Mihailob - 2014-02-06 18:29:03 -
In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Well, I don't know... Till now I guarded myself from using PHP frameworks because of the "all you don't need" inside, many of them are pretty much stuffed with lot of things I will never use and also found that often they are over-complicated. So I used my own kind of framework structure to put simple things working simply (and I refer from time to time to PHPClasses :) )
As for the Laravel, I'm not high-end PHP specialist, but it seems to me that it is for PHP development what Jquery came to be for Javascript. And I like that. So I give it a try. Note that the creator of Laravel used to be a .net developper and he acquainted with php since its 5.3 version, which is intriguing enough for me.
Otherwhise, as Rasmus said, if have to use a pre-made - Wordpress or Drupal (I and find also that Drupal is too much complicated, at least till version 7)