* Subject: XSLT class using PHP4 Sablotron extension
* Author: Urs Gehrig <
[email protected]>
* Date: 11-10-2000
* Version: 0.1
* URL: http://www.circle.ch/projects/
class xsl_transform {
var $xsl_file;
var $xml_file;
var $filename;
// {{{ xsl_transform(), constructor of xsl_transform class
function xsl_transform($xsl_file = '', $xml_file = ''){
$this->xsl_string = $this->read_file($xsl_file);
$this->xml_string = $this->read_file($xml_file);
// }}}
// {{{ read_file()
function read_file($filename) {
// get contents of a file into a string
$fd = fopen( $filename, "r" );
$content = fread( $fd, filesize( $filename ) );
fclose( $fd );
return $content;
// }}}
// {{{ apply()
function apply() {
$this->result = '';
$this->msg = xslt_process($this->xsl_string, $this->xml_string, $this->result);
if(!$this->msg) print ("Transformation failed.");
return $this->result;
// }}}