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File: examples/locator/example_DI.php

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File: examples/locator/example_DI.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Skeleton Framework
Extensive Web application development framework
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Date: 8 years ago
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#include_once 'A/Locator.php';

// classes for use demonstrating DI functionality of A_Locator
class Config {
$data = array();
    public function
set($name, $value) {
$this->data[$name] = $value;
    public function
get($name) {
        return isset(
$this->data[$name]) ? $this->data[$name] : null;

BaseModel {
$data = array();
    public function
__construct($db=null) {
"CALL FUNCTION __construct()<br/>\n";
$this->db = $db;
    public function
set($name, $value) {
"CALL FUNCTION set($name)<br/>\n";
$this->data[$name] = $value;
    public function
setDb($db=null) {
"CALL FUNCTION setDb()<br/>\n";
$this->db = $db;

FooModel extends BaseModel {}

BarModel extends BaseModel {}

// create a config object to show how injected data can come from a registered container
$ConfigObj = new Config();
$ConfigObj->set('db', $config['db']);

// create Locator which is Registry + Loader + DI
$locator = new A_Locator();
$locator->set('Config', $ConfigObj);

// register dependency for database connector to inject config array into contructor
// future calls to $locator->get('', 'A_Db_Pdo') will pass array to constructor when instantiating
'A_Db_Pdo' => array(
// directly inject array of data
# '__construct' => array($config['db']),
            // get data to inject from registered container: $locator->get('Config')->get('db')
'__construct' => array(array('A_Locator'=>'container', 'name'=>'Config', 'class'=>'', 'key'=>'db')),

// register dependencies for classes that will have A_Db_Pdo object injected
// Note that A_Db_Pdo object is put in Registry with name 'DB' so later call will just get object from Registry
'BaseModel' => array( // constructor injection and setter injection of string
'__construct' => array(array('A_Locator'=>'get', 'name'=>'DB', 'class'=>'A_Db_Pdo')),
'set' => array('base', 'Data injected into set(base, )'),
'FooModel' => array( // constructor injection and setter injection of string
'__construct' => array(array('A_Locator'=>'get', 'name'=>'DB', 'class'=>'A_Db_Pdo')),
'BarModel' => array( // setter injection
'set' => array('bar', 'Data injected into set(bar, )'),
'setDb' => array(array('A_Locator'=>'get', 'name'=>'DB', 'class'=>'A_Db_Pdo')),
= $locator->get('', 'FooModel', 'BaseModel');
dump($FooModel, 'FooModel: ');

$BarModel = $locator->get('', 'BarModel');
dump($BarModel, 'BarModel: ');