RELEASE   Download  
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Class: PHP Skeleton Framework
Extensive Web application development framework
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Version 0.9.2 (commits 1370-1422) - r1421 A_Controller_Mapper - deal with route object that implment ArrayAccess - r1420 A_Controller_Front - check and collect errors from A_Locator::loadClass() - r1419 A_Controller_Helper_Load - allow _load() to use full and route style paths - r1418 A_Config - misc updated - r1417 A_Cart_Payment_Payflow - add isset checks - r1416 A_Sql_Insert - remove unused var - r1415 A_Model_Helper_Load - change to extend A_Controller_Helper_Load - r1414 A_Locator - make errorMsg an array - r1380 A_Http modified response to be able to send redirect relative to root or current location - r1381 A_Locator - use stream_resolve_include_path() instead of file_exists() to improve autoload() - r1382 A_Locator - optimized class file loading - r1383 A_Locator - added @todo comments - r1384 documentation - Changed all URLs to have the sub-directory Added a index html that allows standalone usage Still need to decide on the URL format and whether to use Ajax or not - r1385 documentation - fixed Introduction and Installation links - r1386 A_Rule Added rule for reCAPTCHA CAPTCHA service - r1387 A_Controller_Helper_Load - Added ability of _load() helper to pass multiple parameters to constructor of the class loaded So $this->_load()->model('User', $foo, $bar, $baz); can be used for class UserModel { public function __construct($foo, $bar, $baz) } No param still passed the $Locator object - r1388 A_Sql_Prepare - added auto-prefixing of ' ' on param keys so you can pass a row array and the 's will be automatically added So array('foo'->1, 'bar'=>2) will work correctly with "WHERE foo=' foo' AND bar=' bar'" Update unit test PrepareTest php - r1389 A_Html_* - refactored code so base A_Html_Tag class does not merge constructor and parameter args by default This simplifies unsetting temp attributes not to be rendered Updated tests - r1390 A_Model_Form - moved code from isValid() that checked if submitted into isSubmitted() Now isValid() calls isSubmitted() isSubmitted() can now take a request object and be called before isValid() Updated tests - r1391 Change name - r1392 Update to hash function Blog example - r1393 A_Sql_Expression - change quoting check from just (is_numeric()) to (is_numeric() && !is_string()) - r1394 Some cleanup on blog example user classes - r1395 A_Html_Tag - check that tag option name and value are is_scalar() - r1396 A_Db_Recordset_Mysqli - changed num_rows() and field_count() to properties num_rows and field_count - r1397 A_Db_Mysqli - Added support for native mysqlistmt prepared statements A better implementation will probably fall out after doing the same for PDO - r1398 A_Exception - add 2nd code parameter to exception class - r1399 A_Locator - add support for exceptions on errors and add get error methods - r1400 A_Config_Base - add support for config array to constructor - r1401 A_User_Prefilter_Loggedin - new prefilter that checks only if logged-in - r1402 tests - change menu php to index php so you can browse to directory - r1403 Updates to blog example password reset functionality - r1404 Added database table prefix blog_ to blog example - r1405 Removed implements A_Renderer because the parameter list for render() was different causing E_STRICT errors - r1406 A_Log - first commit of PSR-3 and A_Logger compatible logging classes - r1407 A_Log - unit tests - r1408 A_Db_Adapter - remove comment - r1409 A_Datetime_Range - fixed toArray() - r1410 A_Db_Pdo - added support for PDO prepared statements Updated tests - r1411 A_Pagination_Helper_Url - simplified default, setBase() and parameter base URLs Updated test - r1412 A_Pagination - Allow process() to use request object, array, or default to internally use $_REQUEST Remove A_Renderer because params don't match Update examples - r1413 A_Rule_Base - added isset() check Version 0.9.1 (commits 1342-1369) - A_Controller_Helper_Load - made setDir() public - A_Db_Pdo - fixed escape() to strip quotes from PDO::quote() - Updates to blog example user registration process - A_Http_View - simplified and improved partial code to add escaping - A_Http_Download - support for attachment type, etc. - A_Http_View - added new set value escaping scheme. - Filter: fixed bug in Length filter - A_Locator - moved class_exists() check to after the class name is fixed-up. - A_Session - change to directly access $_SESSION. - A_Model_Form - changed call to old deleted processRequest() method to isValid() - A_Collection - Added addAll method - Added functionality to SQL library to add a ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement to an INSERT statement. Tests created. - A_User_Session - fix logout() - A_Http_Upload - added clearDeniedMimes() to match test. - A_Db_Pdo - remove old multi code Version 0.9.0 (commits 842-1341) - Changes to database classes: some interfaces changes, now auto-connects, result object has new functionality - A_Email::send() now return success true|false instead of error message. Version 0.8.0 (commits 617-841) - Converted framework to autoload Version 0.7.3 (commits 447-616) Version 0.7.2 (commits 315-446) Version 0.7.1 (commits -311) Version 0.6.3