PHP Classes

File: translations/en/errors.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Jaxon   translations/en/errors.php   Download  
File: translations/en/errors.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Jaxon
Call PHP classes from JavaScript using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Added translations.
Now using DI container to register functions.
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,123 bytes


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return [
'errors' => [
'debug' => [
'ts-message' => "** Jaxon Error Log - :timestamp ** :message \n",
'write-log' => "Jaxon was unable to write to the error log file: :file",
'message' => "PHP Error Messages: :message",
'response' => [
'result.invalid' => "An invalid response was returned while processing this request.",
'data.invalid' => "The Jaxon response object could not load commands as the data provided was not valid.",
// A afficher lorsque l'exception DetectUri est lancée.
'uri' => [
'detect' => [
'message' => "Jaxon failed to automatically identify your Request URI.",
'advice' => "Please set the Request URI explicitly when you instantiate the Jaxon object.",
'request' => [
'conversion' => "The incoming Jaxon data could not be converted from UTF-8.",
'mismatch' => [
'content-types' => "Cannot mix content types in a single response: :type",
'encodings' => "Cannot mix character encodings in a single response: :encoding",
'entities' => "Cannot mix output entities (true/false) in a single response: :entities",
'types' => "Cannot mix response types while processing a single request: :class",
'events' => [
'invalid' => "Invalid event request received; no event was registered with the name :name.",
'functions' => [
'invalid' => "Invalid function request received; no request processor found with the name :name.",
'invalid-declaration' => "Invalid function declaration.",
'objects' => [
'invalid' => "Invalid object request received; no object :class or method :method found.",
'instance' => "To register a callable object, please provide an instance of the desired class.",
'invalid-declaration' => "Invalid object declaration.",
'register' => [
'plugin' => "No plugin with name :name to register a callable class or function.",
'method' => "Failed to locate registration method for the following: :args",
'invalid' => "Attempt to register invalid plugin: :name; " .
"should be derived from Jaxon\\Plugin\\Request or Jaxon\\Plugin\\Response.",
'component' => [
'load' => "The :name javascript component could not be included. Perhaps the URL is incorrect?\\nURL: :url",
'output' => [
'already-sent' => "Output has already been sent to the browser at :location.",
'advice' => "Please make sure the command \$jaxon->processRequest() is placed before this.",
'magic' => [
'get' => "Trying to read unknown property :name with magic property __get at line :line in file :file.",
'set' => "Trying to write unknown property :name with magic property __set at line :line in file :file.",