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File: application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/AwsClientInterface.php

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File: application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/AwsClientInterface.php
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Description: Initial
Class: Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager
Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3
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namespace Aws;


 * Represents an AWS client.
interface AwsClientInterface
     * Creates and executes a command for an operation by name.
     * Suffixing an operation name with "Async" will return a
     * promise that can be used to execute commands asynchronously.
     * @param string $name Name of the command to execute.
     * @param array $arguments Arguments to pass to the getCommand method.
     * @return ResultInterface
     * @throws \Exception
public function __call($name, array $arguments);

     * Create a command for an operation name.
     * Special keys may be set on the command to control how it behaves,
     * including:
     * - @http: Associative array of transfer specific options to apply to the
     * request that is serialized for this command. Available keys include
     * "proxy", "verify", "timeout", "connect_timeout", "debug", "delay", and
     * "headers".
     * @param string $name Name of the operation to use in the command
     * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the command
     * @return CommandInterface
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if no command can be found by name
public function getCommand($name, array $args = []);

     * Execute a single command.
     * @param CommandInterface $command Command to execute
     * @return ResultInterface
     * @throws \Exception
public function execute(CommandInterface $command);

     * Execute a command asynchronously.
     * @param CommandInterface $command Command to execute
     * @return \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface
public function executeAsync(CommandInterface $command);

     * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an
     * {@see \Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface} object.
     * If you need the credentials synchronously, then call the wait() method
     * on the returned promise.
     * @return PromiseInterface
public function getCredentials();

     * Get the region to which the client is configured to send requests.
     * @return string
public function getRegion();

     * Gets the default endpoint, or base URL, used by the client.
     * @return UriInterface
public function getEndpoint();

     * Get the service description associated with the client.
     * @return \Aws\Api\Service
public function getApi();

     * Get a client configuration value.
     * @param string|null $option The option to retrieve. Pass null to retrieve
     * all options.
     * @return mixed|null
public function getConfig($option = null);

     * Get the handler list used to transfer commands.
     * This list can be modified to add middleware or to change the underlying
     * handler used to send HTTP requests.
     * @return HandlerList
public function getHandlerList();

     * Get a resource iterator for the specified operation.
     * @param string $name Name of the iterator to retrieve.
     * @param array $args Command arguments to use with each command.
     * @return \Iterator
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the iterator config is invalid.
public function getIterator($name, array $args = []);

     * Get a result paginator for the specified operation.
     * @param string $name Name of the operation used for iterator
     * @param array $args Command args to be used with each command
     * @return \Aws\ResultPaginator
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the iterator config is invalid.
public function getPaginator($name, array $args = []);

     * Wait until a resource is in a particular state.
     * @param string|callable $name Name of the waiter that defines the wait
     * configuration and conditions.
     * @param array $args Args to be used with each command executed
     * by the waiter. Waiter configuration options
     * can be provided in an associative array in
     * the @waiter key.
     * @return void
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the waiter is invalid.
public function waitUntil($name, array $args = []);

     * Get a waiter that waits until a resource is in a particular state.
     * Retrieving a waiter can be useful when you wish to wait asynchronously:
     * $waiter = $client->getWaiter('foo', ['bar' => 'baz']);
     * $waiter->promise()->then(function () { echo 'Done!'; });
     * @param string|callable $name Name of the waiter that defines the wait
     * configuration and conditions.
     * @param array $args Args to be used with each command executed
     * by the waiter. Waiter configuration options
     * can be provided in an associative array in
     * the @waiter key.
     * @return \Aws\Waiter
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the waiter is invalid.
public function getWaiter($name, array $args = []);